物质由核子(质子和中子的统称)构成,每个核子都发出大量的引力子,星球内部核子发出的引力子被星球内部其他核子吸收,形成星球内部的凝聚力,星球壳层的核子发出的引力子有一部分发射到球外,以引力能量波的形式传播形成引力场,当引力能量波遇到引力场中其他星球的核子时,与其发生共振形成能量转移,此时引力子被其遇到的核子吸收形成引力。引力由星球壳层核子发射到球外的引力子多少决定,而引力子多少与星球表面积成正比,因此星球的引力与星球的表面积成正比,万有引力公式中引力与星球质量成正比,在星球和星系中只是一种近似。一般的星系都是盘状结构,在星系旋转速度模拟中,星系中的星球受到的引力与盘状结构的侧面积相关,本文在此分析的基础上,推导和计算了星系的旋转速度V = (0.5GDH)0.5,说明星系的旋转速度与星系中星球距离星系中心的距离无关,与星系盘的厚度相关,对于特定的星系,星系旋转速度是基本恒定的,同时也说明了在星系旋转速度中不需要暗物质的参与。对于存在旋臂的螺旋星系和棒旋星系,星系的旋转速度会随旋臂出现上下波动;对于像太阳系这样的少星星系,本文结论不适用。对于不同星系的旋转速度,除与星系盘的厚度有关外,应该还与星系物质密度有关。 Matter is composed of nucleons (the collective name for protons and neutrons). Each nucleon emits a large number of gravitons. The gravitons emitted by the nucleons inside the planet are absorbed by other nucleons inside the planet, forming cohesion within the planet. The nucleons emitted by the planet’s shell. Some of the gravitons are emitted outside the ball and propagate in the form of gravitational energy waves to form a gravitational field. When the gravitational energy waves en-counter the nuclei of other planets in the gravitational field, they resonate with them to form energy transfer. At this time, the gravitons are encountered by them. The nucleon absorption forms the gravitational force. Gravity is determined by the number of gravitons emitted from the core of the planet’s shell to the outside of the ball, and the number of gravitons is proportional to the surface area of the planet. Therefore, the gravity of the planet is proportional to the surface area of the planet. In the formula of universal gravitation, gravity is proportional to the mass of the planet. In the planet and Galaxy is only an approximation. Generally, galaxies have a disk-shaped structure. In the simulation of the rotation speed of the galaxy, the gravitational force exerted by the planets in the galaxy is related to the side area of the disk-shaped structure. Based on this analysis, this article deduces and calculates the rotation speed of the galaxy V = (0.5GDH)0.5, indicating that the rotation speed of a galaxy has nothing to do with the distance between the planets in the galaxy and the center of the galaxy, but is related to the thickness of the galaxy disk. For a specific galaxy, the rota-tion speed of the galaxy is basically constant. It also shows that dark matter does not need to be in-volved in the rotation speed of the galaxy. For spiral galaxies and barred spiral galaxies with spiral arms, the rotation speed of the galaxy will fluctuate up and down with the spiral arms; for galaxies with few stars like the solar system, the conclusion of this article does not apply. As for the rotation speed of different galaxies, in addition to being related to the thickness of the galactic disk, it should be related to the density of the galaxy’s matter.
