藏象学说是中医学理论体系中的重要组成部分。中医学认为,内部的脏腑与外在的皮肤骨骼相互作用、相互联系。通过经络系统的联系,人体将内部脏腑器官的生理功能和病理变化通过各种征象表现在外。中医认为痹症的发生与五脏的虚实密切相关。针灸作为临床治疗痹症的有效手段,通过调节经络气血,内调五脏,外驱病邪,能够起到良好的治疗作用。本文从“五脏–经络一体”角度梳理与痹症相关的中医理论,旨在为中医的临床辩证治疗提供思路,提高临床疗效。 The Zang Xiang theory is an important part of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the internal organs and the external skin and bones in-teract and communicate with each other. Through the connection of the meridian system, the hu-man body shows the physiological function and pathological changes of internal viscera organs through various signs. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of arthromyody-nia is closely related to the deficiency and excess of five zang-organs. Acupuncture-moxibustion, as an effective method for clinical treatment of arthromyodynia, can play a good therapeutic role by regulating meridians, qi and blood, regulating five zang-organs internally and expelling pathogenic factors externally. In this paper, the TCM theories related to arthromyodynia were analyzed from the perspective of “the integration of five zang-organs and meridians” in order to provide ideas for the clinical dialectical treatment of TCM and improve the clinical efficacy.
Yuhang Ji1,2, Xiaowen Xue1,2, Fangfang Duan1,2, Yangpu Zhang2*
1School of Acupuncture and Orthopedics, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan Hubei
2Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Hubei University of Chinese Medicine/Rehabilitation Medical Center, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Wuhan Hubei
Received: Oct. 8th, 2023; accepted: Dec. 19th, 2023; published: Dec. 29th, 2023
The Zang Xiang theory is an important part of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the internal organs and the external skin and bones interact and communicate with each other. Through the connection of the meridian system, the human body shows the physiological function and pathological changes of internal viscera organs through various signs. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of arthromyodynia is closely related to the deficiency and excess of five zang-organs. Acupuncture-moxibustion, as an effective method for clinical treatment of arthromyodynia, can play a good therapeutic role by regulating meridians, qi and blood, regulating five zang-organs internally and expelling pathogenic factors externally. In this paper, the TCM theories related to arthromyodynia were analyzed from the perspective of “the integration of five zang-organs and meridians” in order to provide ideas for the clinical dialectical treatment of TCM and improve the clinical efficacy.
Keywords:The Zang Xiang Theory, Five Zang-Organs, Meridians, Arthromyodynia
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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
痹症首见于《内经》,又有“痹”“痹病”“历节”“风湿”“痛风”等称呼,痹,即痹阻不通之意,中医指由风、寒、湿等邪气侵入人体,闭阻经络影响气血运行,引起的肢体麻木或疼痛的疾病 [
痹症病因可以统归为外邪入侵和内伤,外因主要指的是外界的风、寒、湿、热邪等因素。《素问·痹论》:“风寒湿三气杂至,合而为痹,其风气胜者为行痹,寒气胜者为痛痹,湿气胜者为著痹也 [
“藏象”,出自《黄帝内经》,指脏腑生理功能、病例变化表现于外的征象 [
经络是运行气血、连接脏腑、体表以及全身各部的通道 [
肝主疏泻,指肝气能够调畅全身气机,使脏腑经络之气能够通畅运行,升降有序。人体脏腑、经络和形体功能活动的有序运行,全赖于气的正常升降运动的调控 [
肾主藏精,“肾者主蛰,封藏之本,精之处也”。肾贮藏精气,主导人体的生长发育,为先天之本 [
脾主运化,能够运化水谷而化生精微物质。“脾为后天之本”,脾将化生的精微物质转输,上至心肺化生气血,通过肺的宣降而输布全身,营养脏腑经络,四肢百骸,故亦有“脾为气血生化之源”。《素问》有“脾为孤脏,中央土以灌四傍”,脾胃虚弱,运化无力,不能为精、气、血的化生提供充足的养料,气血生化乏源,影响人体正常的生理功能而引发痹证。脾主运化还有脾主运化水饮的作用,水饮的吸收利用有赖于脾的运化作用。脾虚运化水液的功能失常,水液无法通过正常的代谢排出体外,湿浊内停而化为痰,进一步加重机体功能的紊乱,日久成瘀,痰瘀互结,闭阻经络,向外则泛溢肌肤、关节,形成水肿等。经脉不通则痛,引起关节屈伸不利、肿胀、疼痛等。脾在体为肉,脾胃生理功能正常,肌肉得到水谷精微的滋养,则健壮有力,发挥正常的运动功能 [
“诸血者,皆属于心”。心主血脉,有两层含义,一是心主血,通过心脏搏动推动和控制全身血液运行。心气充沛,推动和调控心脏的搏动,使血液正常输送至全身,发挥其濡养的作用。同时“奉心化赤”,心脏也是血液生成的主要器官。《灵枢》“中焦出气如露,上注溪谷,而渗孙脉,津液和调,变化而赤为血 [
痹症大多病程绵长,与湿邪的湿性黏滞特性有关,致使病情反复发作,难以完全祛除,对患者身心健康及生活质量造成严重的影响。目前西医以药物为主 [
姬宇航,薛小雯,段芳芳,张阳普. 基于藏象学说从“五脏–经络一体”观论治痹症The Treatment of Arthromyodynia from the View of “The Five Zang-Organs and Meridians Integration” Based on the Zang Xiang Theory[J]. 中医学, 2023, 12(12): 3619-3623. https://doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2023.1212539