社会空间是解读生态移民聚居地发展变迁重要且独特的视角,是深入解析生态移民聚居地人地关系演变与调控的关键。论文在全面总结国内外社会空间理论发展及研究实践、生态移民(聚居地)社会空间研究基础上,综合地理学、社会学、城乡规划学等学科的理论知识与技术方法,提炼科学问题,构建理论支撑体系,以社会空间辩证法、社会空间时空分异为主线,集成多种研究方法,聚焦居住空间、社会关系网络与日常活动空间等社会空间要素的结构特征、演变过程、影响机理、重构路径与发展模式等研究内容,构建了生态移民聚居地社会空间研究框架。希望能拓宽生态移民(聚居地)研究视角,加强理论解释及应用;解决社会空间问题,提升社会空间功能,加强社会空间治理;为后续生态移民实践及生态移民聚居地可持续发展等提供理论与实践依据;为国际、国内其它移民聚居地研究提供新思路。同时,在理论方法及应用实践方面实现学科融合,丰富各学科研究内容。 Social space is an important and special perspective for the evolution of ecological immigrant communities, and it’s the pivotal point in deep-interpreting the evolution and regulation of hu-man-environment relationships of ecological immigrant communities. This article is a research framework of social space for ecological immigrant communities. It is firstly analyzing theoretical advancement and research practice in international and national social space research, and the review of ecological immigrants and the social space of ecological immigrants. We integrate theories and methodologies of Geography, Sociology, and Urban-rural planning to propose research questions and build a theoretical basis. The main threads of social-spatial dialectics, social-space differentiation, and time evolution perspective will be intersected and multiple methods will be used. Research contents are consist of structure (characteristics), evolution process, influential mechanism, restructuring avenues, and development models of three social space elements such as residential space, social relations, and daily activity space. This research framework has many objectives. One is to broaden research perspectives of ecological immigrants (and communities) to intensify theoretical interpretation and application to help solve social-spatial problems, and optimize social-spatial functions to effective governance, to provide theoretical and practical evidence for latter ecological migration practice and resettlement communities’ sustainable development, and give new directions for international and national immigrants communities studies. Besides, disciplinary integration in theories and methodologies is also a significant aim.
生态移民,社会空间,研究综述,研究框架, Ecological Immigrant
Social Space
Research Review
Research Framework
Social space is an important and special perspective for the evolution of ecological immigrant communities, and it’s the pivotal point in deep-interpreting the evolution and regulation of human-environment relationships of ecological immigrant communities. This article is a research framework of social space for ecological immigrant communities. It is firstly analyzing theoretical advancement and research practice in international and national social space research, and the review of ecological immigrants and the social space of ecological immigrants. We integrate theories and methodologies of Geography, Sociology, and Urban-rural planning to propose research questions and build a theoretical basis. The main threads of social-spatial dialectics, social-space differentiation, and time evolution perspective will be intersected and multiple methods will be used. Research contents are consist of structure (characteristics), evolution process, influential mechanism, restructuring avenues, and development models of three social space elements such as residential space, social relations, and daily activity space. This research framework has many objectives. One is to broaden research perspectives of ecological immigrants (and communities) to intensify theoretical interpretation and application to help solve social-spatial problems, and optimize social-spatial functions to effective governance, to provide theoretical and practical evidence for latter ecological migration practice and resettlement communities’ sustainable development, and give new directions for international and national immigrants communities studies. Besides, disciplinary integration in theories and methodologies is also a significant aim.
Keywords:Ecological Immigrant, Social Space, Research Review, Research Framework
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