物质由核子(质子和中子的统称)构成,每个核子都发出大量的引力子,星球内部核子发出的引力子被星球内部其他核子吸收,形成星球内部的凝聚力,星球壳层的核子发出的引力子有一部分发射到球外,以引力能量波的形式传播形成引力场,当引力能量波遇到引力场中其他星球的核子时,与其发生共振形成能量转移,此时引力子被其遇到的核子吸收形成引力。引力由星球壳层核子发射到球外的引力子多少决定,而引力子多少与星球表面积成正比,因此星球的引力与星球的表面积成正比,万有引力公式中引力与星球质量成正比,在星球和星系中只是一种近似。一般的星系都是盘状结构,在星系旋转速度模拟中,星系中的星球受到的引力与盘状结构的侧面积相关,本文在此分析的基础上,推导和计算了星系的旋转速度V = (0.5GDH)0.5,说明星系的旋转速度与星系中星球距离星系中心的距离无关,与星系盘的厚度相关,对于特定的星系,星系旋转速度是基本恒定的,同时也说明了在星系旋转速度中不需要暗物质的参与。对于存在旋臂的螺旋星系和棒旋星系,星系的旋转速度会随旋臂出现上下波动;对于像太阳系这样的少星星系,本文结论不适用。对于不同星系的旋转速度,除与星系盘的厚度有关外,应该还与星系物质密度有关。
Junli Chen
School of Electronic and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an Shaanxi
Received: Dec. 10th, 2023; accepted: Jan. 10th, 2024; published: Jan. 19th, 2024
Matter is composed of nucleons (the collective name for protons and neutrons). Each nucleon emits a large number of gravitons. The gravitons emitted by the nucleons inside the planet are absorbed by other nucleons inside the planet, forming cohesion within the planet. The nucleons emitted by the planet’s shell. Some of the gravitons are emitted outside the ball and propagate in the form of gravitational energy waves to form a gravitational field. When the gravitational energy waves encounter the nuclei of other planets in the gravitational field, they resonate with them to form energy transfer. At this time, the gravitons are encountered by them. The nucleon absorption forms the gravitational force. Gravity is determined by the number of gravitons emitted from the core of the planet’s shell to the outside of the ball, and the number of gravitons is proportional to the surface area of the planet. Therefore, the gravity of the planet is proportional to the surface area of the planet. In the formula of universal gravitation, gravity is proportional to the mass of the planet. In the planet and Galaxy is only an approximation. Generally, galaxies have a disk-shaped structure. In the simulation of the rotation speed of the galaxy, the gravitational force exerted by the planets in the galaxy is related to the side area of the disk-shaped structure. Based on this analysis, this article deduces and calculates the rotation speed of the galaxy V = (0.5GDH)0.5, indicating that the rotation speed of a galaxy has nothing to do with the distance between the planets in the galaxy and the center of the galaxy, but is related to the thickness of the galaxy disk. For a specific galaxy, the rotation speed of the galaxy is basically constant. It also shows that dark matter does not need to be involved in the rotation speed of the galaxy. For spiral galaxies and barred spiral galaxies with spiral arms, the rotation speed of the galaxy will fluctuate up and down with the spiral arms; for galaxies with few stars like the solar system, the conclusion of this article does not apply. As for the rotation speed of different galaxies, in addition to being related to the thickness of the galactic disk, it should be related to the density of the galaxy’s matter.
