Distribution Characteristics of the Five Elements Constitution of Hemodialysis Patients and Their Experience in Treating Constipation
Objective: To explore the distribution characteristics of the five elements constitution in hemodialysis patients, and to explore the experience of treating constipation in hemodialysis patients through differentiation of constitution and modification based on the formula of Bushen Qudu Tang. Method: 218 regular hemodialysis patients from the Second People’s Hospital of Fujian Province from November 2022 to April 2024 were selected for identification of the Five Elements constitution; Explore the characteristics of the Five Elements constitution and its correlation with constipation, and randomly group 88 patients with constipation. The Western medicine control group was treated with lactulose, 15 ml, orally, bid; The traditional Chinese medicine control group was treated with Bushen Qudu Tang, 50 ml, orally, bid; the traditional Chinese medicine treatment group uses the tonifying kidney and detoxifying decoction as the blueprint formula, and treats according to the superior five element constitution by distinguishing quality and adding flavor; observe the effectiveness of each group in treating constipation. Result: Hemodialysis patients had the highest proportion of natives, accounting for 32.5%; the top three types in the five color and five state physical constitution classification are Tu 1 Mu 2, Mu 1 Mu 2, and Tu 1 Tu 2; there was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of constipation among patients with different advantages in the Five Elements (P > 0.05). The average improvement in constipation score in the traditional Chinese medicine treatment group decreased by 68.83%, the average decrease in the traditional Chinese medicine control group was 57.21%, and the average decrease in the Western medicine control group was 50.23%, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). The traditional Chinese medicine treatment group was significantly better than the Western medicine control group (P < 0.05); there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the Chinese medicine treatment group and the Chinese medicine control group, as well as between the Chinese medicine control group and the Western medicine control group; Conclusion: 1) The differences in the constitution of the five elements in hemodialysis patients may be related to the occurrence of complications such as constipation. Treating constipation in hemodialysis patients through the differentiation of the constitution of the five elements can significantly increase the therapeutic effect. 2) The therapeutic effect of Bushen Qudu Tang on constipation in hemodialysis patients is equivalent to that of lactulose.
