核能是一种清洁、高效、经济和安全的一次能源,具备稳定、能量密度高、受自然条件影响小的优点。核能及可再生能源的开发利用是能源领域发展的主要趋势。为发挥核能与可再生能源各自的优势特点,并提高效率,核能与可再生能源耦合系统的研发和设计已经展开。核能与可再生能源的耦合技术已得到验证并有部分技术得到应用,耦合后的能源系统具有更高的效率、灵活性和稳定性。本文介绍了核能与太阳能、风能、氢能、生物质能和地热能的耦合技术以及核能、可再生能源和储热技术耦合形成的低碳能源系统,指出了核能与可再生能源耦合面临的问题和可优化的方向,并对耦合系统进行了展望。 Nuclear energy is a primary energy which is clean, efficient, economical and safe. It has the advantages of stability, high energy density and less influenced by natural conditions. The development and utilization of nuclear and renewable energy are a essential part in the field of energy development. In order to give full play to the advantages of nuclear and renewable energy and improve efficiency, the research and design of the coupling system between nuclear and renewable energy have been carried out. The coupling technologies of nuclear and renewable energy have been verified and some technologies have been applied. The coupled energy system is more efficient, flexible and stable. This paper introduces the coupling technologies of nuclear energy and solar, wind, hydrogen, biomass and geothermal energy, as well as the low carbon energy system formed by the nuclear energy, renewable energy and heat storage. It points out the problems faced by the coupling of nuclear and renewable energy and the optimization direction, also the coupling system is prospected.
核能,可再生能源,储热,耦合系统,耦合技术, Nuclear Energy
Renewable Energy
Heat Storage
Coupling System
Coupling Technologies
Nuclear energy is a primary energy which is clean, efficient, economical and safe. It has the advantages of stability, high energy density and less influenced by natural conditions. The development and utilization of nuclear and renewable energy are a essential part in the field of energy development. In order to give full play to the advantages of nuclear and renewable energy and improve efficiency, the research and design of the coupling system between nuclear and renewable energy have been carried out. The coupling technologies of nuclear and renewable energy have been verified and some technologies have been applied. The coupled energy system is more efficient, flexible and stable. This paper introduces the coupling technologies of nuclear energy and solar, wind, hydrogen, biomass and geothermal energy, as well as the low carbon energy system formed by the nuclear energy, renewable energy and heat storage. It points out the problems faced by the coupling of nuclear and renewable energy and the optimization direction, also the coupling system is prospected.
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