Keywords:Graviton, Darkmatter, Galaxyrotation Speed, Gravitational Formula
Copyright © 2023 by author(s) and beplay安卓登录
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
暗物质 [
暗物质研究的最直接办法就是探测暗物质粒子 [
天文学家对观测到的与牛顿定律不符的另一个解释是牛顿修正动力学学说(MOND) [
F = m μ ( a / a 0 ) a (1)
这里a0是一个理论中的新常数,修正因子μ(a/a0)是a/a0的一个函数,满足 μ ( x ≫ 1 ) ≈ 1 , μ ( x ≪ 1 ) ≈ x 。也就是说,在较大的重力加速度下这个修正因子趋于一个常数,与平常的牛顿定律一致。但当重力加速度减小到一定程度时,加速度与力之间就有一个更复杂的关系。有了这一修正因子,就可以得到
a 2 ≈ a N a 0 ≈ G M a 0 r 2 (2)
这里aN是按牛顿万有引力公式算出的引力加速度,而a则是米尔格罗姆理论给出的加速度。代入圆周运动的加速度为a = v2/r,就得到
v 2 = r a ≈ ( G M a 0 ) 1 / 2 或 v 4 ≈ G M a 0 (3)
即在远离中心处旋转速度趋于常数。根据对星系的观测,可得到上式中加速度常数的数值约为a0≈ 1.2 × 10−8cms−2。2002年,另一位以色列物理学家贝肯斯坦构造出了一种既满足相对论、又能产生MOND行为的理论。在广义相对论中,描写时空弯曲的是所谓度规张量,而在这一理论中,引入了一个新的张量场、一个矢量场、一个标量场,以及一个辅助(非动力)标量场,通常的时空度规张量则由这几个量共同决定,因此被简称为张量–矢量–标量(TeVeS)理论,但是这个理论由于引入了多种场,其复杂程度超过一般的暗物质模型。后来,两位捷克科学院的理论物理学家康斯坦丁斯·斯科迪斯和汤姆·兹沃什尼克,在TeVeS的基础上,又构造了一种新的理论,称之为相对论MOND (RMOND)理论。这一理论中引入了一个具有复杂的相互作用的矢量场和两个辅助标量场。还有学者提出牛顿修正动力学理论(MOND)的模型则假设来自于其他星系的引力作用会对星系外围的恒星产生干扰,改变其惯性质量,这就导致了它们比理论上的公转速度要快得多。目前的各种牛顿修正动力学学说(MOND),都还存在各种问题,不能成为一个理想的引力理论。
星系 [
图1. 盘状星系
星系旋转速度曲线 [
图2. 临近星系的旋转速度曲线1
图3. 临近星系的旋转速度曲线2
偏转引力理论 [
λ = 2 r 0 = 1.6 × 10 − 15 m (4)
引力能量波在空间的传输速度为光速c = 3 × 108m,则引力能量波的频率为:
f = c λ = 3 × 10 8 1.6 × 10 − 15 = 1.875 × 10 23 hz (5)
T = 1 f = 5.33 × 10 − 24 s (6)
偏转引力理论认为引力能量波每个波包携带的能量为普朗克常数h,相邻两核子交换的能量就是核子的结合能 [
n n g = 6.318 × 10 21 (7)
通过对球外引力子数量的计算 [
r s o = k s ρ ρ s (8)
k s ρ = 22956 (9)
n g o = k s r r s 2 (10)
k s r = 2 .514 × 10 54 (11)
F = G S S 1 S 2 R 2 (12)
F = G r r 1 2 r 2 2 R 2 (13)
图4. 星系引力作用示意图1
对于盘状星系,可以将星系看成一个厚度为H (盘面厚度)的圆柱,相对于星系中的星球2,它的引力作用面为:
S 1 = 2 π r 1 H (14)
F 2 = G S 2 π r 1 H ⋅ m 2 4 π R 2 = G S r 1 H ⋅ m 2 2 R 2 (15)
F 2 = m 2 v 2 2 R (16)
v 2 = G S r 1 H ⋅ m 2 2 R 2 R m 2 = G S r 1 H 2 R (17)
当R为0时,星系的半径r1为0,星系的盘面高度H也为0,当R增加时,由于 r 1 = R − r 2 ,r1也增加,盘面厚度H增加,当R增加到一定程度后,盘面厚度达到标准盘面厚度Hmax,随后H不在增加成为恒定值,在R增加过程中,一般的 r 1 ≫ r 2 , r 1 ≈ R ,此时星系的旋转速度为恒定值:
v 2 = 0.5 G S H (18)
H = H max ( 1 − e − r 1 σ ) (19)
v 2 = 0.5 G S H max ( 1 − e − r 1 σ ) (20)
F 1 = G S S 1 m 2 2 π R = G S 2 π r 1 H ⋅ m 2 2 π R = G S r 1 H ⋅ m 2 R (21)
v 1 = F 1 R m 2 = G S r 1 H ⋅ m 2 R R m 1 = G S r 1 H ⋅ m 2 m 1 (22)
f ( x ) = 1 2 π σ e − x 2 2 σ 2 (23)
图5. 星系剩余质量等效示意图
sin α = r 2 R (24)
m 3 = 2 α 2 π ( m − m 1 − m 2 ) (25)
R 2 ≈ 1 3 ( R max − R − r 2 ) (26)
π r 3 2 ρ = m 3 (27)
r 3 = m 3 π ρ (28)
F 3 = G S S 2 S 3 4 π R 2 2 = G S m 2 ⋅ 2 π r 3 H 4 π R 2 2 = G S m 2 ⋅ r 3 H 2 R 2 2 (29)
图6. 星系引力作用示意图2
