PI Pharmacy Information 2160-441X Scientific Research Publishing 10.12677/pi.2024.133032 PI-87768 pi2024133_151710496.pdf 医药卫生 马蓝药材中水分、灰分及浸出物的测定 Determination of Moisture, Ash and Extract in Strobilanthes cusia 武海 2 1 子涵 2 1 3 1 2 1 之坤 2 1 贵州中医药大学药学院,贵州 贵阳 贵州青于蓝农业投资有限公司,贵州 榕江 null 09 05 2024 13 03 270 281 © Copyright 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. 2014 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

目的:测定马蓝中水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、浸出物的含量,为马蓝药材质量标准的建立提供参考依据。方法:依据《中国药典》2020年版四部通则下方法,分别对24个不同批次的马蓝药材中水分、总灰分、酸不溶灰分和浸出物进行测定。结果:24个批次的马蓝水分含量范围在7.68%~9.37%,总灰分含量范围在7.32%~9.94%,酸不溶性灰分范围在0.51%~1.01%,浸出物范围在14.46%~26.76%。结论:建议马蓝药材的水分暂定不超过12%,总灰分不超过10%,酸不溶性灰分不超过3%,浸出物不少于10%。 Objective: To determine the contents of moisture, ash and extract in S. cusia, and to provide reference for the establishment of quality standard of S. cusia. Methods: The moisture, total ash, acid-insoluble ash and extract of 24 different batches of S. cusia were determined according to the method in the general principles of the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Results: The moisture content of 24 batches of S. cusia ranged from 7.68 % to 9.37 %, the total ash content ranged from 7.32 % to 9.94 %, the acid insoluble ash content ranged from 0.51 % to 1.01 %, and the extract ranged from 14.46 % to 26.76 %. Conclusion: It is recommended that the moisture content of the medicinal material should not exceed 12 %, the total ash content should not exceed 10 %, the acid insoluble ash content should not exceed 3 %, and the extract should not be less than 10 %.

马蓝,水分,灰分,浸出物,质量标准, Strobilanthes cusia Moisture Ash Extract Quality Standard




Determination of Moisture, Ash and Extract in Strobilanthes cusia<sup> </sup>

Wuhai Yang1, Zihan Huang1, Hao Yu2, Ye Yang1, Zhikun Wu1*

1College of Pharmacy, Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guiyang Guizhou

2Guizhou Qingyulan Agricultural Investment Co., Ltd., Rongjiang, Guizhou

Received: Apr. 25th, 2024; accepted: May 23rd, 2024; published: May 30th, 2024


Objective: To determine the contents of moisture, ash and extract in S. cusia, and to provide reference for the establishment of quality standard of S. cusia. Methods: The moisture, total ash, acid-insoluble ash and extract of 24 different batches of S. cusia were determined according to the method in the general principles of the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Results: The moisture content of 24 batches of S. cusia ranged from 7.68 % to 9.37 %, the total ash content ranged from 7.32 % to 9.94 %, the acid insoluble ash content ranged from 0.51 % to 1.01 %, and the extract ranged from 14.46 % to 26.76 %. Conclusion: It is recommended that the moisture content of the medicinal material should not exceed 12 %, the total ash content should not exceed 10 %, the acid insoluble ash content should not exceed 3 %, and the extract should not be less than 10 %.

Keywords:Strobilanthes cusia, Moisture, Ash, Extract, Quality Standard

Copyright © 2024 by author(s) and beplay安卓登录

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).


1. 引言

马蓝Baphicacanthus cusia (Nees) Bremek.为爵床科(Acanthaceae)马蓝属植物,广泛分布于我国西南、华南和华东等地区且在中部、南部和西南部都有栽培利用 [ 1 ] 。其根和茎叶都是常用的传统中药,其中根和根茎可做中药南板蓝根,为南方地区的习惯用药,具有性寒味苦,具有清热解毒、凉血消斑的功效 [ 2 ] ;茎叶则是作为传统中药青黛的主要来源,被《中国药典》收录在青黛项下,民间流传的传统靛蓝染色工艺便是运用青黛药材 [ 3 ] 。而马蓝的干燥叶及茎叶也被《四川中药材标准》收录,视为南大青叶 [ 4 ] 。马蓝广泛用于治疗感冒包括流行性感冒、流行性腮腺炎、流行性乙型脑炎、肝炎以及非典型肺炎等 [ 5 ] 。

