惯性广义Mann-Halpern算法及其应用Inertial Generalized Mann-Halpern Algorithm and Its Application
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应用数学进展Vol.11 No.8, August 29 2022,PDF,,DOI:10.12677/AAM.2022.118641被引量
基于潜伏感染和饱和发生率的HIV感染模型An HIV Infection Model Based on Latent Infection and Saturated Incidence Rate
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预条件下Gauss-Seidel迭代法的收敛性Convergence of Preconditioned Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method
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基于国家专利复方治疗肠易激综合征的用药规律Based on the Medication Rules of National Patent Compound for the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
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