星系旋转速度数据模拟见表1。这里选取了一部分表格,整体表格有一万行,读者在这个表格上续行就行。表中第一列为一些常数,rmax为星系的最大半径Rmax减去星系中需要计算速度的星球半径r2后的最大值,近似的rmax= Rmax,由图2和图3可以看出,星系盘的边沿在20~25千秒差距(kpc)之间,这里取24千秒差距,1秒差距(pc) = 3.086 × 1016m,24千秒差距 = 7.405 × 1020m。n为rmax的等分数,这里取10000。Δr为每等份宽度,m0为核子质量,r0为核子半径,ρmax为星球最大密度,可以认为星系中心的密度最大值就是中子星的物质密度,这里它就是核子的物质密度 ρ max = m 0 / ( 4 / 3 π r 0 3 ) ,星系的物质分布一般服从正太分布,这里正太分布的y轴就是星系的中心G0,σ为正太分布的方差,这里取星系半径的最大值Rmax(rmax)为3σ,可以认为星系99%的物质都包括在星系最大值Rmax之内了。m2为星系内需要计算速度的星球,这里选这个星球的质量m2与太阳的质量相等为1.989E30 kg,选这个星球的半径r2与太阳的半径相等为6.955E8 m,这个星球的密度为ρ2与太阳的密度相等为1408 kg/m3,GS为引力公式中的系数,相当于牛顿万有定律中的引力常数G。Hmax为盘面形成后的厚度。不同星系的星系盘的厚度不一样,银河系盘面的厚度为1000光年,这里取星系盘的厚度与银河系星系盘厚度相等也为1000光年,1光年为9.4607E15 m,1000光年为9.4607E18 m。星系盘总质量为正太分布3σ以内的质量/0.99。盘高拐点为星系盘高度基本达到正常高度时对应的星系半径r1的值。
表中第2列为星系半径R,初值为每等份宽度Δr+星球2的半径r2,然后每增加一行,半径R+宽度Δr。表中第3列为星系等效半径r1,其值为R − r2,第4列为星系盘厚度,在星系盘半径为0时,星系盘厚度也为0,星系盘半径达到星系盘厚度拐点时,星系盘厚度达到正常厚度,其值符合公式19,第5列为星系相应半径下的物质密度,此值符合正太分布,由公式23乘以物质最大密度ρmax给出。第6列为不同密度层的物质质量,起始值为πC2(r1)2Hρ,第二行起不同密度环的质量,其值为 π ( C 3 2 − C 2 2 ) H ρ ,第7列为质量和,表示不同星系半径以内物质质量的总量,此列最后一行为3σ以内星系的总质量,占整个星系质量的99%。第8列为星系等效柱体侧面积,为不同星系半径下与星球S2的引力作用面积,第9列为星球S2受到星系G1的引力,星系G1使用引力作用面积,星球S2使用质量。第10列为星球在S2在星系G1引力场中的旋转速度。
第11~13列说明星系G1受到星球S2作用力对星球S2旋转速度的影响。第11列为星系G1受到星球S2的作用力,由于星系G1在S2引力场中以圆柱侧面为引力作用面,这里只与距离R的一次方成反比,第12列为星系G1受到星球S2的引力形成的旋转速度,第13列为星球S2和星系G1运行的速度和。由第10列星球S2的速度v2和第12列星系G1受星球S2影响产生的反向速度V1可以看出,V2? V1,星系G1受星球S2影响产生的反向速度V1可以忽略。
第14~19列说明星系不同半径下的星系剩余质量对星系旋转速度的影响。第14列为星球S2后面等效柱状星球G3对星球S2的作用距离,考虑到rmax为星系3σ的作用范围,星系的边沿取4/3rmax,取星系剩余距离的1/3处为剩余质量的作用点,则 R 3 = r + 1 / 3 ( 4 / 3 r max − R ) ,第15列为在星球S2后面的剩余质量,由公式25计算。第16列为剩余质量的等效圆柱半径,这里物质密度取1408 kg/m3,第17列为星系剩余质量对星球S2的引力,由上式29计算,第18列为星球S2受到G1和G3力的合力,这里为两力只差,第19列星球S2受到F1和F3合力影响后的旋转速度,第20列为星球S2受到星系G1,星系剩余质量等效球G3和星球S2对G1影响作用,S2的速度和。由第9列F2和17列F3可以看出,星系G1对星球S2的引力F2? 星系剩余质量等效球G3对星球S2的引力F3,星系剩余质量等效球G3对星球S2的引力F3可以忽略。
(a) | ||||||||||
rmax(m) | R (m) | r1(m) | H (m) | ρ (kg/m3) | m1(kg) | 质量和(kg) | S1(m2) | F2(N) | v2(m/s) | |
7.405E+20 | 7.405E+16 | 7.405E+16 | 1.701E+16 | 1.262E−03 | 2.057E+50 | 2.057E+50 | 7.916E+33 | 2.871E+21 | 1.034E+04 | |
n | 1.481E+17 | 1.481E+17 | 3.399E+16 | 1.262E−03 | 6.171E+50 | 8.228E+50 | 3.163E+34 | 2.868E+21 | 1.461E+04 | |
10000 | 2.222E+17 | 2.222E+17 | 5.094E+16 | 1.262E−03 | 1.029E+51 | 1.851E+51 | 7.111E+34 | 2.866E+21 | 1.789E+04 | |
Δr (m) | 2.962E+17 | 2.962E+17 | 6.787E+16 | 1.262E−03 | 1.440E+51 | 3.291E+51 | 1.263E+35 | 2.863E+21 | 2.065E+04 | |
7.40544E+16 | 3.703E+17 | 3.703E+17 | 8.476E+16 | 1.262E−03 | 1.851E+51 | 5.143E+51 | 1.972E+35 | 2.861E+21 | 2.308E+04 | |
m0(kg) | 4.443E+17 | 4.443E+17 | 1.016E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 2.263E+51 | 7.406E+51 | 2.837E+35 | 2.858E+21 | 2.527E+04 | |
1.6748E−27 | 5.184E+17 | 5.184E+17 | 1.184E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 2.674E+51 | 1.008E+52 | 3.858E+35 | 2.855E+21 | 2.728E+04 | |
r0(m) | 5.924E+17 | 5.924E+17 | 1.352E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 3.086E+51 | 1.317E+52 | 5.034E+35 | 2.853E+21 | 2.915E+04 | |
