NS Nursing Science 2168-5657 Scientific Research Publishing 10.12677/NS.2024.131010 NS-79299 NS20240100000_34932218.pdf 医药卫生 泸州市城镇老年群体健康适能现状调查与分析 Investigation and Analysis on the Status Quo of Urban Elderly Population’s Health Fitness 路生 2 1 3 1 2 1 臣聪 2 1 2 1 亭梅 2 1 2 1 自贡市第四人民医院肿瘤科,四川 自贡 西南医科大学护理学院,四川 泸州 null 05 01 2024 13 01 60 66 © Copyright 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. 2014 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

目的:旨在探索泸州市城镇老年群体生理、心理及社会整体健康适能现状。方法:采用多阶段分层抽样,随机抽取泸州市两区县两街道60岁以上城镇老年人1227名进行问卷调查。结果:调查对象在生理适能(t = 4.65, p < 0.001)和心理适能方面(t = 2.88, p < 0.05),男性得分高于女性,但社会适能方面,男性得分低于女性(t = −3.94, p < 0.001);在各年龄段中,年龄越大生理适能(F = 61.74, p < 0.001)、心理适能(F = 8.86, p < 0.001)及社会适能状况(F = 12.23, p < 0.001)越差;在总体生理、心理和社会适能三个子量表中,与心理(69.49 ± 12.60)和社会适能(64.40 ± 12.66)相比,生理适能(55.43 ± 13.07)得分最低,差异有统计学意义(F = 380.41, p < 0.001)。结论:随着年龄增长,老年人健康适能状况呈下降趋势,相比于社会和心理适能,生理适能处于最低水平;心理适能水平女性低于男性,社会适能水平男性低于女性。因此,关注老年人生理健康适能的同时,应着重关注男性老人社会适能状况和女性老人心理适能状况,以提升老年人总体健康适能水平。 Background: With the deepening of aging, the evaluation of the health of the elderly is no longer based on the physiological indicators as the main research content, but needs to start from the overall health view, and carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the health status (physiological, psychological and social) of the elderly. Objective: To explore the status quo of mental, physical and social health fitness of urban aged groups. Methods: Stratified cluster sampling was used to randomly select 1227 urban elderly over 60 years old from 13 communities in two districts, two counties and two streets of Luzhou city for questionnaire survey. Results: In terms of physical fitness (T = 4.65, p < 0.001) and psychological fitness (T = 2.88, p < 0.05), male scores were higher than female, but in terms of social fitness, male scores were lower than female (T = −3.94, p < 0.001). The older the age was, the worse the physiological fitness (F = 61.74, p < 0.001), the psychological fitness (F = 8.86, p < 0.001) and the social fitness (F = 12.23, p < 0.001).In the three subscales of overall physiological, psychological and social fitness, compared with psychological (69.49 ± 12.60) and social fitness (64.40 ± 12.66), physiological fitness (55.43 ± 13.07) scored the lowest and had statistical significance (F = 380.41, p < 0.001).Conclusion With the increase of age, the health fitness of the elderly showed a downward trend, and compared with social and psychological fitness, physiological fitness was at the lowest level. The level of psychological fitness of women is lower than that of men, and the level of social fitness of men is lower than that of women. Therefore, while paying attention to the physical health fitness of the elderly, we should pay more attention to the social fitness of the elderly men and the psychological fitness of the elderly women, so as to improve the overall health fitness level of the elderly.

城镇老年人,老人,老年群体,健康适能,现状调查, Urban Elderly The Old Man Elderly Population Health-Related Fitness Status

目的:旨在探索泸州市城镇老年群体生理、心理及社会整体健康适能现状。方法:采用多阶段分层抽样,随机抽取泸州市两区县两街道60岁以上城镇老年人1227名进行问卷调查。结果:调查对象在生理适能(t = 4.65, p < 0.001)和心理适能方面(t = 2.88, p < 0.05),男性得分高于女性,但社会适能方面,男性得分低于女性(t = −3.94, p < 0.001);在各年龄段中,年龄越大生理适能(F = 61.74, p < 0.001)、心理适能(F = 8.86, p < 0.001)及社会适能状况(F = 12.23, p < 0.001)越差;在总体生理、心理和社会适能三个子量表中,与心理(69.49 ± 12.60)和社会适能(64.40 ± 12.66)相比,生理适能(55.43 ± 13.07)得分最低,差异有统计学意义(F = 380.41, p < 0.001)。结论:随着年龄增长,老年人健康适能状况呈下降趋势,相比于社会和心理适能,生理适能处于最低水平;心理适能水平女性低于男性,社会适能水平男性低于女性。因此,关注老年人生理健康适能的同时,应着重关注男性老人社会适能状况和女性老人心理适能状况,以提升老年人总体健康适能水平。



