在各种观测方法中,卫星遥感具有覆盖范围广、时间序列长、重复频次高的优点,是目前最主要的观测大气臭氧的手段之一。本文选用2016.3~2021.2共5年OMI卫星数据,分析长三角与珠三角臭氧廓线年际、季节以及月份臭氧廓线时间变化规律,结果发现:1) 五年内,两地区臭氧廓线年、季节和月均臭氧廓线均呈双峰转置“M”型,这是由大气中臭氧主要存在于臭氧层,而臭氧层位于平流层;2) 年际特征上,长三角与珠三角臭氧廓线最低值、最高值、次峰值与谷值出现的层数一致,但长三角最低值、最高值与谷值均低于珠三角,而次峰值高于珠三角。与2016年相比,2020年长三角与珠三角16~15层平均臭氧浓度均呈现下降趋势外,其余层的平均臭氧浓度均呈现上升趋势。其中,臭氧浓度降低最明显的均为16层,臭氧浓度上升最明显的均为距地面最近的17层,这与社会发展伴随的生物排放增多密不可分;3) 季节特征上,两地区臭氧浓度最低值所在0层均呈现春夏 > 秋冬的季节特征,而两地臭氧浓度最高值、次峰值、谷值所在层以及离地面最近的17层臭氧浓度季节变化特征均不同,这是由两地区气候、动力传输、生物排放以及光化学作用等不同所致;4) 月份特征上,两地区最高值所在层均在1月出现臭氧浓度最大值,其余最低值、次峰值与谷值所在层在12个月中臭氧浓度最高与最低值出现的月份均不同。这也说明两地区在不同的大气环流影响下有不同的臭氧垂直分布特征。此外,还对两地区五年平均臭氧廓线进行函数拟合,函数拟合效果很好,输出的公式R2均接近1,分别为0.94和0.97,可为更深入研究两地区臭氧廓线提供支撑。 Among various observation methods, satellite remote sensing has the advantages of wide coverage, long time series, and high repetition frequency, making it one of the most important means of ob-serving atmospheric ozone at present. This article uses OMI satellite data from March 2016 to Feb-ruary 2021 to analyze the temporal changes of annual, seasonal, and monthly ozone profiles in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. The results show that: 1) within five years, the annual, seasonal, and monthly average ozone profiles in both regions show a bimodal inverted “M” shape, which is due to the fact that ozone in the atmosphere mainly exists in the ozone layer, which is lo-cated in the stratosphere; 2) in terms of interannual characteristics, the lowest, highest, sub peak, and valley levels of ozone profiles in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are consistent, but the lowest, highest, and valley values in the Yangtze River Delta are lower than those in the Pearl River Delta, while the sub peak values are higher than those in the Pearl River Delta. Com-pared with 2016, in 2020, the average ozone concentration in the 16~15 layers of the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta showed a downward trend, while the average ozone concentration in the other layers showed an upward trend. Among them, the most significant decrease in ozone concen-tration is in the 16th layer, while the most significant increase in ozone concentration is in the 17th layer closest to the ground, which is closely related to the increase in biological emissions accompa-nied by social development; 3) in terms of seasonal characteristics, the lowest ozone concentration in the 0 layer of the two regions shows a seasonal characteristic of spring and summer>autumn and winter, while the highest, second peak, valley values of ozone concentration in the layer and the 17th layer which is closest to the ground have different seasonal variation characteristics. This is due to differences in climate, power transmission, biological emissions, and photochemical processes between the two regions; 4) in terms of monthly characteristics, the highest ozone concen-tration occurs in the layer where the highest value is located in both regions in January, while the other lowest values, sub peaks, and valleys occur in different months during the 12-month period. This also indicates that the two regions have different vertical distribution characteristics of ozone under the influence of different atmospheric circulation. Besides, the function fittings were also performed on the five-year average ozone profiles of the two regions, and the function fittings effect were very good. The output formula R2 was close to 1, with values of 0.94 and 0.97, respectively, which can provide support for further research on the ozone profiles of the two regions.
