Demonstrate the Feasibility of Programming to Realize Anthropomorphic Intelligence
Abstract:This paper is divided into four parts. The first part proves that the basic structure and function of anthropomorphic intelligence software and the important central structure and function based on the basic structure and function can be realized by programming. The second part discusses how the anthropomorphic intelligence software realizes some crucial functions related to learning on the basis of the structure and functions mentioned above. Based on the structure and function of the first two parts, the third part discusses how to obtain some important thought and behavior patterns through reward and punishment learning and how the thinking of anthropomorphic intel-ligence software will operate. On the basis of basic programming, these three parts comprehensive-ly, clearly and explicitly discuss the relationship between thinking process, purpose, attention dis-tribution, reward and punishment expectation, memory column, attention object and so on. Taking reward and punishment system as the core of the discussion, the fourth part simply discusses the development of anthropomorphic intelligent learning.It is pointed out that anthropomorphic intel-ligence software must have consciousness, emotion, will, personality and so on.
文章引用:程洪文. 对编程实现拟人智能可行性的论证[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2022, 7(1): 1-39. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2022.71006


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