Rehabilitation Nursing Needs and Influencing Factors of the Elderly in Medical and Nursing Institutions in Shanghai
Objective: To understand the status quo of elderly people’s demand for rehabilitation care and its influencing factors in Shanghai medical and nursing institutions, and to provide a theoretical and practical basis for improving the quality of rehabilitation care services in medical and nursing institutions. Methods: A stratified sampling method was used to select 3 medical and nursing institutions in the central city, suburbs and remote areas of Shanghai as the survey objects. A total of 9 medical and nursing institutions were selected and the elderly over 60 years old were investigated with questionnaires. Chi-Square test was used to analyze the distribution difference of elderly rehabilitation nursing needs, binary Logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of their rehabilitation nursing needs, and a structural equation model (SEM) was used to explore the relationship between elderly rehabilitation nursing needs, rehabilitation nursing satisfaction and rehabilitation nursing staff service quality. Results: A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed and 394 qualified questionnaires were recovered. The recovery rate of qualified questionnaires was 98.5%. Analysis showed that 349 (88.58%) elderly people had different degrees of rehabilitation nursing needs. There was a statistical difference in rehabilitation nursing needs between the elderly with and without children’s support (P < 0.05). The ability of self-care of the elderly (ADL) had an impact on their rehabilitation nursing needs (P < 0.05). The model shows that the influence coefficient of the elderly’s perceived service satisfaction on the recognition of their care team is 0.35. Conclusion: There is a large demand for rehabilitation care for the elderly in Shanghai’s medical and nursing institutions. Elderly people with children’s support are more likely to have rehabilitation care needs. The worse the self-care status of the elderly, the greater the need for rehabilitation care. Perceived service satisfaction of rehabilitation care for the elderly has a positive and positive impact on the recognition of their care teams.
Medical-Nursing Combined
以“医养结合”机构内的老年人为调查对象,调查对象纳入标准:(1) 年龄 ≥ 60周岁;(2) 具备有效沟通和认知能力;(3) 本人自愿参加调查并知情同意。排除标准:(1) 不愿配合调查员进行调查研究;(2) 有严重的视听障碍;(3) 有严重的精神障碍。本研究采用分层抽样法,根据上海地理位置在中心城区(中环内)、郊区(外环外)、偏远地区(中、外环之间),各抽取3家内设医疗机构的养老机构,对共计抽到的9家医养结合机构的60周岁及以上的老年人进行问卷调查。本研究于2019年11月19日至12月9日期间,共调查了400份问卷,剔除不合格问卷后,合格问卷共394份,合格问卷回收率为98.50%。394名老年人的年龄为60~96岁,(84.00 ± 7.91)岁;男性老人135位(占34.30%),女性老人259位(占65.70%);老年人的受教育情况以初中及以下为主:251位(占63.70%),中专至大专的有100位(占25.40%),本科及以上的有43位(占10.90%);316位老年人在过去的一年里领取的各种补助,如养老金、政府补助医疗救助等平均值为63531.35元。
问卷包括五个部分:(1) 调查对象的基本情况,涉及到年龄、性别、学历、职业等部分人口学指标;(2) 老年人对医养结合机构期望满意度和感知满意度,期望满意度和感知满意度部分各包括基础设施、服务人员、饮食服务3个部分,各部分共计17个条目;(3) 老年人对照护团队的认同情况,此部分共计10个条目;(4) 老年人日常生活自理能力(ADL)量表(改良Barthel指数法);(5) 抑郁自评(SDS)量表。基本情况部分采用常规统计学赋值;第二、三部分采用Likert-type-5级量表法进行赋值:1代表“完全不符合”、2代表“不符合”、3代表“比较不符合”、4代表“一般”、5代表“比较符合”;ADL量表和SDS量表采用量表规则进行计分或评定等级。
