Variations of Consecutive Wet Days in the Sichuan Basin during the Past 50 Summers and Its Possible Causes
Based on the daily precipitation data of 102 stations in the Sichuan Basin area in summer for 50 years from 1971 to 2020, the monthly reanalysis data of NCEP/NCAR and the monthly sea surface temperature grid data of NOAA, this paper firstly discusses the variation characteristics of the indicators related to consecutive wet day in the Sichuan Basin area based on the methods of univariate linear regression and composite analysis. Then it analyzes the abnormal circulation and sea surface temperature associated with the interannual variation of consecutive wet day precipitation in the Sichuan Basin area. The results show that: (1) The spatial distribution of the total amount of consecutive wet day precipitation, the number of occurrences, and the cumulative number of days in the Sichuan Basin in summer are characterized by less in the center of the basin and more at the edge, and the maximum values of the three are all at the southwest edge of the basin. Regarding the variation trend, the basin stations do not show a consistent decrease in the three indicators, and the downward trend is insignificant. (2) The interannual variation of consecutive wet day in the Sichuan Basin in summer is closely related to the changes in the position and intensity of the South Asian High and the Western Pacific Subtropical High. The main position of the Western Pacific Subtropical High in the middle and lower troposphere is westward, and the main position of the South Asian High in the middle and upper troposphere moves eastward. Under the interaction of the two high pressures, the basin region has vertical upward movement in the lower troposphere and strong divergent movement in the upper troposphere. (3) When the sea surface temperature in the tropical eastern Pacific is abnormally high in the early winter and spring, the sea surface temperature in the tropical central Pacific is abnormally low in the summer and the sea surface temperature in the tropical western Pacific is abnormally high, it causes abnormal subtropical high pressure in the western Pacific, which is conducive to the transport of water vapor from the western Pacific to the basin, causing abnormal precipitation. In addition, under the influence of topography, consecutive wet day precipitation increases significantly with increasing altitude. The research results of this paper are conducive to deepening people’s understanding of the characteristics and mechanisms of precipitation changes in the Sichuan Basin under the background of climate warming.
Consecutive Wet Day
本文研究时段为1971~2020年夏季(6~8月),使用的资料包括:(1) 中国气象局气象信息中心提供的四川盆地区域102个站点的逐日降水资料,这些站点在研究时段内缺测率小于1%,迁站小于20 km。(2) NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料,使用的变量包括位势高度、纬向风、经向风、湿度场和垂直速度场等,水平分辨率为2.5˚ × 2.5˚。(3) 美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA)提供的逐月海表温度格点资料,水平分辨率为2.0˚ × 2.0˚。
(1) 连阴雨的定义
本文中,对于某个盆地站点,持续有雨时段定义为每两个无雨日(日降水量小于1 mm)之间的时段。在此基础上,参考前人的工作
(2) 研究方法
夏季连阴雨降水量异常高年 | 夏季连阴雨降水量异常低年 |
1981、1983、1987、19982005、2007、2018、2020 | 1985、1994、2004、20062008、2011、2016 |
在对流层高层(200 hPa,
前文对环流特征分析得出结论,四川盆地夏季连阴雨降水量异常高年时,东亚低层大气偏南风强度加强,500 hPa西太平洋副热带高压西伸,200 hPa南亚高压强度异常偏高并向东延伸。由此可见,影响四川盆地夏季连阴雨的重要500 hPa环流系统为西太平洋副热带高压,其位置和强度直接影响了四川盆地夏季连阴雨的降水量。有研究发现,热带东太平洋海温异常的热强迫作用对亚洲地区的环流异常影响较大,进而影响水汽的输送,造成我国降水异常。当热带东太平洋海面温度异常升高,海域上空大气
(1) 四川盆地夏季连阴雨降水总量、发生次数及累计天数的空间分布较为相似,均呈盆地中心少、边缘多的特征,且三者的最大值均在盆地西南边缘。变化趋势上,盆地站点在三个指标上均未体现出一致性的减少。
(2) 四川盆地夏季连阴雨的年际变化与南亚高压和西太副高的位置和强度变化关系密切。在两个高压的相互作用下,盆地区域在对流层低层有垂直上升运动,在对流层高层有强烈辐散运动。在水汽输送上,由于西太副高位置西伸至我国南海地区,且强度偏强,有利于将南海和孟加拉湾地区的水汽输送至四川盆地。
(3) 前冬季、春季热带东太平洋海面温度异常偏高时,导致沃克环流减弱,从而影响西太副高位置,使西太副高偏西、偏南,加强了我国南海地区向北暖湿气流。夏季热带中太平洋海面温度异常偏低和热带西太平洋海面温度异常偏高时,增强了西太平洋西北侧的偏南风,有利于西太平洋水汽输送至盆地引起降水异常。另外,在地形作用的影响下,连阴雨降水随着海拔的增加而明显增加。