An Analysis of Funeral Rituals and Their Culture in Duchang County, Jiangxi Province
Abstract:As one of the subordinate counties of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, Duchang County’s funeral culture is a unique and rich cultural phenomenon. Among them, funeral customs in Duchang oc-cupy an important position among local people. In the process of burial, many funeral rituals with local characteristics spread, such as “sending letters, participating in evil spirits, Mai Shui, doing night fasting, San Hua, inviting spirits, Guan Shan, shaming spirits”, etc. These funeral rituals are not only a part of the spiritual life of people in Duchang. It also reflects the local people’s customs, values, cultural inheritance and cultural deposits. This paper will introduce the traditional funeral customs in Duchang before the rural funeral culture reform, and discuss its cultural connotation, hoping that in the process of continuing to promote the rural funeral reform, the local government can better carry out the reform of rural funeral, and the cultural value behind it should be considered when dealing with the survival and management of rural funeral rites.
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