注:a1:构树雌株叶片,b1:构树雄株叶片,a2:构树雌株茎段,b2:构树雄株茎段,c:愈伤组织诱导个数。--Figure 1. Callus induction in leaves and stems of male and female Broussonetia papyrifera.--3.2. 雌雄株构树叶片和茎段不定芽分化生殖力比较注:a1:构树雌株叶片,b1:构树雄株叶片,a2:构树雌株茎段,b2:构树雄株茎段,c:不定芽分化个数。--Figure 2. Differentiation of adventitious buds in leaves and stem segments of male and female Broussonetia papyrifera.--
3.3. 雌雄株构树叶片和茎段生根生殖力比较注:a1:构树雌株叶片,b1:构树雄株叶片,a2:构树雌株茎段,b2:构树雄株茎段。--Figure 3. Rooting of leaves and stem segments of male and female Broussonetia papyrifera--
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