肺纤维化是间质性肺疾病的一种终末期病变,严重危害人类的健康,而且治疗效果欠佳,预后较差。本文拟探究中西医在治疗肺纤维化疾病方面的作用,以知网及全球学术快报为数据库,对文献资料进行了归纳与总结,更加全面地从多方面论述西药、单味中药及方剂治疗肺纤维化的研究进展,结果显示中药的使用是治疗肺纤维化的较有效疗法。 Pulmonary fibrosis, an end-stage pulmonary pathology of interstitial lung disease, poses a great threat to human health and is currently poorly treated with a poor prognosis. This paper intends to investigate the role of Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis disease, and summarizes the literature using the knowledge network and Global Academic Ex-press as databases to more comprehensively discuss the research progress of Western medicine, single herbs and prescriptions in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis from various aspects, and the result shows the use of Chinese medicine is an effective therapy for pulmonary fibrosis.
肺纤维化,中药,疗效, Pulmonary Fibrosis
Chinese Medicine
Therapeutic Effect
Pulmonary fibrosis, an end-stage pulmonary pathology of interstitial lung disease, poses a great threat to human health and is currently poorly treated with a poor prognosis. This paper intends to investigate the role of Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis disease, and summarizes the literature using the knowledge network and Global Academic Express as databases to more comprehensively discuss the research progress of Western medicine, single herbs and prescriptions in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis from various aspects, and the result shows the use of Chinese medicine is an effective therapy for pulmonary fibrosis.
Keywords:Pulmonary Fibrosis, Chinese Medicine, Therapeutic Effect
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