为了提高预报员对重大天气过程的预报分析能力,减少重复劳动浪费的时间,使重大天气过程复盘分析变得更加高效。研究将面向国内天气预报业务和科研应用的通用型天气学诊断分析的Python工具包MetDig开发为可共享的Web应用程序,实现多模式预报数据及再分析实况数据可定制的、可视化的诊断分析功能(包括热力诊断、动力诊断、水汽诊断、天气学诊断、降水诊断、要素诊断等共六大类28种综合图),为重大天气过程预报、复盘、机理研究等应用场景提供诊断分析技术支持。 In order to improve the ability of forecasters to forecast and analyze major weather processes, reduce the time wasted by repetitive labor, and make the multi-disk analysis of major weather processes more efficient, in this paper, MetDig, a Python toolkit for general synoptic diagnostic analysis for domestic weather forecasting business and scientific research applications, is developed into a shareable Web application. It can realize customized and visual diagnostic analysis functions of multi-model forecast data and reanalysis of live data (including thermal diagnosis, dynamic diagnosis, water vapor diagnosis, weather diagnosis, precipitation diagnosis, factor diagnosis, etc., a total of six categories and 28 kinds of comprehensive maps), and provide diagnostic analysis technical support for application scenarios such as major weather process prediction, review and mechanism research.
Chao Hu
Meishan Meteorological Bureau, Meishan Sichuan
Received: Apr. 10th, 2024; accepted: May 6th, 2024; published: May 15th, 2024
In order to improve the ability of forecasters to forecast and analyze major weather processes, reduce the time wasted by repetitive labor, and make the multi-disk analysis of major weather processes more efficient, in this paper, MetDig, a Python toolkit for general synoptic diagnostic analysis for domestic weather forecasting business and scientific research applications, is developed into a shareable Web application. It can realize customized and visual diagnostic analysis functions of multi-model forecast data and reanalysis of live data (including thermal diagnosis, dynamic diagnosis, water vapor diagnosis, weather diagnosis, precipitation diagnosis, factor diagnosis, etc., a total of six categories and 28 kinds of comprehensive maps), and provide diagnostic analysis technical support for application scenarios such as major weather process prediction, review and mechanism research.
Keywords:Meteorology, Streamlit, Data Visualization, MetDig
Copyright © 2024 by author(s) and beplay安卓登录
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
近年来,气候变化带来的极端天气现象频频发生,对社会生产生活造成了严重影响。气象预报预警工作的重要性愈发凸显,对此,预报员需要进行大量的气象预报预警复盘工作总结,以期提高工作效率和预报准确性 [
本平台基于国家气象中心天气预报技术研发室开发的MetDig工具包和Streamlit数据可视化的Python框架 [
本系统采用Streamlit数据可视化框架、B/S架构方式进行设计开发 [
图1. 总体架构
基于python编程,利用MetDig工具包的io数据资源访问模板读取绘制从MICAPS CASSANDRA (MICAPS分布式数据库大数据)、CMADaaS (气象大数据云平台•天擎)、ERA5 (欧洲中期天气预报中心对1950年1月至今全球气候的第五代大气再分析数据集)等在线数据API中,获取模式预报、实况再分析资料、站点观测、卫星云图、天气雷达等气象数据。
图2. 系统界面
