气候变暖是影响人类生存和社会发展的重大自然挑战,通过研究不同温度气候条件下生物的生态和形态差异,从而精准预测生物对未来持续升温的响应,是宜居地球持续发展的关键。本研究通过对食蚊鱼( Gambusia affinis)进行控温培养六个月,观察其在26℃、28℃和30℃水温条件下培养形态和生态上的差异,来预测未来持续变暖情境下入侵鱼类对本土淡水物种多样性的潜在影响。实验结果显示高温组样本体长小,符合伯格曼法则。根据实验结果可以预测:未来不同强度气候变暖背景下,食蚊鱼形态会产生明显差异,升温2℃和4℃的情境,平均体长分别会减小18%和26%左右。作为一种喜食鱼卵的小型入侵鱼类,食蚊鱼显示出非常快速的高温适应能力,这可能会助其种群随着未来气候变暖进一步扩张,对本土鱼类的多样性和淡水生态系统产生更大威胁。 Climate warming is a major natural challenge to future human survival and social development. Precise predictions on the biotic responses to continuing warming play key roles the potential adaptions. This research conducted temperature-controlled (26˚C, 28˚C and 30˚C) culture experiments on the Gambusia affi nis for six months, observing their morphological and ecological variations, for predicting the impact on freshwater ecosystem by invasive fishes under future climatic warming. The results show that the size (body lengths) of the individuals in higher temperatures is smaller than the group of lower temperature, in agreement with the Bergmann’s rule. Thus, we predict that: the mean size of Gambusia affinis would decrease 18.0% and 26% for temperature rise of 2˚C and 4˚C, respectively. As a small-sized fish eggs predator, Gambusia affinis show rapid morphological and ecological adaptions to higher temperatures, implying huge challenge to the future protection on local fishes and freshwater ecosystem under future global warming scenarios.
Culture Experiment of Gambusia affinis for Predicting Its Morphological Response to Climate Warming
Aoxiang Huang1,2*, Jiaxin Han1,2*, Jiaying Chai1,2, Li Tian1#
1State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan Hubei
2School of Environment, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan Hubei
Received: Apr. 25th, 2024; accepted: May 24th, 2024; published: May 31st, 2024
Climate warming is a major natural challenge to future human survival and social development. Precise predictions on the biotic responses to continuing warming play key roles the potential adaptions. This research conducted temperature-controlled (26˚C, 28˚C and 30˚C) culture experiments on the Gambusia affinis for six months, observing their morphological and ecological variations, for predicting the impact on freshwater ecosystem by invasive fishes under future climatic warming. The results show that the size (body lengths) of the individuals in higher temperatures is smaller than the group of lower temperature, in agreement with the Bergmann’s rule. Thus, we predict that: the mean size of Gambusia affinis would decrease 18.0% and 26% for temperature rise of 2˚C and 4˚C, respectively. As a small-sized fish eggs predator, Gambusia affinis show rapid morphological and ecological adaptions to higher temperatures, implying huge challenge to the future protection on local fishes and freshwater ecosystem under future global warming scenarios.
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