企业漂绿行为极大地阻碍了生态文明建设,对企业与社会的发展都产生不利的影响。本文通过整理近年来国内外重要文献,梳理漂绿行为的概念、形式、动因以及产生的经济后果的研究脉络,列举出漂绿的概念及形式,并将其驱动因素分为外部因素与内部因素进行文献整理,最后讨论了漂绿行为曝光的经济后果及影响,分别从漂绿行为对企业价值、市场、资本市场方面进行文献梳理。结尾基于本文梳理脉络,做出总结并给出了未来研究展望。 The greenwashing behavior of enterprises greatly hinders the construction of ecological civilization and has adverse effects on the development of both enterprises and society. This article summarizes the research context of the concept, form, motivation, and economic consequences of greenwashing behavior by organizing important domestic and international literature in recent years. It lists the concept and form of greenwashing behavior, and divides its driving factors into external and internal factors for literature review. Finally, it discusses the economic consequences and impacts of greenwashing behavior exposure, and conducts literature review from the aspects of corporate value, market, and capital market. At the end, based on the organization of this article, a summary is made and future research prospects are provided.
漂绿,环境信息披露,公司治理,文献综述, Greenwashing
Environmental Information Disclosure
Corporate Governance
Literature Review
The greenwashing behavior of enterprises greatly hinders the construction of ecological civilization and has adverse effects on the development of both enterprises and society. This article summarizes the research context of the concept, form, motivation, and economic consequences of greenwashing behavior by organizing important domestic and international literature in recent years. It lists the concept and form of greenwashing behavior, and divides its driving factors into external and internal factors for literature review. Finally, it discusses the economic consequences and impacts of greenwashing behavior exposure, and conducts literature review from the aspects of corporate value, market, and capital market. At the end, based on the organization of this article, a summary is made and future research prospects are provided.
Keywords:Greenwashing, Environmental Information Disclosure, Corporate Governance, Literature Review
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