操作区首先选择的是数据源,“cassandra”为micpas4的数据源,该数据源的优势就是直观,里面有什么数据,数据起始日期及数据时次是否有缺都可以直接在micaps4软件的数据源检索里面看到;“CMADaaS”为气象大数据云平台•天擎的数据源,优势是数据的起始日期更长;“cds”为欧洲中心ERA5再分析数据集,它的起始时间为1950年1月,数据覆盖范围为全球,空间分辨率为0.1˚ × 0.1˚,时间分辨率为1小时。预报员若是利用本平台做重大天气过程预报,则数据源需要选择为“cassandra”或者“CMADaaS”,若是用于复盘和机理研究则可以选择模式预报的数据源“cassandra”或者“CMADaaS”,也可以选择再分析资料数据源“cds”。
如图3所示,为本平台所出的含有位温物理量的综合图。位温定义为空气干绝热过程变化到气压p = 1000 hPa时的温度 [
def potential_temperature (pres, tmp):
pres_p = utl.stda_to_quantity (pres)# hPa
tmp_p = utl.stda_to_quantity (tmp)# degC
thta_p = mpcalc.potential_temperature (pres_p, tmp_p)# Kelvin
thta = utl.quantity_to_stda_byreference (‘that’, thta_p, tmp)# degC
return thta
thta = mdgcal.potential_temperature (pres, tmp)
图3. 含位温的综合图
图4. 含相当位温的综合图
如图4所示,为本平台所出的含有相当温度物理量的综合图。相当位温是某一高度的气团下降(或上升)至参照气压值的位置时,经过绝热膨胀(或收缩)以及所含的水汽全部凝结为水滴释出潜热后,所具有的温度 [
θ e = θ exp ( L q c p d T c )
def equivalent_potential_temperature(pressure, temperature, dewpoint):
t = temperature.to(‘kelvin’).magnitude
td = dewpoint.to(‘kelvin’).magnitude
r = saturation_mixing_ratio(pressure, dewpoint).magnitude
e = saturation_vapor_pressure(dewpoint)
t_l = 56 + 1. / (1. / (td - 56) + np.log(t / td) / 800.)
th_l = potential_temperature(pressure - e, temperature) * (t / t_l) ** (0.28 * r)
return th_l * np.exp(r * (1 + 0.448 * r) * (3036. / t_l - 1.78))
图5. 含水汽通量的综合图
如图5所示,为本平台所出的含有水汽通量物理量的综合图。一般说的水汽通量,多指水平水汽通量,它是单位时间内流经与气流方向正交的单位截面积的水汽质量 [
| F h | = | V | q / g
def cal_ivt_singlelevel (spfh, wsp):
spfh_p = utl.stda_to_quantity (spfh)# g/kg
wsp_p = utl.stda_to_quantity (wsp)# m/s
iq = wsp_p * spfh_p/ (9.8*units(‘m/s**2’))
iq = utl.quantity_to_stda_byreference(‘wvfl’, iq, spfh) # g/(cm * hPa * s)
return iq
图6. 含温度平流的综合图
如图6所示,为本平台所出的含有温度平流物理量的综合图。温度平流 − V ⋅ ∇ T 是指较暖空气向较冷空气方向或者较冷空气向较暖空气方向输送 [
− V ⋅ ∇ T = − ( u ∂ T ∂ x + v ∂ T ∂ y )
def var_advect (var, u, v):
dx, dy = mpcalc.lat_lon_grid_deltas (u[‘lon’].values, u [‘lat’].values)
adv = xr.zeros_like (u).copy ()
for ilvl in var [‘level’].values:
for it in var [‘time’].values:
for idt in var[‘dtime’].values:
for imdl in var[‘member’].values:
u2d = u.sel (level = ilvl, time = it, dtime = idt, member = imdl).squeeze()
v2d = v.sel (level = ilvl, time = it, dtime = idt, member = imdl).squeeze()
var2d = var.sel (level = ilvl, time = it, dtime = idt, member = imdl).squeeze()
u2d = utl.stda_to_quantity (u2d)
v2d = utl.stda_to_quantity (v2d)
var2d = utl.stda_to_quantity (var2d)
adv2d = mpcalc.advection (var2d, u=u2d, v = v2d, dx = dx, dy = dy) adv.loc [dict (level = ilvl, time = it, dtime = idt, member = imdl)] = np.array(adv2d) adv.attrs [‘var_units’] = str (adv2d.units) adv = utl.quantity_to_stda_byreference (var.attrs [‘var_name’] + ‘adv’, adv.values * units (adv.attrs [‘var_units’]), u) return adv
tmpadv = var_advect(tmp, _u, _v)
胡 超. 气象数据可视化诊断分析平台设计与应用开发Design and Application Development of Meteorological Data Visualization Diagnosis and Analysis Platform[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2024, 14(05): 14-22. https://doi.org/10.12677/csa.2024.145110