The Poetics Rhythm in Non-Literary Translation
The poetics rhythm includes but is not equivalent to the traditional notion of rhythm. The poetics rhythm, defined as the organization of the movement of speech, embodies the subjectivity and systematicity of language and therefore can be reproduced in translation. In non-literary translation, it’s equally important to pay attention to the poetic rhythm of the translation—both the inherent poetic rhythm of the translation’s language and the poetic rhythm of the original text it reproduces. The article selects typical sentences from non-literary translations to explore the reproduction of rhythm, finding that such reproduction not only achieves a deeper correspondence between the two languages beyond grammar, structure, and lexical meaning, getting closer to the original, but it also elevates the translation to a high-quality, accurate, and fitting rendition. Valuing the poetic rhythm in non-literary translations is essential for a “precise and effective” transfer of information and reflects the translator’s reverence and respect for language.
Non-Literary Translation
亨利·梅肖尼克(Henri Meschonnic)是法国当代著名翻译家和翻译理论家,以节奏思想为核心的翻译诗学理论是梅肖尼克对当代译学的重要贡献。梅肖尼克认为,只要有主体和历史性的创造,一切文体之中皆有诗。诗就是“生活形式对语言形式的转化,同时也是语言形式对生活形式的转化”
译文A:What caused the status anxiety is not the comparison between normal people and Bill Gates but the contrast between oneself and those who he is familiar with, including the change of life and status among peers, students, and colleagues
译文B:What triggers status anxiety //is not the contrast between individual and Bill Gates, //but that among the closest people: //the changed life and status of peers, classmates and colleagues
译文A:Thinking of a rocket launch, people tend to be enchanted by the imposing sight of its rapid rise and its lightning speed. Only a few people, noticing the lifting height of a rocket per meter would admire the immeasurable creativity of human beings and is affected by the wonder of technological progress
译文B:When people follow the path of a rocket //flying high into the sky, //most are fascinated //merely by its velocity and the thunderous sweep. //Only a few see the great creative potential of the human race //and the wonder of scientific advancement //in every meter the rocket gains in height
译文:It is hard to find a bed in public elderly care institutions //in the central city, but there are a large number of vacant beds in private nursing homes //out of town
译文A:Red status: indicates that you meet the conditions of centralized isolation medical observation
译文B:The red code on the Health Kit //indicates //that you need to be quarantined //in a designated facility
译文A中,centralized isolation medical observation有太多重读的词在一起,缺乏节奏。
译文A:Adhere to the policy of independent innovation, key leapfrogging, supporting development, and leading the future, improve the scientific and technological innovation system and supporting policies, and strive to promote major scientific and technological breakthroughs
译文B:Under the principles of //indigenous innovation, leapfrogging in priority fields, enabling development, and leading the future, //we will improve the system and policy for innovation //and facilitate major breakthroughs
译文A:According to the statistics, the reading habits among citizens are relatively unchanged in recent years. Certainly, the reading material is still newspaper through which you can get information quickly without consuming much time. The report says, the leading way of acquiring knowledge for Shanghai citizen, in turn, are Newspaper (47.2%), TV (26.1%), Internet (19.1%)
译文B:Newspapers, //with an acceptance rate of 47.2%, //still remained the top choice for local residents. //They were most favored by local residents //because of their wide coverage of information and easy access. //The other two media also popular with Shanghai locals //were TV (26.1%) and internet (19.1%)
译文A句法结构划分随意,体现不出节奏。译文B调整了一些成分的位置,如将with an acceptance rate of 47.2%介词短语放置句中,使重音自然落于尾部。译者通过将语篇结构重组,使意群长度大致相当,形成干净利落的节奏效果。
译文A:The basic attribute of traditional Chinese and Western Medicine is the same, namely the treatment and prevention of disease, life-saving, protection and promotion of human health, but in the sense of philosophy, the two are very different. If we say contemporary WM is evidence-based, building on technology and science and using them as a medium, then categorically TCM is a “reason medicine” that develops its doctrines on the bedrock of Chinese traditional philosophy
译文B:Both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine origin from the same root, which is curing diseases, preventing diseases, healing the wounded and rescuing the dying, coupled with protecting and enhancing humans’ health. However, in terms of philosophy meanings, traditional Chinese medicine possesses huge differences with western medicine. Contemporary Western medicine is an empirical medicine that takes technical science as basis and intermediary, while TCM is a theoretical medicine which is dominated by traditional Chinese philosophy
林巍译:Fundamentally, both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medicine(WM) aim at preventing and curing diseases, protecting and improving people’s health. Philosophically, however, the two medical systems are quite different. While WM is defined as “evidence-based” one supported and mediated by scientific technology, TCM can be called the “reason-based” oriented by traditional Chinese philosophy
译文A:It should be said that culture contains philosophy and philosophy is a significant component of culture
译文B:It should be mentioned that culture covers philosophy and philosophy is the significant component of culture
林巍译:We can posit that culture embodies philosophy, which is in fact part of any culture and constitutes one of its essential components
原文是一个过渡小段,主要功能是承上启下。分号隔开的两个小句形式上并列,语气上则轻重稍有不同。后一小句属于强调信息,且有引出下文之功能。林译使用主动态We can posit替代it should be said 等元话语,加快了句子的启动,再现了原文“收紧、概括”的节奏特征;舍弃表示并列的and,用which从句且增加in fact、any两处,使原文后置的重要信息得到强调;阅读时重音落在essential components而不是of culture之上,结尾有力;意群长度大致相当。以上处理不仅使译文本身具有节奏感,且再现了原文话语概括、强调、承上启下的诗学节奏特征,实现了意义的深层对应。
例9:静安区把促进就业作为改善民生的首要任务,全面落实“1 + 3”就业计划,制定实施稳定就业的“19条措施”
译文A:Employment promotion has become a chief task for the protection of people’s livelihood in Jing’an District in Shanghai. To do so, the government has put “1 + 3” employment plan into practice, and at the same time, established “19 measures”, aiming at stabilizing employment
译文B:Formulating and putting into practice “19 special measures” for employment, //and implementing with full vigor the “1 plus 3” employment project, //the government of Jing’an District has considered employment promotion as its primary task //in trying to improve the livelihood of the people living in the district
译文B对原文句法结构做出了大幅调整,先译措施(具体行动),再译计划,最后译整句的重点,即静安区改善民生是首要任务,逻辑表述层层递进。但译文A采用顺译,且多有冗余之处,如in Shanghai,at the same time,从语言组织方式和句法结构上看并无节奏之美可言。而且,译文B用formulating、putting和implementing并列、连接词and以及多个t音节结尾词连用,再现了原文“停顿”、“并列”的语气及其相对简单、流畅的句法节奏。
人工智能时代,“MT + PE”(机器翻译 + 译后编辑)已经成为普遍的行业产出模式,也是当下译者技能训练的主要模式和方向。但是,非文学翻译的职业化和产业化,已经在一定程度上造成了翻译审美创造和精神价值追求的缺失。“语言是一首诗”,在可以预见的未来,机器翻译,包括ChatGPT,可能也难以做到完全理解并准确再现语言的诗性。事实上,“MT + PE”时代对译者的要求更高,只有对语言具备细致、精微的感受力,使自身语言与翻译能力达到甚至超越机器,才有可能实现与机器“共舞”。翻译的伦理首先是语言的伦理。只有重视语言研究,真正强化语言和翻译能力,通过高质量的译后编辑使译文准确畅达,规范得体,实现由野到文、由粗到精、由有缺陷到尽可能完美,才能更好地实现翻译目的,更好地保护我们的语言生态。