Cross-Sectional Analysis of Chronic Hepatitis B Complicated with Diseases
Objective: To understand the common diseases associated with hepatitis B in the Third People’s Hospital of Kunming, and to detect and intervene the related diseases early. Methods: The patients diagnosed with “hepatitis B virus infection” or “hepatitis B virus infection” combined with other diseases in our hospital during September 2022 to August 2023 were counted, and relevant conclusions were drawn according to classification and analysis. Results: A total of 1200 patients were included in this study, including 806 males (67.2%) and 394 females (32.8%). CHB patients were mostly aged 31~60 years old (72.25%). A total of 417 diseases were combined, and the top five most common diseases were digestive system diseases (160.83%), endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (107.92%), blood system diseases (64.08%), symptoms, signs and abnormal laboratory results (62.83%), and circulatory system diseases (37.42%). The top five diseases were leukopenia (22.33%), liver fibrosis (19.58%), splenomegaly (17.83%), hyperammonemia (17.17%) and thyroid nodules (15.67%). Conclusion: There are many kinds of diseases associated with hepatitis B, among which digestive system diseases and endocrine and metabolic diseases account for a high proportion. During the treatment of hepatitis B, we should strictly review the relevant indicators, be alert to the combined diseases, reduce the toxic and side effects caused by combined drugs, carry out early prevention, early detection, early intervention, and improve the quality of life of patients.
Hepatitis B
慢性乙型病毒性肝炎(Chronic hepatitis B,CHB)是全球关注的公共卫生问题之一,但在不同国家或地区CHB的流行程度存在一定差异。世界卫生组织公布的统计数据显示,全世界有超过20亿的人口感染过乙型肝炎病毒
根据国际疾病与相关健康问题统计分类第十版(The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision, ICD-10)
本次研究共纳入1200例患者,其中男性806例(67.2%),女性394例(32.8%),CHB患者年龄段多集中在31~60岁(72.25%),52.08% CHB患者身体质量指数(Body Mass Index, BMI)处于正常值范围内,38.25% CHB患者BMI偏重。28.17% CHB患者有饮酒史,详情见
基线特征 |
频数 (%) |
年龄 |
0~15 |
20 (1.67%) |
16~30 |
152 (12.67%) |
31~45 |
335 (27.92%) |
46~60 |
532 (44.33%) |
61~75 |
149 (12.42%) |
≥76 |
12 (1.00%) |
性别 |
男 |
806 (67.17%) |
女 |
394 (32.83%) |
<18.5 |
116 (9.67%) |
18.5~23.9 |
625 (52.08%) |
≥24 |
459 (38.25%) |
饮酒史 |
0 |
862 (71.83%) |
1~10 |
228 (19.00%) |
11~20 |
58 (4.83%) |
21~30 |
42 (3.50%) |
>30 |
10 (0.83%) |
ICD-10编号 |
频数(%) |
K00-K93 |
消化系统疾病 |
1930 (160.83%) |
肝脏疾病 |
1061 (88.42%) |
食管、胃和十二指肠疾病 |
369 (30.75%) |
胆囊、胆道和胰腺疾病 |
279 (23.25%) |
腹膜疾病 |
98 (8.17%) |
其他肠道疾病 |
53 (4.42%) |
其他消化疾病 |
52 (4.33%)) |
阑尾、肠炎 |
16 (1.33%) |
口腔、唾液腺及上下颌疾病 |
2 (0.17%) |
E00-E90 |
内分泌、营养、代谢性疾病 |
1295 (107.92%) |
代谢性疾病 |
797 (66.42%) |
甲状腺疾病 |
379 (31.58%) |
糖尿病 |
107 (8.92%) |
营养方面疾病 |
9 (0.75%) |
其他内分泌腺疾病 |
3 (0.25%) |
D50-D79 |
血液系统疾病 |
769 (64.08%) |
R00-R99 |
症状、体征和异常化验结果 |
754 (62.83%) |
I00-I99 |
循环系统疾病 |
449 (37.42%) |
N00-N99 |
泌尿生殖系统疾病 |
303 (25.25%) |
J00-J99 |
呼吸系统疾病 |
296 (24.67%) |
C00-D48 |
肿瘤 |
216 (18.00%) |
A00-B99 |
某些传染病和寄生虫病 |
211 (17.58%) |
肺结核 |
82 (6.83%) |
M00-M99 |
骨骼肌肉系统和结缔组织疾病 |
91 (7.58%) |
ICD-10编号 |
频数(%) |
D70.x04 |
白细胞减少 |
268 (22.33%) |
K74.0 |
肝纤维化 |
235 (19.58%) |
R16.1 |
脾大 |
214 (17.83%) |
E72.2 |
高氨血症 |
206 (17.17%) |
E04.1 |
甲状腺结节 |
188 (15.67%) |
I10 |
高血压 |
180 (15.00%) |
N28.1 |
肾囊肿 |
135 (11.25%) |
E78.5 |
高脂血症 |
132 (11.00%) |
K29.5 |
慢性胃炎 |
132 (11.00%) |
E04.2 |
肝硬化伴食管胃底静脉曲张 |
129 (10.75%) |
K74.619 |
甲状腺囊肿 |
129 (10.75%) |
K76.900 |
肝损害 |
125 (10.42%) |
D73.1 |
脾功能亢进 |
120 (10.00%) |
Chen, J.等人
Bazinet, M.等人
有研究指出甲状腺功能障碍是CHB患者进行Peg-IFN-α治疗的常见但可接受的副作用,且大多数甲状腺功能障碍是可逆的,在Liu Y.等人的研究中有78%合并甲状腺疾病的患者在停用Peg-IFN-α治疗后24周甲状腺指标恢复正常
CHB合并疾病种类繁多,在诊治过程中容易出现漏诊、漏查、漏治等情况,可能会增加CHB进一步加重、合并疾病加重的可能性。有合并疾病的CHB患者,不可避免出现合并用药的情况,很多药物经过肝脏解毒,用药过多过杂增加肝脏负担,对肝病不利,同时药物相互作用产生的风险对临床结果的影响也比较大。例如合并肺结核的患者在抗结核的治疗中往往因严重的肝功能损害而中止治疗,最终导致治疗失败,并诱发耐药性从而导致疾病加重。Jung Wha Chung等人