Characterization of Changes in Sunshine Hours and Analysis of Future Trends in the Sichuan Basin
Based on the sunshine hours measured by 14 meteorological stations from 1980~2018, this paper studies the temporal and spatial variation characteristics and its future trend in the Sichuan Basin by using linear trend analysis, Morlet wavelet analysis and re-scale range analysis. The results showed that: 1) during the observation period, the annual sunshine hours showed an increasing trend, and the climate trend rate reached 19.1 h/10a. In addition, there was an increasing trend in spring, summer and winter, and a decreasing trend in autumn. But none of these changes reached a significant level. Annual sunshine hours had periodic changes of 26 years (the first main cycle) and 8 years (the second main cycle). 2) The annual sunshine hours were lower in the central and southwest regions of the Sichuan Basin, and thus gradually increased north and west; the sunshine hours in summer gradually increased from southwest to northeast, and the spatial distribution mode in winter was basically opposite to that in summer. 3) Future changes in annual sunshine hours continued to show an increasing trend, but this persistence was weak. On the seasonal scale, sunshine hours in spring, summer and winter continued to increase, while there is a great deal of uncertainty about future trends in fall sunshine hours.
Sunshine Hours
四川省是中国地形最复杂的省,同时包括山地、丘陵、平原、高原,从川西到川东落差近7000 m,是我国重要的粮食生产基地。日照时数直接影响着生物生长,许多农作物的生长发育过程对光照要求严格,光照不足会导致农作物产量减少
图1. 四川盆地日照时数年际变化特征:(a) 变化趋势,(b) 累计距平
图3. 四川盆地年日照时数周期特征分析:(a) 小波分析实部等值线分布图,(b) 小波分析方差折线图
本文利用R/S法分析四川盆地日照时数年际和季节尺度上的变化趋势,具体而言是利用Hurst指数来衡量日照时数时间序列的持久性特征。ln(R/S)与lnn线性回归方程的斜率即为Hurst指数。Hurst指数 > 0.5表示数据具有正持续性,即过去的趋势会延续到未来。Hurst指数 < 0.5表示数据具有负持续性,即过去的趋势会逆转。Hurst指数 = 0.5表示数据没有持续性,即未来趋势与过去无关。
图5. 四川盆地夏季(a)和冬季(b)日照时数空间分布特征
1) 四川盆地年日照时数平均值为1145.0 h,明显小于四川省的年平均日照时数(1459.6 h)
2) 尽管四川盆地内海拔高度差异较小,但是受地理位置和大气环境的影响,日照时数在空间分布上具有明显的特征,主要表现为在盆地中部及西南地区为低值中心,然后由此向北和向西均逐渐增加,向北最大达到了1842 h,向西最大值达到了1915 h。另外,四川盆地日照时数的空间分布特征受季节影响,夏季日照时数自西南向东北日照时数值呈逐渐增加趋势,而冬季的空间分布模态与夏季基本相反,日照时数表现为自西南地区向东部地区逐渐下降。
3) 基于R/S法对四川盆地日照时数变化趋势的分析结果表明,年尺度上日照时数时间序列的Hurst指数为0.68,表明四川盆地年日照时数未来趋势与过去趋势一致,即继续呈增加趋势。季节尺度上四季日照时数的Hurst指数均介于0.5到1之间,这说明四川盆地春夏冬三季的日照时数继续呈增加趋势,而秋季日照时数继续呈下降趋势。