8E−16 | 6.665E+17 | 6.665E+17 | 1.520E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 3.497E+51 | 1.666E+52 | 6.366E+35 | 2.850E+21 | 3.091E+04 | |
ρmax(kg/m3) | 7.405E+17 | 7.405E+17 | 1.688E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 3.909E+51 | 2.057E+52 | 7.852E+35 | 2.848E+21 | 3.256E+04 | |
7.809E+17 | 8.146E+17 | 8.146E+17 | 1.855E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 4.320E+51 | 2.489E+52 | 9.492E+35 | 2.845E+21 | 3.414E+04 | |
σ (m) | 8.887E+17 | 8.887E+17 | 2.021E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 4.731E+51 | 2.962E+52 | 1.129E+36 | 2.843E+21 | 3.564E+04 | |
2.468E+20 | 9.627E+17 | 9.627E+17 | 2.188E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 5.143E+51 | 3.477E+52 | 1.323E+36 | 2.840E+21 | 3.708E+04 | |
m2(kg) | 1.037E+18 | 1.037E+18 | 2.354E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 5.554E+51 | 4.032E+52 | 1.533E+36 | 2.838E+21 | 3.846E+04 | |
1.989E+30 | 1.111E+18 | 1.111E+18 | 2.520E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 5.966E+51 | 4.628E+52 | 1.759E+36 | 2.835E+21 | 3.979E+04 | |
r2(m) | 1.185E+18 | 1.185E+18 | 2.686E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 6.377E+51 | 5.266E+52 | 1.999E+36 | 2.833E+21 | 4.108E+04 | |
6.955E+08 | 1.259E+18 | 1.259E+18 | 2.851E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 6.788E+51 | 5.945E+52 | 2.255E+36 | 2.830E+21 | 4.232E+04 | |
ρ2(kg/m3) | 1.333E+18 | 1.333E+18 | 3.016E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 7.200E+51 | 6.665E+52 | 2.526E+36 | 2.827E+21 | 4.353E+04 | |
1408 | 1.407E+18 | 1.407E+18 | 3.181E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 7.611E+51 | 7.426E+52 | 2.812E+36 | 2.825E+21 | 4.470E+04 | |
GD | 1.481E+18 | 1.481E+18 | 3.345E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 8.023E+51 | 8.228E+52 | 3.113E+36 | 2.822E+21 | 4.584E+04 | |
1.000E−09 | 1.555E+18 | 1.555E+18 | 3.509E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 8.434E+51 | 9.072E+52 | 3.429E+36 | 2.820E+21 | 4.696E+04 | |
Hmax(m) | 1.629E+18 | 1.629E+18 | 3.673E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 8.845E+51 | 9.956E+52 | 3.760E+36 | 2.817E+21 | 4.804E+04 | |
9.4607E+18 | 1.703E+18 | 1.703E+18 | 3.836E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 9.257E+51 | 1.088E+53 | 4.106E+36 | 2.815E+21 | 4.910E+04 | |
总质量 (kg) | 1.777E+18 | 1.777E+18 | 4.000E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 9.668E+51 | 1.185E+53 | 4.466E+36 | 2.812E+21 | 5.013E+04 | |
4.56586E+57 | 1.851E+18 | 1.851E+18 | 4.163E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.008E+52 | 1.286E+53 | 4.842E+36 | 2.810E+21 | 5.114E+04 | |
盘高拐点(m) | 1.925E+18 | 1.925E+18 | 4.325E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.049E+52 | 1.391E+53 | 5.232E+36 | 2.807E+21 | 5.213E+04 | |