在各种观测方法中,卫星遥感具有覆盖范围广、时间序列长、重复频次高的优点,是目前最主要的观测大气臭氧的手段之一。本文选用2016.3~2021.2共5年OMI卫星数据,分析长三角与珠三角臭氧廓线年际、季节以及月份臭氧廓线时间变化规律,结果发现:1) 五年内,两地区臭氧廓线年、季节和月均臭氧廓线均呈双峰转置“M”型,这是由大气中臭氧主要存在于臭氧层,而臭氧层位于平流层;2) 年际特征上,长三角与珠三角臭氧廓线最低值、最高值、次峰值与谷值出现的层数一致,但长三角最低值、最高值与谷值均低于珠三角,而次峰值高于珠三角。与2016年相比,2020年长三角与珠三角16~15层平均臭氧浓度均呈现下降趋势外,其余层的平均臭氧浓度均呈现上升趋势。其中,臭氧浓度降低最明显的均为16层,臭氧浓度上升最明显的均为距地面最近的17层,这与社会发展伴随的生物排放增多密不可分;3) 季节特征上,两地区臭氧浓度最低值所在0层均呈现春夏 > 秋冬的季节特征,而两地臭氧浓度最高值、次峰值、谷值所在层以及离地面最近的17层臭氧浓度季节变化特征均不同,这是由两地区气候、动力传输、生物排放以及光化学作用等不同所致;4) 月份特征上,两地区最高值所在层均在1月出现臭氧浓度最大值,其余最低值、次峰值与谷值所在层在12个月中臭氧浓度最高与最低值出现的月份均不同。这也说明两地区在不同的大气环流影响下有不同的臭氧垂直分布特征。此外,还对两地区五年平均臭氧廓线进行函数拟合,函数拟合效果很好,输出的公式R2均接近1,分别为0.94和0.97,可为更深入研究两地区臭氧廓线提供支撑。
Yuting Wei1, Jun Huang2, Luye Wang1, Mingtao Chen1, Hongqiang Wang1*
1College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin Guangxi
2Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Received: May 29th, 2023; accepted: Jun. 12th, 2023; published: Dec. 11th, 2023
Among various observation methods, satellite remote sensing has the advantages of wide coverage, long time series, and high repetition frequency, making it one of the most important means of observing atmospheric ozone at present. This article uses OMI satellite data from March 2016 to February 2021 to analyze the temporal changes of annual, seasonal, and monthly ozone profiles in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. The results show that: 1) within five years, the annual, seasonal, and monthly average ozone profiles in both regions show a bimodal inverted “M” shape, which is due to the fact that ozone in the atmosphere mainly exists in the ozone layer, which is located in the stratosphere; 2) in terms of interannual characteristics, the lowest, highest, sub peak, and valley levels of ozone profiles in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are consistent, but the lowest, highest, and valley values in the Yangtze River Delta are lower than those in the Pearl River Delta, while the sub peak values are higher than those in the Pearl River Delta. Compared with 2016, in 2020, the average ozone concentration in the 16~15 layers of the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta showed a downward trend, while the average ozone concentration in the other layers showed an upward trend. Among them, the most significant decrease in ozone concentration is in the 16th layer, while the most significant increase in ozone concentration is in the 17th layer closest to the ground, which is closely related to the increase in biological emissions accompanied by social development; 3) in terms of seasonal characteristics, the lowest ozone concentration in the 0 layer of the two regions shows a seasonal characteristic of spring and summer>autumn and winter, while the highest, second peak, valley values of ozone concentration in the layer and the 17th layer which is closest to the ground have different seasonal variation characteristics. This is due to differences in climate, power transmission, biological emissions, and photochemical processes between the two regions; 4) in terms of monthly characteristics, the highest ozone concentration occurs in the layer where the highest value is located in both regions in January, while the other lowest values, sub peaks, and valleys occur in different months during the 12-month period. This also indicates that the two regions have different vertical distribution characteristics of ozone under the influence of different atmospheric circulation. Besides, the function fittings were also performed on the five-year average ozone profiles of the two regions, and the function fittings effect were very good. The output formula R2was close to 1, with values of 0.94 and 0.97, respectively, which can provide support for further research on the ozone profiles of the two regions.
