残角子宫妊娠由于发病率低、早期诊断困难,常导致子宫破裂大出血,甚至危及患者生命。早期诊断后及时行手术治疗是其治疗的关键。本文通过描述1例残角子宫妊娠的MRI表现,旨在探讨MRI在早期残角子宫妊娠中的诊断价值。 Due to the low incidence and difficult in early diagnosis, rudimentary horn pregnancy often leads to massive hemorrhage caused by uterine rupture, and even endanger the lives of patients. Early diagnosis and timely operation is critical to its treatment. So in order to explore the diagnostic value of MRI in the early pregnancy of rudimentary horn, this paper describes the MRI manifestations of one case of rudimentary horn pregnancy.
磁共振成像;残角子宫;妊娠, Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Rudimentary Horn; Pregnancy
1. 病例报告
患者,27岁,因“停经57天,超声提示子宫畸形2天”入院。平素月经欠规则,12岁,7~10天/37~44天;自2004年开始出现痛经,呈进行性加重,近1年需口服止痛药物处理。末次月经2011年9月1日,本次为初次妊娠,停经40余天自测尿TT阳性,有恶心、呕吐等早孕反应。2011年10月25日外院超声检查示:双子宫畸形;右侧宫腔内囊性无回声区(8 mm × 6 mm × 5 mm),考虑宫内早孕。2011年11月1日我院血β-HCG:27,758 mIU/ml;盆腔MRI检查示:残角子宫畸形(IIb型);右侧残角子宫妊娠;盆腔积液(图1)。腹腔镜术中见双侧输卵管、卵巢大小形态正常;右侧残角子宫明显呈球形增大,表面光滑;左侧子宫稍小呈单角状,与宫颈及阴道相通;双侧子宫之间无关联;盆腔内可见少许淡红色积液(图2)。遂行腹腔镜下右侧残角子宫切除+右侧输卵管切除术。术后病理诊断:(右侧)残角子宫妊娠。
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] C. Siristatidis, C. Chrelias and D. Kassanos. Rudimentary-horn pregnancy: Some points to review. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2011, 283(4): 917-918.
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S. Chopra, A. Keepanasseril, M. Rohilla, et al. Obstetric morbid- ity and the diagnostic dilemma in pregnancy in rudimentary horn: Retrospective analysis. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2009, 280(6): 907-910.
C. Siristatidis, C. Chrelias and D. Kassanos. Rudimentary-horn pregnancy: Some points to review. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2011, 283(4): 917-918.