Investigation and Analysis on the Status Quo of Urban Elderly Population’s Health Fitness<sup> </sup>

Lusheng He1, Jing Fu2*, Li Zhang1, Chencong Nie1, Yao Chen1, Tingmei Liu1, Li Tang1

1Department of Oncology, Zigong Fourth People’s Hospital, Zigong Sichuan

2School of Nursing, Southwest Medical University, Luzhou Sichuan

Received: Dec. 6th, 2023; accepted: Jan. 7th, 2024; published: Jan. 17th, 2024


Background: With the deepening of aging, the evaluation of the health of the elderly is no longer based on the physiological indicators as the main research content, but needs to start from the overall health view, and carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the health status (physiological, psychological and social) of the elderly. Objective: To explore the status quo of mental, physical and social health fitness of urban aged groups. Methods: Stratified cluster sampling was used to randomly select 1227 urban elderly over 60 years old from 13 communities in two districts, two counties and two streets of Luzhou city for questionnaire survey. Results: In terms of physical fitness (T = 4.65, p < 0.001) and psychological fitness (T = 2.88, p < 0.05), male scores were higher than female, but in terms of social fitness, male scores were lower than female (T = −3.94, p < 0.001). The older the age was, the worse the physiological fitness (F = 61.74, p < 0.001), the psychological fitness (F = 8.86, p < 0.001) and the social fitness (F = 12.23, p < 0.001).In the three subscales of overall physiological, psychological and social fitness, compared with psychological (69.49 ± 12.60) and social fitness (64.40 ± 12.66), physiological fitness (55.43 ± 13.07) scored the lowest and had statistical significance (F = 380.41, p < 0.001).Conclusion With the increase of age, the health fitness of the elderly showed a downward trend, and compared with social and psychological fitness, physiological fitness was at the lowest level. The level of psychological fitness of women is lower than that of men, and the level of social fitness of men is lower than that of women. Therefore, while paying attention to the physical health fitness of the elderly, we should pay more attention to the social fitness of the elderly men and the psychological fitness of the elderly women, so as to improve the overall health fitness level of the elderly.

Keywords:Urban Elderly, The Old Man, Elderly Population, Health-Related Fitness, Status

Copyright © 2024 by author(s) and beplay安卓登录

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).


1. 引言

我国老龄化呈起步早、发展快、程度深等特点 [ 1 ] 。截至2019年底,我国65岁以上老年人口占全国总人口的12.9% [ 2 ] 。随着城市进程的加快,2011年城镇人口数量超过农村人口,城镇老年人口养老问题日益突出,高血压、糖尿病、冠心病等慢性病数量逐步增加 [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] ,心血管、代谢、运动系统疾病发病率和死亡率明显高于农村地区,调查发现:城镇老年人慢性病共病患病率为69.4%,农村老年人慢性病共病患病率为63.3% [ 7 ] ,同时城镇老年人心理健康问题高于农村地区 [ 8 ] ,严重威胁着城镇老年人健康。随着生物–心理–社会医学模式的发展,对老年群体健康适能评价不再局限于生理适能方面,还包括心理及社会适能,而现有以老年人生理健康适能状况为主的评价体系,或单独探索其心理生理、心理、社会健康适能已不再适用。本研究从总体健康观出发,以健康适能量表为主要研究工具,探索城镇老年人健康适能状况(生理、心理、社会),以更全面的方式评价老年人健康适能水平,为相关部门制定老年政策提供参考。

2. 对象与方法 2.1. 对象

根据我国对老年人的界定,60周岁及以上的公民为老年人,因此本研究的调查对象纳入标准为:①年龄 ≥ 60岁的城镇居民。② 具备正常行为能力,有一定的读写认知能力,能独立表达个人感受和观点。③ 可以独立完成或在调查员的协助下完成问卷填写。本研究经西南医科大学医学伦理委员会审核批准,研究对象均知情同意。