国内马蓝药材的产地与种质资源较为复杂,市面上伪品假货猖獗,其与正品品质相比差距甚大,对药厂原料甚至临床疗效产生了极大的影响。市面上马蓝药材质量参差不齐,存在着严重的质量问题。为此,本文参照2020版《中国药典》方法( [ 6 ] , pp. 114, 232, 234),分别对马蓝药材进行水分、总灰分、酸不溶灰分及浸出物进行测定,为马蓝药材质量标准建立提供参考依据。

2. 仪器与材料 2.1. 仪器


Experimental instrument
仪器名称 型号 厂家名称
四孔电热恒温水浴锅 HH-4 常州市普达教学仪器有限公司
电热恒温鼓风干燥箱 GZX-GF101-2-S-II 上海贺德实验设备有限公司
箱式电阻炉 4-10 北京市永光明医疗仪器厂
KSW电炉温度控制器 2001 北京市永光明医疗仪器厂
万分之一分析天平 BSA224S 赛多利斯科学仪器北京有限公司

表1. 实验仪器

2.2. 试剂


Experimental reagent
试剂名称 批次 级别 厂家名称
乙醇 20180915 分析纯 天津市富宇精细化工有限公司
盐酸 20150201 分析纯 重庆川化工集团有限公司

表2. 实验试剂

2.3. 材料


Sample information of Strobilanthes cusi
编号 经度 纬度 海拔(m)
S1 108.348098˚E 26.155978˚N 510
S2 108.645080˚E 26.029952˚N 726
S3 108.270882˚E 25.852825˚N 303
S4 108.417285˚E 26.064110˚N 744
S5 108.429728˚E 26.117189˚N 834
S6 108.291471˚E 26.163096˚N 801
S7 108.526590˚E 25.836308˚N 581
S8 108.355588˚E 26.262133˚N 998
S9 108.629808˚E 26.421306˚N 885
S10 108.432066˚E 26.192606˚N 788
S11 108.359223˚E 26.047757˚N 585
S12 108.197599˚E 25.714552˚N 622
S13 108.498739˚E 26.145169˚N 859
S14 108.398330˚E 26.152490˚N 712
S15 108.324600˚E 26.199123˚N 620
S16 108.334460˚E 26.241927˚N 633
S17 108.556472˚E 26.165657˚N 380
S18 108.329106˚E 26.181243˚N 524
S19 108.516144˚E 26.240242˚N 635
S20 108.376324˚E 26.003016˚N 335
S21 108.334909˚E 26.310331˚N 796
S22 108.459288˚E 25.913349˚N 370
S23 108.398330˚E 26.152490˚N 712
S24 108.622593˚E 26.018720˚N 458

表3. 马蓝样品信息

3. 方法与结果 3.1. 水分测定

按照2020年版《中国药典》第四部0832水分测定法项目下的第二法(烘干法)进行测定 [ 6 ] ,每批药材平行测定三次,结果见表4。

Determination results of moisture content of Strobilanthes cusia (n = 3
批次 取样量(g) 水分(%) 平均值(%) RSD (%)
S1 2.0000 8.02 8.07 0.57
2.0000 8.11
2.0001 8.08
S2 2.0000 8.14 8.07 0.81
2.0001 8.41
2.0001 8.53
S3 1.9999 7.97 7.99 0.43
2.0000 8.01
2.0002 8.07
S4 2.0001 8.39 8.44 0.90
2.0001 7.97
2.0003 8.03
S5 2.0002 9.17 9.19 0.31
2.0001 9.17
2.0000 9.22
S6 2.0002 7.64 7.68 0.69
2.0000 7.66
1.9999 7.74
S7 1.9999 8.36 8.39 0.36
2.0000 8.38
2.0000 8.42
S8 2.0000 8.06 8.07 0.38
2.0002 8.04
2.0000 8.10
S9 1.9999 8.79 8.86 0.79
1.9999 8.93
2.0000 8.87
S10 1.9998 8.36 8.46 1.13
1.9998 8.47
2.0000 8.55
S11 2.0002 9.21 9.30 0.88
2.0001 9.32
1.9997 9.37
S12 2.0000 8.26 8.27 0.67
2.0000 8.33
2.0002 8.22
S13 1.9997 7.96 7.92 0.58
1.9998 7.93
2.0001 7.87
S14 2.0000 8.93 8.87 0.68
2.0000 8.81
1.9998 8.88
S15 1.9997 8.69 8.68 0.42
1.9999 8.71
1.9997 8.64
S16 2.0001 7.99 8.05 1.11
2.0000 8.00
1.9997 8.15
S17 2.0001 8.30 8.34 0.55
2.0001 8.39
1.9998 8.33
S18 2.0000 9.34 9.37 0.38
1.9999 9.33
1.9997 9.39
S19 2.0002 8.53 8.54 0.49
2.0003 8.51
2.0002 8.59
S20 2.0003 7.99 7.95 0.67
2.0001 7.89
2.0000 7.97
S21 2.0000 7.77 7.81 0.75
2.0000 7.88
1.9998 7.79
S22 1.9999 8.40 8.43 0.49
2.0000 8.42
2.0003 8.48
S23 2.0000 8.65 8.69 1.04
2.0003 8.62
2.0001 8.79
S24 1.9997 7.95 7.93 0.84
1.9999 7.86
2.0001 7.99

