早发性卵巢功能不全(POI)是指女性40岁之前出现卵巢功能减退导致的临床综合征,是导致女性生育力下降的重要疾病之一,同时影响育龄女性的生命质量,与心血管系统、骨健康、泌尿生殖、神经系统及精神心理等远期健康相关,成为国际、国内生殖内分泌领域关注的热点及难点。其致病因素复杂,遗传、免疫、炎症、医源性损伤、感染、环境、阴道菌群、心理及其他因素均可导致POI的发生,但确切的发病机制尚未完全明确。现通过检索近年文献,对POI的病因学研究进展进行梳理。 Premature ovarian insufficiency refers to the clinical syndrome caused by ovarian dysfunction in women before the age of 40, which is one of the important diseases leading to the decline of female fertility and affects the quality of life of women of reproductive age. It is related to the long-term health of cardiovascular system, bone health, genitourinary system, nervous system and mental health. It has become a hot and difficult topic in the field of reproductive endocrinology at home and abroad. The pathogenesis of POI is complex, including genetic, immune, inflammatory, iatrogenic injury, infection, environment, vaginal flora, psychological and other factors, but the exact pathogenesis has not been fully clarified. By searching the literature in recent years, the research progress of POI etiology was reviewed.
Advances in Etiology of Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
Ni Hao1*, Xiaoli Guo1, Hongyun Yue2#
1College of Medical, Yan’an University, Yan’an Shaanxi
2Reproductive Medicine Center of Yan’an University Affiliated Hospital, Yan’an Shaanxi
Received: May 1st, 2024; accepted: May 30th, 2024; published: Jun. 6th, 2024
Premature ovarian insufficiency refers to the clinical syndrome caused by ovarian dysfunction in women before the age of 40, which is one of the important diseases leading to the decline of female fertility and affects the quality of life of women of reproductive age. It is related to the long-term health of cardiovascular system, bone health, genitourinary system, nervous system and mental health. It has become a hot and difficult topic in the field of reproductive endocrinology at home and abroad. The pathogenesis of POI is complex, including genetic, immune, inflammatory, iatrogenic injury, infection, environment, vaginal flora, psychological and other factors, but the exact pathogenesis has not been fully clarified. By searching the literature in recent years, the research progress of POI etiology was reviewed.
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