2.1.1. 研究工具

1) 一般资料问卷


2) 调查工具

健康适能评定量表V1.0 (Healthy Fitness Measurement Scale Version 1.0, HFMS V1.0) [ 9 ] ,该量表包括了生理适能、心理适能和社会适能三个子量表,共8个维度、38个条目。量表在老年群体的信效度检验中Cronbach’s α系数为0.92,折半系数为0.946,信效度良好。该量表的评分采用国际通用的Likert五等级评分法,条目评分从“很差”到“很好”评分分别为1~5分。得分越高表明健康适能状况越好。

2.1.2. 调查方法


2.2. 统计学分析

使用Epidata双人录入数据。应用SPSS21.0统计软件处理数据,连续变量的统计描述用( x ¯ ± s )表示,分类变量的描述性统计用频数和百分率表示,两样本均数的比较采用t检验,多组随机设计资料采用方差分析。以p < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

3. 结果 3.1. 一般人口学资料

共调查老年人口1270名,回收有效问卷1227份,有效回收率为96.6%。调查对象男性534名,女性693名。平均年龄为(71.58 ± 7.92)岁,平均身高为(157.79 ± 8.38) cm,平均BMI为(23.46 ± 3.60),平均腰围为(80.69 ± 8.68) cm,以汉族、小学初中文化和低收入者居多。详见表1。

Distribution of general demographic characteristics of the respondent
项目 人数(n) 构成比(%) 项目 人数(n) 构成比(%)
性别 男 女 534 693 43.5 56.5 民族 汉 其他 1222 5 99.6 0.4
宗教信仰 有 无 年龄(岁) 60~69 70~79 80岁以上 50 1777 555 454 218 4.1 95.9 45.2 37.0 17.8 婚姻状况 未婚(从未结婚) 已婚 离婚 丧偶 其他 13 885 18 309 2 1.1 72.1 1.5 25.2 0.1
职业 企事业单位人员 商业、服务业人员 农林牧渔业人员 生产运输人员 军人 其他人员 352 83 403 113 17 259 28.6 6.8 32.8 9.3 1.4 21.1 文化程度 从未上学 小学 初中 高中/中专/职高 大专 本科及以上 229 512 297 135 38 16 18.6 41.7 24.2 11 3.1 1.3
BMI <18.5 18.5~24 24~28 >28 95 593 418 121 7.7 48.3 34.1 9.9 家庭月收入(元) 3000以下 3000~6000 6000~9000 9000~12000 12000以上 716 400 81 21 9 58.4 32.6 6.6 1.7 0.7

表1. 调查对象的一般人口学特征分布

3.2. 生理适能现状

男性生理适能得分高于女性(t = 4.65, p < 0.001),在各年龄段中,年龄越大生理适能得分越低(F = 61.74, p < 0.001)。详见表2。

Comparison of physical fitness between groups at different ages and gender
项目 生理适能得分(M ± SD) 统计量t/F p值
57.39 ± 12.88 4.65 < 0.001
53.92 ± 13.03
60~69 59.55 ± 12.91 61.74 < 0.001
70~79 53.25 ± 12.44
80以上 49.52 ± 11.31

表2. 生理适能在不同年龄阶段及性别的组间比较

3.3. 心理适能现状

男性心理适能得分高于女性(t = 2.88, p < 0.05),在各年龄段中,年龄越大心理适能得分越低(F = 8.86, p < 0.001)。详见表3。

Comparison of mental fitness between groups at different ages and gender
项目 心理适能得分(M ± SD) 统计量t/F p值
70.66 ± 12.23 2.88 0.004
68.58 ± 12.81
60~69 71.06 ± 12.44 8.86 < 0.001
70~79 68.63 ± 12.71
80以上 67.28 ± 12.33

表3. 心理适能在不同年龄阶段及性别的组间比较

3.4. 社会适能现状

男性社会适能得分低于女性(t = −3.94, p < 0.001),在各年龄段中,年龄越大社会适能得分越低(F = 12.23, p < 0.001)。详见表4。

Inter-group comparison of social fitness at different ages and gender
项目 社会适能得分(M ± SD) 统计量t/F p值
62.79 ± 12.14 −3.94 <0.001
65.65 ± 12.92
60~69 66.07 ± 12.47 12.23 <0.001
70~79 63.88 ± 12.46
80以上 61.23 ± 12.94

表4. 社会适能在不同年龄阶段及性别的组间比较

3.5. 总体健康适能现状

男性健康适能得分高于女性(t = 2.32, p < 0.05),在各年龄段中,年龄越大健康适能得分越低(F = 40.84, p < 0.001)。在总体生理、心理和社会适能三个维度中,与心理和社会适能相比,生理适能得分最低且有统计学意义(F = 380.41, p < 0.001)。详见表5。