Keywords:Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Ozone Profile
Copyright © 2024 by author(s) and beplay安卓登录
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
臭氧(O3)是一种微量气体,也是重要的温室气体之一,主要存在于大气平流层中,可以吸收紫外线和大部分对地球生物有害的太阳短波辐射并保护地球生态系统,而近地面大气里的臭氧却是一种二次污染物 [
大气臭氧是大气环境科学和全球气候变化研究的重要领域,且臭氧总量及其垂直分布的变化对气候变化有重要影响 [
臭氧廓线数据来自OMI的Level 2臭氧产品OMO3PR,该产品采用V.8版算法,误差在10%以下。数据的存储和发布采用NASA发布EOS (Earth Observation System)数据产品的标准格式HDF-EOS 5 Swath,每个数据结构包含数据域、数据介绍域和地理坐标数据域。该产品对臭氧柱浓度进行观测和记录,包含从地面到大气层顶18层高度的臭氧廓线数据,包括17~0层,其中17~12层对应着对流层,12~0层对应着平流层。每一层臭氧柱浓度以DU (Dobson Unit)为单位。该数据格式详细信息可参考OMI大气产品文档(http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/AIRS/ozone/documentation/docs/omi-spie-2003.doc)。
臭氧廓线数据处理方法为:先用NASA官方网站推荐的小程序1批量下载HDF格式的原始全球臭氧廓线数据,再通过NASA官方网站推荐的小程序2从OMO3PR原始数据中提取出珠三角地区(112˚E~114˚E, 21˚N~23˚N)臭氧廓线并转化为csv格式,剔除无效数据后再利用EXCEL计算出臭氧廓线均值,最后用origin画出对应的臭氧廓线图。
由图1与图2可见,从整体上看,长三角与珠三角17~0层,臭氧浓度分布图像大体呈双峰转置“M”型,这是由于臭氧层处于平流层中,且最高臭氧浓度位于20 km~25 km的高度处 [
图1. 长三角五年平均臭氧廓线
图2. 珠三角五年平均臭氧廓线
图3. 长三角五年平均臭氧廓线拟合函数图
图4. 珠三角五年平均臭氧廓线拟合函数图
y = 2.9136 − 0.1845 x 2 + 0.0072 x 4 − 0.0001 x 6 + 6.176 × 10 − 7 x 8 1 − 0.0668 x 2 + 0.0070 x 4 − 1.8892 × 10 − 5 x 6 + 7.7570 × 10 − 8 x 8 , R 2 = 0.94 (1)
y = 0.3414 + 58485.7555 x 2 − 1552.4355 x 4 + 21.7974 x 6 − 0.1705 x 8 1 + 10944.1338 x 2 − 522.4573 x 4 + 8.4493 x 6 − 0.0459 x 8 , R 2 = 0.97 (2)
图5. 长三角五年季节平均臭氧廓线
由图5可见,五年长三角四季臭氧浓度最低值均出现在0层,对应季节平均值分别约为0.337 DU、0.363 DU、0.331 DU和0.328 DU,呈现夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季的趋势;四个季节臭氧浓度最高值均在7层,对应季节平均值分别约为61.761 DU、64.049 DU、59.020 DU和54.368 DU,呈现夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季的趋势;四个季节臭氧浓度次峰值均在9层,对应季节平均值分别约为51.722 DU、49.291 DU、47.285 DU和52.856 DU,呈现冬季 > 春季 > 夏季 > 秋季的趋势;谷值均出现在8层,对应的季节平均值分别约为41.252 DU、42.314 DU、40.574 DU和40.554 DU,呈现夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季的趋势;距地面最近的17层的四季臭氧浓度季节平均值分别约为10.731 DU、11.032 DU、8.690 DU和7.526 DU,呈现夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季的季节特征。
图6. 珠三角五年季节平均臭氧廓线
