为研究水稻秸秆沼液耦合对小麦农艺性状和土壤真菌多样性影响,采用IlluminaNovaseq高通量测序技术,分析了等量氮素肥料处理下水稻秸秆全量还田结合化肥(S-CF)、秸秆全量还田结合沼液(S-BS)、全量沼液(BS)、全量化肥(CF)和空白处理(CK)条件下真菌群落结构。结果显示,灌浆期的株高方面和茎基宽方面,S-BS、BS处理相对低于化肥的组合处理。S-CF处理理论产量最高,但是与CF、S-BS处理无显著差异。联合施肥的S-CF、S-BS处理均能够提高物种的丰富度和多样性。结果表明,水稻秸秆与沼液耦合对小麦农艺性状、土壤真菌影响与化肥处理存在一定的异同,S-BS能够保证一定的理论产量和土壤真菌的丰富度和多样性,该结果可为地方建立科学合理的秸秆还田配施有机肥方案提供理论依据。 To study the effects of coupling rice straw with biogas slurry on wheat agronomic traits and soil fungal diversity, Illumina Novaseq high-throughput sequencing technology was used to analyze the fungal community structure under the conditions of equal nitrogen fertilizer treatment with rice straw full return combined fertilizer (S-CF), straw full return combined biogas slurry (S-BS), full bi-ogas slurry (BS), full fertilizer (CF), and blank treatment (CK). The results showed that in terms of plant height and stem base width during the filling period, the S-BS and BS were relatively lower than the combination of chemical fertilizers. The theoretical yield of S-CF is the highest, but there is no significant difference compared to CF and S-BS. Both S-CF and S-BS can enhance species richness and diversity. The results indicate that there are certain similarities and differences on agronomic traits of wheat, soil fungi between the coupling of rice straw and biogas slurry with fertilizer treat-ment. S-BS can ensure a certain theoretical yield and the richness and diversity of soil fungi. This result can provide a theoretical basis for establishing a scientific and reasonable straw return and organic fertilizer fertilization plan in local areas.
Liwei Wang1*, Chen Zhao1, Gang Zhou1#, Jie You1, Hao Tao2#
1Huaiyin Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Jiangsu Province Xuhuai District, Huai’an Jiangsu
2Huai’an Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Huai’an Jiangsu
Received: Dec. 18th, 2023; accepted: Jan. 15th, 2024; published: Jan. 23rd, 2024
To study the effects of coupling rice straw with biogas slurry on wheat agronomic traits and soil fungal diversity, Illumina Novaseq high-throughput sequencing technology was used to analyze the fungal community structure under the conditions of equal nitrogen fertilizer treatment with rice straw full return combined fertilizer (S-CF), straw full return combined biogas slurry (S-BS), full biogas slurry (BS), full fertilizer (CF), and blank treatment (CK). The results showed that in terms of plant height and stem base width during the filling period, the S-BS and BS were relatively lower than the combination of chemical fertilizers. The theoretical yield of S-CF is the highest, but there is no significant difference compared to CF and S-BS. Both S-CF and S-BS can enhance species richness and diversity. The results indicate that there are certain similarities and differences on agronomic traits of wheat, soil fungi between the coupling of rice straw and biogas slurry with fertilizer treatment. S-BS can ensure a certain theoretical yield and the richness and diversity of soil fungi. This result can provide a theoretical basis for establishing a scientific and reasonable straw return and organic fertilizer fertilization plan in local areas.
