通过查阅资料,原发性失眠相关的发病机制尚未明确,中医诊疗原发性失眠主要以经络理论及中医基础理论指导下,通过分析失眠的基本病机,采用最优的针灸治疗手段。针刺治疗原发性失眠的主要治疗方法有常规针刺、针刺结合其他方式治疗、特殊针刺等方法。同时也发现针灸治疗原发性失眠中存在不足之处,为今后的临床研究提供参考。 According to the data, the pathogenesis related to primary insomnia has not yet been clarified. The diagnosis and treatment of primary insomnia in traditional Chinese medicine are mainly guided by the meridian theory and the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine. By analyzing the basic pathogenesis of insomnia, the optimal acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is adopted. The main treatment methods for primary insomnia with acupuncture include conventional acupuncture, acupuncture combined with other methods, and special acupuncture. At the same time, it also found that there were shortcomings in the treatment of primary insomnia with acupuncture and moxibustion, which would provide a reference for future clinical research.
Progress in the Study of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Primary Insomnia
Yuan Ma1, Yongqin Shen2*, Han Zhang1, Qianqian Ma1, Tian Shen2
1Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qinghai University, Xining Qinghai
2Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Massage Department of Qinghai Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xining Qinghai
Received: Feb. 19th, 2024; accepted: Mar. 14th, 2024; published: Mar. 21st, 2024
According to the data, the pathogenesis related to primary insomnia has not yet been clarified. The diagnosis and treatment of primary insomnia in traditional Chinese medicine are mainly guided by the meridian theory and the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine. By analyzing the basic pathogenesis of insomnia, the optimal acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is adopted. The main treatment methods for primary insomnia with acupuncture include conventional acupuncture, acupuncture combined with other methods, and special acupuncture. At the same time, it also found that there were shortcomings in the treatment of primary insomnia with acupuncture and moxibustion, which would provide a reference for future clinical research.
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