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Figure 2. Distribution of clay minerals contents (%) of the surface sediment on the central East China Sea offshore area: (a) illite; (b) chlorite; (c) kaolinite; and (d) semctite--图2. 东海中部近海表层沉积物粘土矿物含量(%)分布:(a) 伊利石;(b) 绿泥石;(c) 高岭石;(d) 蒙皂石--Table 2. Correlation coefficients between clay minerals contents (%) of the surface sediment on the central East China Sea offshore area and some physical and chemical properties of the sediment and sea waterTable 2. Correlation coefficients between clay minerals contents (%) of the surface sediment on the central East China Sea offshore area and some physical and chemical properties of the sediment and sea water 表2. 东海中部近海表层沉积物粘土矿物含量(%)与部分沉积物和水体理化特征值的相关系数统计
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