由图6可见,五年珠三角四季臭氧浓度最低值均出现在0层,对应季节平均值分别约为0.343 DU、0.369 DU、0.335 DU和0.320 DU,呈现夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季的趋势;四个季节臭氧浓度最高值均在7层,对应季节平均值分别约为64.174 DU、66.911 DU、62.725 DU和57.943 DU,呈现夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季的趋势;四个季节臭氧浓度次峰值均在9层,对应季节平均值分别约为46.547 DU、48.925 DU、45.548 DU和45.963 DU,呈现夏季 > 春季 > 冬季 > 秋季的趋势;谷值均出现在8层,对应的季节平均值分别约为40.604 DU、43.926 DU、41.404 DU和39.390 DU,呈现夏季 > 秋季 > 春季 > 冬季的趋势;距地面最近的17层的四季臭氧浓度季节平均值分别约为10.140 DU、7.021 DU、7.293 DU和7.315 DU,呈现春季 > 冬季 > 秋季 > 夏季的季节特征。
综上所述,五年内长三角与珠三角最低值所在的0层臭氧浓度均呈现春夏 > 秋冬的季节特征;最高值所在的7层臭氧浓度最大值均出现在夏季、最小值出现在冬季 [
图7. 长三角月平均臭氧廓线
由图7可见,五年内长三角1~12月臭氧浓度最低值均在0层,其中,最高值出现在8月,平均值约为:0.366 DU,最低值出现在11月,平均值约为:0.322 DU;峰值均在7层,其中,最高值出现在5月,平均值约为:64.462 DU,最低值出现在1月,平均值约为:53.735 DU;臭氧浓度次峰值均在9层,其中,最高值出现在2月,平均值约为:54.323 DU,最低值出现在10月,平均值约为:45.803 DU;峰值与次峰值最大差值在夏季对应的6~8月,最小差值在冬季对应的12~2月;臭氧浓度谷值均在8层,其中,最高值出现在4月,平均值约为:41.849 DU,最低值出现在10月,平均值约为:39.787 DU;而在距地面最近的17层中,最高值出现在6月,平均值约为:12.102 DU,最低值出现在12月,平均值约为:7.134 DU。
由图8可见,五年内珠三角1~12月臭氧浓度最低值均在0层,其中,最高值出现在7月,平均值约为:0.374 DU,最低值出现在1月,平均值约为:0.314 DU;峰值均在7层,其中,最高值出现在6月,平均值约为:67.373 DU,最低值出现在1月,平均值约为:57.648 DU;臭氧浓度次峰值均在9层,其中,最高值出现在7月,平均值约为:49.718 DU,最低值出现在10月,平均值约为:44.626 DU;峰值与次峰值随月份变化不大;臭氧浓度谷值均在8层,其中,最高值出现在10月,平均值约为:44.233 DU,最低值出现在3月,平均值约为:38.570 DU;而在距地面最近的17层中,最高值出现在5月,平均值约为:10.514 DU,最低值出现在7月,平均值约为:6.398 DU。说明两地区在不同的大气环流影响下有不同的臭氧垂直分布特征 [
图8. 珠三角月平均臭氧廓线
1) 五年内,两地区臭氧廓线年、季节和月均臭氧廓线均呈双峰转置“M”型,这是由大气中臭氧主要存在于臭氧层,而臭氧层位于平流层。
2) 年际特征上,长三角与珠三角臭氧廓线最低值、最高值、次峰值与谷值出现的层数一致,但长三角最低值、最高值与谷值均低于珠三角,而次峰值高于珠三角。与2016年相比,2020年长三角与珠三角16~15层平均臭氧浓度均呈现下降趋势外,其余层的平均臭氧浓度均呈现上升趋势。其中,臭氧浓度降低最明显的均为16层,臭氧浓度上升最明显的均为距地面最近的17层,这与社会发展伴随的生物排放增多密不可分。
3) 季节特征上,两地区臭氧浓度最低值所在0层均呈现春夏 > 秋冬的季节特征,而两地臭氧浓度最高值、次峰值、谷值所在层以及离地面最近的17层臭氧浓度季节变化特征均不同,这是由两地区气候、动力传输、生物排放以及光化学作用等不同所致。
4) 月份特征上,两地区最高值所在层均在1月出现臭氧浓度最大值,其余最低值、次峰值与谷值所在层在12个月中臭氧浓度最高与最低值出现的月份均不同。这也说明两地区在不同的大气环流影响下有不同的臭氧垂直分布特征。
5) 两地区五年平均臭氧廓线函数拟合效果很好,输出的公式R2均接近1,分别为0.94和0.97,可为更深入研究两地区臭氧廓线提供支撑。
韦玉婷,黄 俊,王潞椰,陈明涛,王洪强. 基于5年OMI卫星数据分析长三角与珠三角臭氧廓线时间变化规律Analysis of Typhoon Impact on Ozone Profile Changes in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta Based on 5-Year OMI Satellite Data[J]. 气候变化研究快报, 2024, 13(01): 1-10. https://doi.org/10.12677/CCRL.2024.131001