

担任《土木工程》编委,《低碳经济》主编,美国土木工程学会(ASCE) Journal of Management in Engineering (SCI收录)专刊主编,全国百强期刊《建筑经济》、国家一级杂志《施工企业管理》编委,中国电机工程学会主办《农村电气化》《农电管理》编委,Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy、《建设管理国际学报》编委。北京大学图书馆《中文核心期刊要目》学科评审专家,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心学科评估专家;全国监理工程、全国造价工程师执业资格考试教材编写委员会委员。26SCIEI收录国内外学术期刊审稿专家。








  1. Zhao Zhen-Yu; Guo Xiao-Ling; Chang Rui-Dong. Market Concentration and Competitive Intensity of the International Engineering Contracting Industry. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2019, 145(5): 1-13.
  2. Zhen-yu Zhao, Jian Zuo, George Zillante. Transformation of water resource management: a case study of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 163: 136-145.
  3. Zhao Zhen-Yu, Tang Chao, Zhang Xiaoling, Skitmore Martin. Agglomeration and Competitive Position of Contractors in the International Construction Sector, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2017, 143(6):1-9.
  4. Zhao Zhen-Yu, Xu Ke, Zuo Jian, Tang Chao. Developing the International Construction Contracting Market: an Enterprise Niche Approach, Journal of Management in Engineering, 2017, 33(1):1-11.
  5. Zhen-yu Zhao, Rui-dong Chang, George Zillante. Challenges for China’s energy conservation and emission reduction, Energy Policy, 2014, 74(11), 709-713
  6. Jian Zuo, Zhen-Yu Zhao. Green building research — current status and future agenda: a review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 30: 271-281
  7. Zhen-yu Zhao, Jian Zuo, George Zillante. Factors influencing the success of BOT power plant projects in China: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 22: 446-453
  8. Zhen-yu Zhao, Rui-Dong Chang. How to implement a wind power project in China? — Management procedure and model study, Renewable Energy, 2013, 50(2): 950-958
  9. Zhen-Yu Zhao, Xiao-Jing Zhao, Kathryn Davidson, Jian Zuo. A corporate social responsibility indicator system for construction enterprises, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012, 29(7): 277-289
  10. Zhen-Yu Zhao, Jian Zuo, George Zillante, Xiao-Jing Zhao. Foreign architectural and engineering design firms’ competitiveness and strategies in China: a diamond model study, Habitat International, 2012, 36(3): 362-370
  11. Zhen-Yu Zhao, Jian Zuo, George Zillante. Situation and competitiveness of foreign project management consultancy enterprises in China, Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE). 2011, 27(4): 200-209
  12. Zhen-Yu Zhao, Wei-Yang You, Jian Zuo. Application of innovative critical chain method for project planning and control under resource constraints and uncertainty. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2010, 136 ( 9): 1056-1060
  13. Zhen-Yu Zhao, Qian-Lei LV, Jian Zuo, George Zillante. Prediction system for change management in construction project. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (ASCE). 2010, 136 (6): 659-669
  14. Zhen-Yu Zhao, Li-Yin Shen, Jian Zuo. Performance and strategy of Chinese contractors in the international market. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (ASCE), 2009, 135(2): 108-118
  15. Zhen-Yu Zhao, Jian Zuo, George Zillante, Xin-Wei Wang. Critical success factors for BOT electric power projects in China: thermal power versus wind power. Renewable Energy, 2010, 35(6):1283-1291
  16. 赵振宇,于英姿. 国际工程承包企业动态能力指标及重要度分析.华侨大学学报,2018,(3):382-388.
  17. 郭小菱,姚雪,赵振宇. 全球顶级国际工程承包商市场集中度及竞争强度. 土木工程与管理学报,2019, (1):143-149.