Keywords:Straw, Biogas Slurry, Wheat, Agronomic Traits, Fungal Diversity
Copyright © 2024 by author(s) and beplay安卓登录
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
我国虽然拥有全世界相对较少的耕地面积,但是却占据了全世界三分之一的氮肥施用量 [
针对于施肥类型、轮作模式等对小麦生长的影响,不同处理对小麦产量、丛枝菌根真菌、根腐病等因素均存在一定的差异 [
以小麦“淮麦33”为试验材料,水稻秸秆与土壤均取自涟水高沟镇试验基地,秸秆不做任何操作(收割机已打碎处理),土壤碾碎至颗粒不超过1.0 cm3。沼液取自基地周边生猪养殖场,土壤及沼液理化性质下表所示(表1)。
样品 | pH | 有机质 (g·Kg−1) | 全氮 (g·Kg−1) | 氨氮 (g·Kg−1) | 全磷 (g·Kg−1) | 有效钾(g·Kg−1) | 田间持水量 (%) | 土壤质地 |
土壤soil | 7.72 | 22.31 | 4.02 | 1.41 | 1.22 | 0.61 | 263.01 | 黄潮土 |
沼液Biogas slurry | 8.20 | 38.79 | 0.84 | 0.58 | 1.29 | 1.46 | — | — |
表1. 耕层土壤及沼液的基本理化性质
2022年10月30日进行小麦播种处理。计算单位面积水稻秸秆重量,并进行秸秆含氮量计算(水稻秸秆单位重量测算为7625 kg·hm−2,全氮含量为5.9 g·kg−1),最后计算秸秆含氮量占常规化肥施用量中全氮的占比(以小麦产量550 kg测算,常规施化肥为15%~15%~15% [
1) 株高、茎基宽在小麦生长的拔节期、孕穗期和灌浆期随机选取具有代表性的植株,分别测量株高、茎基宽指标。
2) 小麦产量待小麦成熟后,各处理组随机选取1 m2进行产量测定,3次重复并取平均值,然后进行理论产量分析。
3) 土壤总DNA提取使用MoBio PowerSoil®DNA isolation kit试剂盒提取各组处理土壤样本总DNA,用1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测和分光光度法(260 nm/280 nm光密度比)进行质量检测,提取得到的DNA样品检测后,于−80℃保存以备后续试验使用。
4) 特异区域扩增及测序DNA样本送至南京集思慧远生物科技有限公司,微生物多样性检测选取真菌rDNA ITS2区,扩增引物为ITS3F (5' - GCATCGATGAAGAACGCAGC-3')和ITS4R (5' - TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3') [
微生物群落结构分析下机数据经过QIIME软件过滤、拼接、去除嵌处理,另外去除碱基质量分值低于20、测序长度小于150 bp、碱基模糊和引物错配序列。根据barcodes归类处理组序列信息聚类为物种分类的基本操作单元(Operational taxonomic units, OTU),设置OTU相似性为97%,与silva真菌类数据库进行比对 [
处理组 | 株高/cm | 茎基宽/mm | ||||
拔节期 | 孕穗期 | 灌浆期 | 拔节期 | 孕穗期 | 灌浆期 | |
CK | 30.8b | 60.4c | 71.8c | 3.6c | 4.7b | 4.7c |
CF | 35.5a | 68.5a | 81.4a | 4.2a | 5.1a | 5.6a |
S-CF | 35.1a | 68.8a | 81.2a | 4.2a | 5.1a | 5.5a |
S-BS | 35.2a | 67.5ab | 79.7a | 4.1ab | 5.0a | 5.2b |
BS | 34.7ab | 66.3b | 76.8b | 4.1ab | 4.9ab | 5.1b |
表2. 不同处理对小麦株高、茎基宽的影响
注:表中同列数据后不同小写字母的表示差异显著(P < 0.05),下同。
处理组 | 穗数/ (104·hm−2) | 每穗 粒数 | 千粒重/g | 理论产量/ (kg·hm−2) | 增产率/% | 千粒重 变化/% | 熟期 延迟/d |
CK | 582a | 32.2b | 44.2a | 7041c | - | - | - |
CF | 570a | 37.9a | 41.5b | 7620ab | 8.2 | −6.1 | 0~1 |
S-CF | 576a | 38.3a | 41.78b | 7834a | 11.2 | −5.5 | 0~1 |
S-BS | 581a | 37.4a | 40.9b | 7554ab | 7.3 | −7.5 | 4~5 |
BS | 563a | 37.8a | 40.2c | 7272b | 3.2 | −9 | 7~8 |
表3. 不同处理对小麦理论产量的影响
处理组 | chao1 | observed_species | shannon | simpson | goods_coverage |
CK | 1017.5a | 950.7a | 6.2b | 0.9a | 0.9a |
CF | 914.5bc | 833.7cd | 5.7d | 0.9a | 0.9a |
S-CF | 997.2a | 945.7ab | 6.6a | 0.9a | 0.9a |
S-BS | 941.5b | 843.7bcd | 6.1bc | 0.9a | 0.9a |
BS | 906.6cd | 816.0d | 6.0bc | 0.9a | 0.9a |
表4. 土壤真菌群落Alpha多样性分析
作物秸秆腐熟分解后大量的营养物质是作物果蔬生长所需肥料的重要来源。沼液可以作为一种速效液体生物肥料,与秸秆联合施用能够促进秸秆的转化利用。秸秆还田腐解处理后,会进一步增加土壤的养分含量,提高腐殖质、有机酸等,促进作物生长发育。在沼液具体运筹小麦作物方面,邵文奇等学者开展了基肥、追肥生长时期不同施肥量的研究,发现沼液的施用能够促进植株株高、茎基宽的发育。另外,在保证产量的前提下,沼液追施量增加容易导致小麦生长旺盛、贪青迟熟,这与本研究单纯施用沼液BS处理组存在生长发育的问题具有一致性 [
土壤微生物群落是土壤生态系统中重要的部分,群落的丰富度和多样性进一步反映土壤的肥力和作物生长情况,多样性指数越高表明土壤微生物群落的丰富度和多样性越高 [
王礼伟,赵 晨,周 刚,尤 杰,陶 浩. 稻秸秆沼液耦合对小麦农艺性状和土壤真菌多样性影响Effects of Rice Straw and Biogas Slurry Cou-pling on Wheat Agronomic Traits and Soil Fungal Diversity[J]. 农业科学, 2024, 14(01): 40-46. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2024.141007