眼眶炎性假瘤(Orbital inflammatory pseudotumor, OIP)是一种常见的眼眶疾病,病因病机尚未明确。OIP可累计眼眶各个部位,其临床表现多种多样,不具有特异性,需要依据临床、实验室及影像学检查进行排除性诊断。现报道一例双眼眶炎性假瘤患者及其诊疗过程,以期为同道临床诊治提供思路及参考。 Orbital inflammatory pseudotumor (OIP) is a commonly encountered orbital disease, although its etiology and pathogenesis remain unclear. OIP can affect various parts of the orbit and presents with diverse clinical manifestations that lack specificity, necessitating a differential diagnosis based on clinical, laboratory, and imaging examinations. Here, we present a case of bilateral orbital inflammatory pseudotumor and discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic process, aiming to provide insights and references for fellow clinicians in their clinical practice.
眼眶炎性假瘤,双眼,病例报告, Orbital Inflammatory Pseudotumor
Case Report
Clinical Approach to the Diagnosis of Non-Inflammatory Eyelid Edema
—A Case Report of Bilateral Orbital Inflammatory Pseudotumor
Jing Qiu1, Fenglin Xia1, Xuejun Xie2
1The Eye Science Academy at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu Sichuan
2Hospital of Chengdu University Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu Sichuan
Received: Apr. 20th, 2024; accepted: May 10th, 2024; published: May 22nd, 2024
Orbital inflammatory pseudotumor (OIP) is a commonly encountered orbital disease, although its etiology and pathogenesis remain unclear. OIP can affect various parts of the orbit and presents with diverse clinical manifestations that lack specificity, necessitating a differential diagnosis based on clinical, laboratory, and imaging examinations. Here, we present a case of bilateral orbital inflammatory pseudotumor and discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic process, aiming to provide insights and references for fellow clinicians in their clinical practice.
Keywords:Orbital Inflammatory Pseudotumor, Bilateral, Case Report
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