基于博弈论视角的大病保险道德风险问题研究Study on Moral Hazard of Critical Illness Insurance Based on Game Theory
徐凡淳,阎瑞霞下载量: 361浏览量: 1,860
运筹与模糊学Vol.12 No.3, August 15 2022,PDF,HTML,XMLDOI:10.12677/ORF.2022.123103被引量
积极老龄化背景下老年人的生活幸福感影响因素探究——基于中国综合社会调查数据的实证分析Exploring the Factors Affecting the Life Happiness of the Elderly in the Context of Active Aging—Empirical Analysis Based on Data from the China General Social Survey
徐凡淳,阎瑞霞下载量: 361浏览量: 1,113
应用数学进展Vol.11 No.8, August 29 2022,PDF,HTML,XMLDOI:10.12677/AAM.2022.118639被引量