表4. 马蓝水分含量测定结果(n = 3)


3.2. 总灰分及酸不溶灰分测定 Determination results of total ash in Strobilanthes cusia (n = 3
批次 取样量(g) 总灰分(%) 平均值(%) RSD(%)
S1 5.0002 9.29 9.32 0.53
5.0000 9.38
5.0001 9.30
S2 4.9998 9.98 9.94 0.73
5.0000 9.86
5.0001 9.99
S3 5.0002 7.32 7.32 0.89
4.9999 7.26
5.0000 7.39
S4 4.9998 7.71 7.75 0.52
5.0001 7.75
5.0002 7.79
S5 5.0001 9.82 9.81 0.57
5.0002 9.86
5.0001 9.75
S6 5.0000 9.11 9.15 0.58
5.0000 9.21
4.9999 9.13
S7 5.0000 8.72 8.77 0.83
5.0001 8.73
4.9997 8.80
S8 5.0002 9.01 9.09 1.02
5.0001 9.06
5.0002 9.19
S9 5.0000 8.08 8.08 0.68
5.0001 8.02
4.9999 8.13
S10 5.0000 9.24 9.25 0.35
4.9999 9.29
4.9997 9.23
S11 5.0001 9.64 9.65 0.33
4.9999 9.69
4.9998 9.63
S12 5.0000 7.36 7.36 0.61
5.0000 7.40
5.0003 7.31
S13 5.0000 8.92 8.93 0.57
5.0002 8.99
4.9998 8.89
S14 5.0000 8.09 8.08 0.87
5.0000 8.06
5.0003 8.15
S15 5.0002 8.90 8.87 1.13
5.0000 8.77
4.9999 8.87
S16 5.0002 8.63 8.65 0.44
5.0001 8.62
4.9998 8.69
S17 5.0000 9.84 9.85 0.41
5.0000 9.89
5.0002 9.81
S18 5.0001 9.56 9.56 0.37
5.0002 9.59
5.0002 9.52
S19 4.9998 8.31 8.34 0.43
5.0000 8.33
4.9999 8.38
S20 5.0000 8.95 8.95 0.45
5.0000 8.91
5.0002 8.99
S21 5.0000 7.68 7.74 0.78
5.0001 7.80
4.9999 7.73
S22 5.0001 8.39 8.38 0.96
5.0000 8.29
4.9997 8.45
S23 5.0001 8.86 8.88 0.60
5.0002 8.94
4.9998 8.84
S24 4.9999 8.02 8.08 0.82
5.0001 8.15
5.0002 8.06

表5. 马蓝总灰分测定结果(n = 3)

Determination results of acid-insoluble ash in Strobilanthes cusia (n = 3
批次 酸不溶灰分(%) 平均值(%) RSD(%)
S1 1.04 1.03 0.97
S2 0.74 0.74 0.78
S3 0.55 0.55 1.04
S4 0.85 0.85 1.80
S5 0.92 0.91 1.10
S6 0.79 0.79 0.73
S7 0.65 0.66 1.74
S8 0.69 0.68 1.69
S9 0.62 0.62 0.93
S10 1.06 1.07 1.08
S11 0.68 0.70 2.99
S12 0.71 0.71 0.81
S13 0.97 0.96 1.20
S14 0.75 0.74 0.78
S15 0.64 0.63 0.91
S16 0.76 0.77 1.98
S17 0.93 0.95 1.82
S18 0.97 0.96 0.60
S19 0.51 0.51 1.14
S20 0.84 0.84 0.68
S21 0.95 0.95 0.61
S22 0.73 0.73 2.08
S23 0.88 0.87 0.66
S24 1.04 1.02 1.96

