


1995年 博士,伦敦大学

1987年 硕士,复旦大学

1984年 学士,复旦大学外文系




  1. 2011, (editor)《走近形式语用学》, Approaching Formal Pragmatics (Edited book, book chapters), 上海教育出版社
  2. 2011, (2nd author)“XP + 的” 结构的名词性及“的”的语义功能,《当代语言学》, 第1期, 49-62 (co-authored with 贺川生) (Journal paper)
  3. 2011, (2nd author)Type-shifting, Chinese hen + N structure, and implications for semantic parameters, Lingua. Vol.121, 890-905 (co-authored with HE, Chuansheng) (Journal paper)
  4. 2010,(1st author)临场概念与隐喻理解 (Ad Hoc Concepts and Metaphor Comprehension),《当代修辞学》, Vol.157, No. 3,1-6 (Co-authored with 袁影) (Journal paper)
  5. 2010,(2nd author)修辞三段论与寓义的语用推导, (Rhetorical syllogism and the pragmatic derivation of implicatures)《外语教学与研究》, Vol.42, No.2,98-104 (Co-authored with 袁影) (Journal paper)
  6. 2009,(2nd author)论“修辞情境”的基本要素及核心成分 -- 兼评比彻尔等“修辞情境”观, (Rhetorical Situation: Fundamental Components and Essential Sub-elements: with a Review on Bitzer, Burke and Vatz)《修辞学习》, Vol.154,1-8 (Co-authored with 袁影) (Journal paper)
  7. 2008,梯级模型与 "都" 的语义刻画(Scalar Model and the Semantic Characterization of “dou”). In 程工, 刘丹青 eds.《汉语的形式与功能研究》(Formal and Functional Studies in Chinese), 北京: 商务印书馆, pp.123-132, ISBN 978-7-100-05952-7. (Book article)
  8. 2008,《关联: 交际与认知》 (当代语言学理论丛书) (Authorized translation of Dan Sperber& Deirdre Wilson (1995) Relevance: Communication and Cognition, Blackwell. 2nd edition), 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 1st Ed, 432,ISBN 978-7-5004-7061-8/H (Book translation)
  9. 2008,关联理论的认知修辞学说 (上). [Relevance theory as Cognitive Rhetoric, I]《修辞学习》, Vol.147,No. 3, 1-9(Journal paper)
  10. 2008,关联理论的认知修辞学说 (下).[Relevance theory as Cognitive Rhetoric, II]《修辞学习》, Vol.147, No.4, 14-21(Journal paper)
  11. 2007,《上海风情话》, [Glamorous Shanghainese], 香港理工大学, 香港电台联合出版 [Co-authored with 石定栩] (Textbook)
  12. 2005,形式语用学与显义学说---兼谈显谓与汉语配价研究的关系 (Formal Pragmatics and Explicature Theory), 载刘丹青(主编)《语言学前沿与汉语研究》, 上海教育出版社 (Frontiers in Linguistics and Analyses of Chinese Language. Shanghai Education Press), pp.143-170, ISBN 7544404633. (Book chapter)
  13. 2005, (2nd author). Linguistic action verbs and logical prompting in political discourse. In Wolfgang Thiele, Joachim Schwend and Christian Todenhagen (eds.) Political Discourse: Different Media-Different Intentions-New Reflections. StauffenburgVerlag. [Co-authored with Grundy, Peter.] (Book chapter)
  14. 2005,(1st author)《形式语义学引论》, 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 第二版 [Co-authored with 潘海华] (Textbook)
  15. 2002,论语用推理的逻辑属性—形式语用学初探 (On the Logical Nature of Pragmatic Inference-Towards a Formal Theory of Pragmatics),《外国语》, NO.3, 18-29 (Journal paper)
  16. 2001,语言水平测试中理解型试题的语用考察 [Comprehension Questions in Language Proficiency Tests: Some Pragmatic Considerations],《现代外语》,NO.1, 55-64 (Journal paper)
  17. 2001, (2nd author). The bare past as an ideological construction in Hong Kong discourse. In Rene Dirven, Roslyn Frank and Cornelia Ilie (eds.) Language and Ideology, Volume II: Descriptive cognitive approaches. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 117-134. [Co-authored with Grundy, Peter] (Book chapter)
  18. 2001, (2nd author). Ideological ground and relevant interpretation in a cognitive semantics. In Rene Dirven, Bruce Hawkins and EsraSandikcioglu (eds.) Language and Ideology: Vol. 1: Theoretical Cognitive Approaches. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, 107-140. [Co-authored with Grundy, Peter.] (Book chapter)
  19. 2001, Abductive Reasoning as Pragmatic Inference-Towards a Formal Theory of Pragmatics. In Studies in Chinese Linguistics, Volume II, (ed.) Haihua Pan. Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Book Series, 91-115. (Book chapter)
  20. 2000,汉语条件句的违实解释,《语法研究和探索》十, 北京: 商务印书馆,257–279. (Book chapter)
  21. 1998,语用推理与“都”的句法/语义特征 (Pragmatic Inference and the Syntactic/Semantic Characteristics of “dou”),《现代外语》, NO.1,10-24. (Journal paper)
  22. 1997, (1st author). On the Semantic Content of Noun Phrases, in Xu, Liejiong.(1997) The Referential Properties of Chinese Noun Phrases. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, pp. 3-24. [Co-authored with Pan HaihuaandZouChongli] (Book chapter)