Five Element Constitution
将2021年11月~2024年4月在我院透析中心规律透析治疗的218例尿毒症患者作为研究对象,其中男145例,女73例;年龄22~92岁,平均年龄(59.27 ± 14.52)岁;透析时龄≥3个月;便秘患者88人,男53例 ,女31例;随机分为中药治疗组、中药对照组、西药对照组。其中1例不配合,3例住院后中止研究,实际入组84人,中药治疗组28人,中药对照组27人,西药对照组29人。
1) 参考陈香美主编《血液净化标准操作规程》,人民卫生出版社,2020年11月第一版,所有患者均符合慢性肾衰竭终末期诊断标准,并具有血透指征,规律接受血液透析≥3个月。
2) 年龄大于16周岁,性别不限,人种仅限于黄种人。
3) 自愿参加研究。
有下列情况者,不纳入研究:1) 急性肾损伤,经短期透析好转者;2) 药物或毒物中毒;3) 其他非肾脏病变接受血液透析治疗者。4) 不愿意配合、无法进行资料采集的患者。5) 在透时间不足3个月即转出血透中心且无法继续收集资料者。
① 五行体质分类:参照《灵枢·阴阳二十五人篇》中的五行人体质特征制定五行体质评价量表,并通过五行体质评价量表计算和区分五行体质。分析血液透析患者五行体质特点及其与便秘的关系。
② 便秘的观察和评价:采用Wexner便秘评分量表;最高分30分,大于15分提示有便秘,得分越高表明便秘越严重。
③ 药物干预:西药对照组以乳果糖,15 ml,口服,bid,连续7天;中药对照组以补肾祛毒汤,50 ml,口服,bid,连续7天;补肾祛毒汤方剂构成:制首乌10 g,山茱萸7.5 g,黄柏4.5 g,血竭1.5 g,土茯苓15 g,生大黄6 g,三七粉3 g,炮山甲3 g,黄芪15 g,1剂浓煎100 ml,分两包,每包50 ml。中药治疗组以补肾祛毒汤为蓝本方,木行人加柴胡6 g、白术9 g健脾疏肝;火行人加柏子仁6 g、麦冬9 g清心润肺;土行人加陈皮6 g、莱菔子6 g、菟丝子9 g疏脾补肾;金行人加浙贝母6 g、山茱萸9 g敛肺益肝;水行人加熟地9 g、桂枝6 g滋肾温心阳;观察各组治疗便秘的效果。
采用SPSS21.0软件处理数据,计数资料以(例,%)表示,组间比较采用χ2检验;多组连续变量采用方差分析,并采用SNK检验进行两两比较。以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。
优势五行 例数 |
木行人 |
火行人 |
土行人 |
金行人 |
水行人 |
例数 |
64 |
38 |
71 |
25 |
20 |
占比(%) |
29.36 |
17.43 |
32.57 |
11.47 |
9.17 |
注:优势五行占比:土行人 ≥ 木行人 ≥ 火行人 ≥ 金行人 ≥ 水行人。
五色五态分类 例数 |
木1木2 |
木1火2 |
木1土2 |
木1金2 |
木1水2 |
火1火2 |
火1土2 |
火1金2 |
火1水2 |
火1木2 |
土1土2 |
土1金2 |
土1水2 |
土1木2 |
土1火2 |
例数 |
24 |
11 |
7 |
9 |
1 |
10 |
9 |
3 |
4 |
12 |
20 |
5 |
3 |
28 |
17 |
占比(%) |
11.01 |
5.05 |
3.21 |
4.13 |
0.46 |
4.59 |
4.13 |
1.38 |
1.83 |
5.50 |
9.17 |
2.29 |
1.38 |
12.84 |
7.80 |
五色五态分类 例数 |
金1金2 |
水1水2 |
金1木2 |
金1火2 |
金1土2 |
水1水2 |
水1木2 |
水1火2 |
水1土2 |
水1金2 |
例数 |
4 |
5 |
9 |
7 |
10 |
3 |
4 |
9 |
6 |
2 |
占比(%) |
1.83 |
2.29 |
4.13 |
3.21 |
4.59 |
1.38 |
1.83 |
4.13 |
2.75 |
0.92 |
优势五行 患者 |
木行人 |
火行人 |
土行人 |
金行人 |
水行人 |
合计 |
患者总数 |
便秘患者例数 |
22 |
15 |
31 |
11 |
9 |
88 |
218 |
没有便秘患者例数 |
42 |
23 |
40 |
14 |
11 |
130 |
便秘发生率 |
34.38% |
39.47% |
43.66% |
44.00% |
45.00% |
40.37% |
P = 0.808;χ2= 1.603 |
组别 疗效 |
中药治疗组 |
中药对照组 |
西药对照组 |
例数 |
28 |
27 |
29 |
便秘评分平均下降幅度 |
(571 − 178)/571 = 68.83% |
(430 − 184)/430 = 57.21% |
(436 − 217)/436 = 50.23% |
多组间比较 |
多组方差齐性检验,χ2= 0.582;F = 6.438;P = 0.003 |
两两比较 |
中药治疗组 |
中药对照组 |
西药对照组 |
中药治疗组 |
/ |
P = 0.833 |
P = 0.002 |
中药对照组 |
/ |
/ |
P = 0.060 |
西药对照组 |
/ |
/ |
/ |
注:多组间比较差异显著(P < 0.05);中药治疗组明显优于西药对照组(P < 0.05);中药治疗组与中药对照组,中药对照组与西药对照组之间没有明显差异(P > 0.05)。
补肾祛毒汤为福建省第二人民医院院内制剂补肾祛毒丸,按照原方等比例改为汤剂而成。方剂构成:制首乌10 g,山茱萸7.5 g,黄柏4.5 g,血竭1.5 g,土茯苓15 g,生大黄6 g,三七粉3 g,炮山甲3 g,黄芪15 g
木行人本藏肝木强旺,易乘脾土,故加柴胡6 g、白术9 g健脾疏肝;火行人本藏心火强旺,易克肺金,故加柏子仁6 g、麦冬9 g清心润肺;土行人本藏脾土强旺,易乘肾水,故加陈皮6 g、莱菔子6 g、菟丝子9 g疏脾补肾;金行人本藏肺金强旺,易克肝木,故加浙贝母6 g、山茱萸9 g敛肺益肝;肾中精气不嫌满,宜补不宜泄,故水行人加熟地9 g、桂枝6 g滋肾温心阳;通过辨质治疗可提高便秘治疗的效果,且患者的主观感觉及其他兼证的改善均有很大的提高。