1.23424E+20 | 1.999E+18 | 1.999E+18 | 4.488E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.090E+52 | 1.500E+53 | 5.638E+36 | 2.805E+21 | 5.310E+04 | |
e | 2.074E+18 | 2.074E+18 | 4.650E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.131E+52 | 1.613E+53 | 6.058E+36 | 2.802E+21 | 5.405E+04 | |
2.718 | 2.148E+18 | 2.148E+18 | 4.811E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.173E+52 | 1.730E+53 | 6.492E+36 | 2.800E+21 | 5.498E+04 | |
2.222E+18 | 2.222E+18 | 4.973E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.214E+52 | 1.851E+53 | 6.941E+36 | 2.797E+21 | 5.590E+04 | ||
2.296E+18 | 2.296E+18 | 5.134E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.255E+52 | 1.977E+53 | 7.405E+36 | 2.795E+21 | 5.680E+04 | ||
2.370E+18 | 2.370E+18 | 5.295E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.296E+52 | 2.106E+53 | 7.884E+36 | 2.792E+21 | 5.768E+04 | ||
2.444E+18 | 2.444E+18 | 5.455E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.337E+52 | 2.240E+53 | 8.377E+36 | 2.790E+21 | 5.855E+04 | ||
2.518E+18 | 2.518E+18 | 5.616E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.378E+52 | 2.378E+53 | 8.884E+36 | 2.787E+21 | 5.940E+04 | ||
2.592E+18 | 2.592E+18 | 5.776E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.419E+52 | 2.520E+53 | 9.406E+36 | 2.785E+21 | 6.024E+04 | ||
2.666E+18 | 2.666E+18 | 5.936E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.460E+52 | 2.666E+53 | 9.942E+36 | 2.782E+21 | 6.107E+04 | ||
2.740E+18 | 2.740E+18 | 6.095E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.502E+52 | 2.816E+53 | 1.049E+37 | 2.780E+21 | 6.188E+04 | ||
2.814E+18 | 2.814E+18 | 6.254E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.543E+52 | 2.970E+53 | 1.106E+37 | 2.777E+21 | 6.269E+04 | ||
2.888E+18 | 2.888E+18 | 6.413E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.584E+52 | 3.129E+53 | 1.164E+37 | 2.775E+21 | 6.348E+04 | ||
2.962E+18 | 2.962E+18 | 6.572E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.625E+52 | 3.291E+53 | 1.223E+37 | 2.773E+21 | 6.426E+04 | ||
3.036E+18 | 3.036E+18 | 6.730E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.666E+52 | 3.458E+53 | 1.284E+37 | 2.770E+21 | 6.503E+04 | ||
3.110E+18 | 3.110E+18 | 6.888E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.707E+52 | 3.629E+53 | 1.346E+37 | 2.768E+21 | 6.579E+04 | ||
3.184E+18 | 3.184E+18 | 7.046E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.748E+52 | 3.803E+53 | 1.410E+37 | 2.765E+21 | 6.654E+04 | ||
3.258E+18 | 3.258E+18 | 7.203E+17 | 1.262E−03 | 1.790E+52 | 3.982E+53 | 1.475E+37 | 2.763E+21 | 6.727E+04 | ||
(b) | ||||||||||
F1(N) | v1(m/s) | v2+v1(m/s) | R3(m) | m3(kg) | r3(m) | F3(N) | F1− F3(N) | v3(m/s) | v3+ v2(m/s) | |
2.126E+38 | 2.767E+02 | 1.062E+04 | 3.258E+20 | 1.365E+49 | 4.259E+14 | 6.788E+10 | 2.871E+21 | 1.034E+04 | 1.062E+04 | |
