The Exploration of Protection on Nanhaizi Milu Park
DOI:10.12677/ojswc.2013.11004,PDF,HTML,被引量下载: 3,003浏览: 9,148科研立项经费支持
作者:朱明淏,杨 峥,程志斌:北京麋鹿生态实验中心,北京
关键词:南海子麋鹿苑湿地保护生物多样性Nanhaizi Milu Park; Wetland Protection; Biodiversity
Abstract:David’s Deer (Elaphuru davidianus) is the national first class protected species bred in Nanhaizi located on south of Beijing. Nanhaizi Milu Park is a wetland that is famous for its releasing of semi-free David’s Deer, and that attracts a wide spread attention. The author collected the historical document of the park and investigated the wetland. According to these facts and evidences, the paper analysed the problems of the wetland environment, and offered proposals about the protection of wetland.
文章引用:朱明淏, 杨峥, 程志斌. 麋鹿苑湿地保护初探[J]. 水土保持, 2013, 1(1): 14-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ojswc.2013.11004


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