Status, Problems and Countermeasures of Energy-Saving Assessment for Building Energy-Saving Projects
协议及主要方法,通过总结我国开展建筑节能项目节能量评价存在的问题,提出我国需建立适于我国国情、可操作性强的建筑节能量评价指南,并建立建筑节能项目节能量第三方评价机制、加强评价机构与人员能力建设等措施来推进建筑节能量评价工作。Energy saving assessment has become a key point to promote building energy-saving work with the market mechanism in the context of national energy-saving and emission-reduction efforts in China. This paper first reviews the development courses of energy saving assessment for building energy-saving projects at home and abroad, and then compares the main standards/protocols and measures. Furthermore, it summarizes the existing problems in assessing the building energy saving in China and raises some practical countermeasures to solve these problems, such as compiling operational building energy-saving assessment guidelines based on Chinese condition, building up its third-party assessment mechanism, and strengthening capacity building of assessment body and personnel.
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