Comparison of general health fitness among different age groups and sex group
项目 健康适能得分(M ± SD) 统计量t/F p值
63.13 ± 10.18 2.32 0.020
61.75 ± 10.43
60~64 65.00 ± 10.12 40.84 < 0.001
65~69 61.04 ± 10.09
70~74 58.34 ± 9.61
健康适能 生理适能 心理适能 社会适能 55.43 ± 13.07 69.49 ± 12.60 64.40 ± 12.66 380.41 <0.001

表5. 总体健康适能在不同年龄阶段及性别的组间比较

4. 讨论 4.1. 生理适能现状


调查结果显示,男性生理适能状况好于女性,可能由于男性运动量和运动强度大于女性,继而身体抵抗力上升。且研究发现 [ 10 ] 老年女性相对男性而言,女性在日常生活照料中担负着更重要的责任,女性老年人在自理能力、生活能力和认知能力方面的失能情况比男性严重。也有可能是由于女性对自身身体关注度较高,健康体检愿意较强,慢性病等检出率较高,因此自感生理适能状况较低。而男性对自身生理状况较为自信,参加健康体检频率低于女性,疾病检出率低,自感生理状况良好。因此,老年女性在日常生活中应适时加大运动量,增强身体素质,提高机体抵抗力;提倡老年男性承担必要的家务活动,减轻老年女性负担;鼓励老年人参加健康体检,动态了解身体健康水平,及时针对健康状况做出干预。

在不同年龄段中高龄老人生理适能状况明显低于低龄老人,这与高龄老人器官退化、功能衰退有密切关系,且研究发现 [ 11 ] 高龄老人慢性病、跌倒、失能等发生率高,严重影响其生理健康适能状况。虽然年龄是健康适能退化不可干预的因素,但是预防外因对老年人健康损害可有效降低机体随年龄退化的程度。

4.2. 心理适能现状



在各年龄组中,年龄越大越心理适能水平越低,可能是由于随着年龄的增长,自身生理适能水平逐渐降低,使其产生焦虑、担忧等负性心理,老年人在子女成年离家、组建新家庭等因素的影响下,常常处于无人陪伴的状态 [ 12 ] ,再加上配偶、朋友等亲近之人相继离世,对自身心理产生重大打击,因此会出现孤独、害怕、注意力不集中、心神不宁等不良情绪,严重影响了其心理适能水平。因此,就国家而言,要加大对老年人关心的力度,不断完善养老服务体系,使老年人“老有所依、老有所养”;就社会而言,要增加养老意识的培养,树立“尊老、敬老、爱老、养老”的社会风气;对家庭而言,应关心关爱老人,特别是留守老人,子女应增加探望次数,减少老年人因孤独而产生的焦虑、抑郁,心绪不宁的不良情绪;对老年人个人而言,应扩大其朋友圈,不断结识新的朋友,增加个人兴趣爱好,调整自身不良情绪。

4.3. 社会适能现状




4.4. 总体健康适能现状


随着年龄增长生理适能处于最低水平,老年人各项机能呈下降趋势,且年龄越大身体机能退化越严重,力量、心肺功能、活动耐力等下降程度尤为突出。老年人社会适能处于较低水平,与杨雪等 [ 13 ] 研究一致,可能是由于生理条件不允许,使老年人社交频率大幅度降低,付泽建等 [ 14 ] 调查发现城市老年人退休前后参加各类社交活动和走亲访友的频率明显减少,外出的安全感下降。虽然社会信息化程度不断加深,但老年群体学习现代信息技术的能力低下,跟不上时代发展的步伐,使很多老人不愿社交,以致老年群体社会适应能力下降。而整体心理适能状态在三者处于最高水平,可能是由于经济水平和生活水平不断提升,社会养老制度的完善,使老年人幸福感增强,对生活的满意度增加。加之老年人经过岁月的沉淀,形成了强大的心理适应能力。因此,相对于生理和社会适能,心理适能处于较高水平。

5. 小结





何路生,傅 静,张 丽,聂臣聪,陈 瑶,刘亭梅,唐 梨. 泸州市城镇老年群体健康适能现状调查与分析 Investigation and Analysis on the Status Quo of Urban Elderly Population’s Health Fitness[J]. 护理学, 2024, 13(01): 60-66. https://doi.org/10.12677/NS.2024.131010

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