表6. 马蓝酸不溶灰分测定结果(n = 3)

按照2020年版《中国药典》第四部2303灰分测定法中的总灰分测定法测定( [ 6 ] , p. 234),结果见表5。取上述实验得到的灰分,依据2020年版《中国药典》第四部2303灰分测定法中的酸不溶灰分测定法测定,结果见表6。



3.3. 浸出物的测定 Results of determination of extract content of Strobilanthes cusia (n = 3
批次 取样量(g) 浸出物(%) 平均值(%) RSD (%)
S1 3.0000 14.45 14.46 0.80
3.0000 14.35
3.0002 14.58
S2 3.0001 16.81 16.65 0.96
3.0000 16.49
2.9998 16.66
S3 2.9999 16.88 16.81 1.19
3.0000 16.98
3.0001 16.90
S4 3.0000 15.80 15.64 1.25
3.0001 15.42
2.9997 15.69
S5 3.0001 22.36 22.40 0.60
3.0001 22.29
2.9998 22.31
S6 3.0001 24.55 24.58 1.30
3.0000 24.48
3.0003 24.59
S7 3.0000 26.25 26.13 0.44
3.0000 26.02
3.0002 26.13
S8 3.0000 26.58 26.27 1.02
3.0001 26.15
2.9999 26.09
S9 2.9999 25.79 25.66 0.53
2.9999 25.66
2.9997 25.52
S10 3.0000 26.84 26.76 0.40
2.9999 26.64
2.9998 26.81
S11 3.0000 17.98 17.94 0.47
3.0000 17.84
3.0003 17.99
S12 3.0001 17.88 17.72 0.97
3.0000 17.75
3.0002 17.54
S13 3.0000 15.48 15.37 0.72
3.0001 15.38
2.9999 15.26
S14 3.0001 15.69 15.70 0.51
3.0000 15.62
2.9997 15.78
S15 3.0001 18.66 18.47 1.09
3.0000 18.49
2.9999 18.26
S16 3.0000 14.73 14.64 0.59
3.0000 14.62
3.0003 14.56
S17 2.9999 14.81 14.89 0.50
3.0001 14.89
3.0003 14.96
S18 3.0000 20.74 20.43 1.62
3.0001 20.70
3.0000 20.79
S19 3.0002 18.91 18.88 0.62
3.0001 18.98
2.9997 18.75
S20 3.0000 17.63 17.41 1.54
3.0000 17.48
2.9998 17.11
S21 3.0000 16.55 16.52 0.46
2.9999 16.57
2.9998 16.43
S22 3.0001 20.07 20.16 0.86
3.0000 20.35
3.0003 20.12
S23 3.0001 18.61 18.49 0.89
3.0000 18.49
3.0002 18.55
S24 3.0000 17.55 17.52 0.51
3.0001 17.59

表7. 马蓝浸出物含量测定结果(n = 3)

按照2020年版《中国药典》第四部2201醇溶性浸出物测定法的热浸法进行测定( [ 6 ] , p. 232),结果见表7。


4. 讨论

中药储存过程中,药材含水量是影响其质量的关键指标之一,药材水分过高,不但会影响药材外观性状,而且还会导致霉变、虫蛀等现象 [ 7 ] 。药材中的灰分可以反映中药材中掺假和污染的程度,从而评估中药材的质量水平,其中酸不溶性灰分所反映的是药材中受污染的沙石泥土以及其原本存在的微量氧化硅含量,这些杂质的存在对于药材的质量和稳定性具有重要的影响,而浸出物的含量与成分则常作为中药质量控制的标准 [ 8 ] 。本研究中,24个批次马蓝之间的水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分及浸出物含量均存在不同程度上的差异,其中浸出物含量差异最大,说明各不同批次马蓝的质量差异较大,其可能受马蓝生境、海拔等条件影响所致。





杨武海,黄子涵,于 浩,杨 烨,吴之坤. 马蓝药材中水分、灰分及浸出物的测定Determination of Moisture, Ash and Extract in Strobilanthes cusia[J]. 药物资讯, 2024, 13(03): 270-281. https://doi.org/10.12677/pi.2024.133032

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