4.248E+38 | 2.765E+02 | 1.489E+04 | 3.258E+20 | 6.825E+48 | 2.130E+14 | 6.786E+10 | 2.868E+21 | 1.461E+04 | 1.489E+04 | |
6.367E+38 | 2.764E+02 | 1.817E+04 | 3.258E+20 | 4.550E+48 | 1.421E+14 | 6.784E+10 | 2.866E+21 | 1.789E+04 | 1.817E+04 | |
8.481E+38 | 2.763E+02 | 2.093E+04 | 3.257E+20 | 3.412E+48 | 1.066E+14 | 6.782E+10 | 2.863E+21 | 2.065E+04 | 2.093E+04 | |
1.059E+39 | 2.762E+02 | 2.335E+04 | 3.257E+20 | 2.730E+48 | 8.533E+13 | 6.780E+10 | 2.861E+21 | 2.308E+04 | 2.335E+04 | |
1.270E+39 | 2.760E+02 | 2.554E+04 | 3.257E+20 | 2.275E+48 | 7.114E+13 | 6.778E+10 | 2.858E+21 | 2.527E+04 | 2.554E+04 | |
1.480E+39 | 2.759E+02 | 2.756E+04 | 3.257E+20 | 1.950E+48 | 6.101E+13 | 6.776E+10 | 2.855E+21 | 2.728E+04 | 2.756E+04 | |
1.690E+39 | 2.758E+02 | 2.943E+04 | 3.256E+20 | 1.706E+48 | 5.340E+13 | 6.774E+10 | 2.853E+21 | 2.915E+04 | 2.943E+04 | |
1.900E+39 | 2.757E+02 | 3.118E+04 | 3.256E+20 | 1.517E+48 | 4.749E+13 | 6.772E+10 | 2.850E+21 | 3.091E+04 | 3.118E+04 | |
2.109E+39 | 2.755E+02 | 3.284E+04 | 3.256E+20 | 1.365E+48 | 4.276E+13 | 6.769E+10 | 2.848E+21 | 3.256E+04 | 3.284E+04 | |
2.318E+39 | 2.754E+02 | 3.441E+04 | 3.256E+20 | 1.241E+48 | 3.889E+13 | 6.767E+10 | 2.845E+21 | 3.414E+04 | 3.441E+04 | |
2.526E+39 | 2.753E+02 | 3.591E+04 | 3.255E+20 | 1.137E+48 | 3.567E+13 | 6.765E+10 | 2.843E+21 | 3.564E+04 | 3.591E+04 | |
2.734E+39 | 2.752E+02 | 3.735E+04 | 3.255E+20 | 1.050E+48 | 3.294E+13 | 6.763E+10 | 2.840E+21 | 3.708E+04 | 3.735E+04 | |
2.942E+39 | 2.750E+02 | 3.873E+04 | 3.255E+20 | 9.750E+47 | 3.060E+13 | 6.761E+10 | 2.838E+21 | 3.846E+04 | 3.873E+04 | |
3.149E+39 | 2.749E+02 | 4.007E+04 | 3.255E+20 | 9.100E+47 | 2.857E+13 | 6.759E+10 | 2.835E+21 | 3.979E+04 | 4.007E+04 | |
3.356E+39 | 2.748E+02 | 4.135E+04 | 3.254E+20 | 8.531E+47 | 2.680E+13 | 6.757E+10 | 2.833E+21 | 4.108E+04 | 4.135E+04 | |
3.563E+39 | 2.747E+02 | 4.260E+04 | 3.254E+20 | 8.029E+47 | 2.523E+13 | 6.755E+10 | 2.830E+21 | 4.232E+04 | 4.260E+04 | |
3.769E+39 | 2.746E+02 | 4.381E+04 | 3.254E+20 | 7.583E+47 | 2.384E+13 | 6.753E+10 | 2.827E+21 | 4.353E+04 | 4.381E+04 | |
3.975E+39 | 2.744E+02 | 4.498E+04 | 3.254E+20 | 7.184E+47 | 2.260E+13 | 6.751E+10 | 2.825E+21 | 4.470E+04 | 4.498E+04 | |
4.180E+39 | 2.743E+02 | 4.612E+04 | 3.254E+20 | 6.825E+47 | 2.148E+13 | 6.749E+10 | 2.822E+21 | 4.584E+04 | 4.612E+04 | |
4.385E+39 | 2.742E+02 | 4.723E+04 | 3.253E+20 | 6.500E+47 | 2.046E+13 | 6.747E+10 | 2.820E+21 | 4.696E+04 | 4.723E+04 | |
4.590E+39 | 2.741E+02 | 4.831E+04 | 3.253E+20 | 6.204E+47 | 1.954E+13 | 6.745E+10 | 2.817E+21 | 4.804E+04 | 4.831E+04 | |
4.794E+39 | 2.739E+02 | 4.937E+04 | 3.253E+20 | 5.934E+47 | 1.870E+13 | 6.743E+10 | 2.815E+21 | 4.910E+04 | 4.937E+04 | |