本研究使用EpiData3.1软件进行问卷信息的双录入;使用IBM SPSS23.0软件进行数据描述(百分比和均数加减标准差)、卡方检验、秩和检验、二元logistic回归分析;使用AMOS22.0软件完成结构方程模型的统计分析,P ≤ 0.05表示有统计学差异。
394位老年人中,有349 (88.58%)位老年人有不同程度的康复护理需求,仅有45 (11.42%)位老年人表示没有康复护理需求或者持中立态度。对不同特征老年人康复护理需求分布情况的分析显示,有子女支持和无子女支持的老年人康复护理需求存在统计学差异(P < 0.05),其余均无统计学差异,其他分布情况见
特征因素 |
有无康复护理需求 |
合计 |
2 |
P |
有(n = 349) |
无(n = 45) |
性别 |
男 |
120(34.40) |
15(33.30) |
135(34.30) |
0.020 |
0.889 |
女 |
229(65.60) |
30(66.70) |
259(65.70) |
文化程度 |
初中及以下 |
218(62.50) |
33(73.30) |
251(63.70) |
中专至大专 |
90(25.80) |
10(22.20) |
100(25.40) |
2.887 |
0.236 |
本科及以上 |
41(11.70) |
2(4.40) |
43(10.90) |
婚姻状况 |
在婚 |
56(16.00) |
6(13.30) |
62(15.70) |
0.221 |
0.638 |
非在婚 |
293(84.00) |
39(86.70) |
332(84.30) |
是否独居 |
是 |
63(18.10) |
6(13.30) |
69(17.50) |
0.614 |
0.443 |
否 |
286(81.90) |
39(86.70) |
325(82.50) |
医疗保险 |
有保险 |
89(25.50) |
13(28.90) |
102(25.90) |
0.238 |
0.625 |
无保险 |
260(74.50) |
32(71.10) |
292(74.10) |
补偿金 |
有补偿金 |
72(20.60) |
11(24.40) |
83(21.20) |
0.349 |
0.555 |
无补偿金 |
277(79.40) |
34(75.60) |
311(78.90) |
是否吸烟 |
吸烟 |
46(13.20) |
9(20.00) |
55(14.00) |
1.543 |
0.214 |
不吸烟 |
303(86.80) |
36(80.00) |
339(86.00) |
是否饮酒 |
饮酒 |
16(4.60) |
2(4.40) |
18(4.60) |
0.002 |
0.966 |
不饮酒 |
333(95.40) |
43(95.60) |
376(95.40) |
健康状况自评 |
满意 |
118(38.80) |
20(44.40) |
138(35.00) |
1.980 |
0.159 |
不满意 |
231(66.20) |
25(55.60) |
256(65.00) |
完全自理 |
104(29.80) |
11(24.40) |
115(29.20) |
部分自理 |
213(60.10) |
27(60.00) |
240(60.90) |
1.848 |
0.397 |
失能 |
32(9.10) |
7(15.50) |
39(9.90) |
有无子女支持* |
有支持 |
208(59.60) |
38(84.40) |
246(62.40) |
无支持 |
141(40.40) |
7(15.60) |
148(37.60) |
10.491 |
0.001* |
有无慢性病 |
有慢病 |
323(92.60) |
43(95.60) |
366(92.80) |
无慢病 |
26(7.40) |
2(4.40) |
28(7.10) |
0.185 |
0.667 |
*表示P < 0.05。
变量 |
β |
SE |
wald2 |
P值 |
OR值 |
95%CI |
教育 |
4.225 |
0.121 |
初中及以下 |
−1.110 |
0.724 |
2.240 |
0.134 |
0.330 |
0.077~1.410 |
中专至大专 |
0.090 |
0.821 |
0.012 |
0.913 |
1.094 |
0.219~5.471 |
同居 |
1.603 |
1.095 |
2.144 |
0.143 |
4.968 |
0.581~42.452 |
补偿金 |
0.825 |
0.682 |
1.461 |
0.227 |
2.281 |
0.599~8.688 |
性别 |
0.240 |
0.566 |
0.180 |
0.671 |
1.271 |
0.420~3.852 |
日常生活自理* |
11.312 |
0.023* |
完全失能 |
−1.127 |
1.292 |
0.761 |
0.383 |
0.324 |
0.026~4.076 |
严重功能缺陷* |
−2.638 |
0.904 |
8.523 |
0.004* |
0.071 |
0.012~0.420 |
中度功能缺陷 |
−1.377 |
0.956 |
2.073 |
0.150 |
0.252 |
0.039~1.645 |
自理 |
−0.855 |
0.795 |
1.156 |
0.282 |
0.425 |
0.089~2.022 |
抑郁状况 |
5.277 |
0.153 |
中度抑郁* |
2.390 |
1.051 |
5.176 |
0.023* |
10.918 |
1.392~85.606 |
轻度抑郁* |
2.026 |
1.025 |
3.904 |
0.048* |
7.582 |
1.017~56.555 |
无抑郁 |
1.679 |
1.039 |
2.610 |
0.106 |
5.358 |
0.699~41.061 |
健康状况 |
−0.755 |
0.483 |
2.442 |
0.118 |
0.470 |
0.182~1.212 |
常数项 |
2.848 |
1.307 |
4.745 |
0.029 |
17.251 |
*表示P < 0.05。
本次研究中一阶潜变量期望满意度和感知满意度部分各包括基础设施、服务人员、饮食服务3个二阶潜变量,期望满意度和感知满意度部分共计17个显变量;老年人对照护团队的认可度共计10个显变量。使用加权最小二乘法估计各观测变量与潜变量之间的因子载荷,并采用最大似然比法对初始模型进行反复修正、拟合,最终得到的结构方程模型。结构方程模型的2值为4675.334,2/df为3.423 (P < 0.001),AMOS软件统计分析结果显示模型拟合不佳:CFI、NFI、GFI、TLI均小于0.90,路径系数见
在本研究发现老年人自理生活能力(ADL)对康复护理需求有影响,老年人自理能力越差,其康复护理需求越大,自理能力在很大程度上决定了老年人的康复护理服务需求。存在功能缺陷(OR = 0.071, 95% CI = 0.012 – 0.420; p < 0.05)的老年人的需求更为强烈。有研究表明