4.998E+39 | 2.738E+02 | 5.040E+04 | 3.253E+20 | 5.687E+47 | 1.793E+13 | 6.741E+10 | 2.812E+21 | 5.013E+04 | 5.040E+04 | |
5.202E+39 | 2.737E+02 | 5.141E+04 | 3.252E+20 | 5.460E+47 | 1.722E+13 | 6.739E+10 | 2.810E+21 | 5.114E+04 | 5.141E+04 | |
5.405E+39 | 2.736E+02 | 5.240E+04 | 3.252E+20 | 5.250E+47 | 1.656E+13 | 6.737E+10 | 2.807E+21 | 5.213E+04 | 5.240E+04 | |
5.608E+39 | 2.734E+02 | 5.337E+04 | 3.252E+20 | 5.055E+47 | 1.596E+13 | 6.735E+10 | 2.805E+21 | 5.310E+04 | 5.337E+04 | |
5.811E+39 | 2.733E+02 | 5.432E+04 | 3.252E+20 | 4.875E+47 | 1.540E+13 | 6.733E+10 | 2.802E+21 | 5.405E+04 | 5.432E+04 | |
6.013E+39 | 2.732E+02 | 5.526E+04 | 3.251E+20 | 4.707E+47 | 1.487E+13 | 6.731E+10 | 2.800E+21 | 5.498E+04 | 5.526E+04 | |
6.215E+39 | 2.731E+02 | 5.617E+04 | 3.251E+20 | 4.550E+47 | 1.438E+13 | 6.729E+10 | 2.797E+21 | 5.590E+04 | 5.617E+04 | |
6.416E+39 | 2.730E+02 | 5.707E+04 | 3.251E+20 | 4.403E+47 | 1.392E+13 | 6.727E+10 | 2.795E+21 | 5.680E+04 | 5.707E+04 | |
6.617E+39 | 2.728E+02 | 5.795E+04 | 3.251E+20 | 4.265E+47 | 1.349E+13 | 6.725E+10 | 2.792E+21 | 5.768E+04 | 5.795E+04 | |
6.818E+39 | 2.727E+02 | 5.882E+04 | 3.250E+20 | 4.136E+47 | 1.309E+13 | 6.723E+10 | 2.790E+21 | 5.855E+04 | 5.882E+04 | |
7.018E+39 | 2.726E+02 | 5.967E+04 | 3.250E+20 | 4.014E+47 | 1.271E+13 | 6.721E+10 | 2.787E+21 | 5.940E+04 | 5.967E+04 | |
7.218E+39 | 2.725E+02 | 6.051E+04 | 3.250E+20 | 3.900E+47 | 1.235E+13 | 6.719E+10 | 2.785E+21 | 6.024E+04 | 6.051E+04 | |
7.418E+39 | 2.724E+02 | 6.134E+04 | 3.250E+20 | 3.791E+47 | 1.202E+13 | 6.717E+10 | 2.782E+21 | 6.107E+04 | 6.134E+04 | |
7.617E+39 | 2.722E+02 | 6.216E+04 | 3.249E+20 | 3.689E+47 | 1.170E+13 | 6.715E+10 | 2.780E+21 | 6.188E+04 | 6.216E+04 | |
7.816E+39 | 2.721E+02 | 6.296E+04 | 3.249E+20 | 3.592E+47 | 1.139E+13 | 6.713E+10 | 2.777E+21 | 6.269E+04 | 6.296E+04 | |
8.015E+39 | 2.720E+02 | 6.375E+04 | 3.249E+20 | 3.500E+47 | 1.111E+13 | 6.711E+10 | 2.775E+21 | 6.348E+04 | 6.375E+04 | |
8.213E+39 | 2.719E+02 | 6.453E+04 | 3.249E+20 | 3.412E+47 | 1.083E+13 | 6.709E+10 | 2.773E+21 | 6.426E+04 | 6.453E+04 | |
8.411E+39 | 2.718E+02 | 6.530E+04 | 3.248E+20 | 3.329E+47 | 1.057E+13 | 6.707E+10 | 2.770E+21 | 6.503E+04 | 6.530E+04 | |
8.608E+39 | 2.716E+02 | 6.606E+04 | 3.248E+20 | 3.250E+47 | 1.033E+13 | 6.705E+10 | 2.768E+21 | 6.579E+04 | 6.606E+04 | |
8.805E+39 | 2.715E+02 | 6.681E+04 | 3.248E+20 | 3.174E+47 | 1.009E+13 | 6.703E+10 | 2.765E+21 | 6.654E+04 | 6.681E+04 | |
9.002E+39 | 2.714E+02 | 6.755E+04 | 3.248E+20 | 3.102E+47 | 9.867E+12 | 6.701E+10 | 2.763E+21 | 6.727E+04 | 6.755E+04 | |
表1. 星系旋转速度数字模拟表
图7. 星系旋转速度模拟效果图
v = 0.5 G S H max ( 1 − e − r σ )
陈军利. 由修正引力公式导出的星系旋转速度与暗物质无关The Rotation Speed of Galaxies Derived from the Modified Gravity Formula Is Independent of Dark Matter[J]. 天文与天体物理, 2023, 11(04): 41-55. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAS.2023.114004