超限运输车辆危害了公路设施,影响了交通安全,公路治超非现场执法系统是治理公路超限运输的有效方法。在公路治超非现场执法系统中LED可变情报板是向驾驶人发布车辆超载信息的交通设施,其设置位置会影响驾驶人视认标志,若设置不合理将无法及时有效地将超载信息传递给驾驶人。本文在分析了驾驶人动态有效视野、动态称重所需时间、视认角以及视认时间等影响情报板设置位置影响因素的基础上,结合情报板设置型式,研究了不同车辆行驶速度和公路宽度条件下动态汽车衡和可变情报板之间的距离要求,研究结果表明车辆行驶速度和情报板型式对设置距离影响较大,建议根据道路条件从驾驶人视认角度出发在节约成本的前提下选用合适的可变情报板型式。 The overload transportation vehicles do harm to highway facilities and increase the risk of traffic safety. The off-site law enforcement system is an effective method to control the overload transportation. In the off-site law enforcement system of highway overload transportation management, LED variable message sign is a traffic facility to release vehicle overload information to drivers. Its location will affect the driver’s visual recognition sign. If it is not set reasonably, it will not be able to timely and effectively transmit overload information to drivers. Based on the analysis of the factors that affect the location of the LED variable message sign, such as the dynamic effective visual field range of the motor vehicle driver, the time required for the vehicle weigh in motion, the viewing angle of the information board and the time required for the driver to view the LED variable message sign, and combined with the type of the LED variable message sign, this paper studies the weigh-in-motion and the variable weight under the conditions of different vehicle speed and different road lane widths. The research results show that the vehicle speed and the type of information board have a great influence on the setting distance, so it is recommended to select the appropriate variable information board type according to the road conditions.
Liming Wang*, Youkai Cui, Jie Yu
Zhejiang Institute of Communications Co. Ltd., Hangzhou Zhejiang
Received: Aug. 17th, 2022; accepted: Sep. 12th, 2022; published: Sep. 19th, 2022
The overload transportation vehicles do harm to highway facilities and increase the risk of traffic safety. The off-site law enforcement system is an effective method to control the overload transportation. In the off-site law enforcement system of highway overload transportation management, LED variable message sign is a traffic facility to release vehicle overload information to drivers. Its location will affect the driver’s visual recognition sign. If it is not set reasonably, it will not be able to timely and effectively transmit overload information to drivers. Based on the analysis of the factors that affect the location of the LED variable message sign, such as the dynamic effective visual field range of the motor vehicle driver, the time required for the vehicle weigh in motion, the viewing angle of the information board and the time required for the driver to view the LED variable message sign, and combined with the type of the LED variable message sign, this paper studies the weigh-in-motion and the variable weight under the conditions of different vehicle speed and different road lane widths. The research results show that the vehicle speed and the type of information board have a great influence on the setting distance, so it is recommended to select the appropriate variable information board type according to the road conditions.
Keywords:LED Variable Message Sign, Highway Overload Management, Weigh-in-Motion, Distance Requirements
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and beplay安卓登录
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
为加强对超载运输行为的治理,保障公路设施和人民生命财产安全,公路治超非现场执法系统 [
图1. 治超非现场执法系统构成图
LED可变情报板作为一种信息显示设备,有亮度高、穿透能力强、可靠性好,防护等级高等特点 [
为保证可变情报板的视认性 [
图2. 非现场治超执法点位于隧道洞口位置示例
动态视野指车辆在运行过程中,驾驶人头部固定不动,眼球自由运动所能看到的视野。动态视野与车辆行驶速度有关,当行车速度增大时,视野范围变窄,驾驶员能够清晰辨别图形形状的视野范围 [
车速(km/h) | 垂直视野(˚) | 水平视野(˚) |
60 | 14.6 | 14.9 |
70 | 14.0 | 13.8 |
80 | 13.2 | 12.7 |
90 | 12.4 | 11.7 |
100 | 11.6 | 10.8 |
表1. 不同车速条件下动态有效视野
LED可变情报板的配色、清晰度、点距、视角、基色灰度、发光亮度以及扫描频率等均会对视认产生一定程度影响,其中与动态视野相关的视认角相关性最大。视认角是指驾驶人(正常人,矫正视力1.0以上)在环境照度大于50,000 lx的晴天、太阳光正面照射标志面的条件下,偏离标志面法线方向后,仍能正确认读标志内容的最大偏离角度。按照GB/T 23828-2009的规定LED可变情报视认角应不小于30˚。另外,情报板标准规定,静态视认距离不小于250 m;动态视认距离不小于210 m。
动态汽车衡是通过测量汽车在运动状态下车辆各轮胎对路面施加的动态车辆轮胎力和车辆通过的时间来测算一辆运动的车辆总重量和部分重量(如轴重、轴组重等)、轴距和速度等数据的计量设备。货车经过检测线圈后触发称重程序,各轴称重数据经称重控制器或工控机计算后得到整车称重数据,若存在超载行为,则将称重数据和抓拍的车辆前、后和侧面3张照片整合成完整证据信息上传到平台的同时涉嫌超载的信息同步显示在情报板上。经调查,从车辆经过衡器到称重信息显示在情报板上需1 s~2 s。
情报板视认时间是指从发现情报板到视认完显示的内容所需的时间,包括识别时间和认读时间 [
图3. 门架式情报板设置距离示意图
L c = h m + h c arctan α (1)
L = L a + L b + L c (2)
式中:hm——情报板高度,根据显示字符需要一般为2 m;
hc——情报板低缘距离地面高度,按照公路建筑限界的要求一般为5.5 m;
ht——货车驾驶人视点高度,货车一般取值2 m;
车速(km/h) | 极限值(m) | 一般值(m) |
60 | 87.9 | 112.8 |
70 | 100.0 | 129.0 |
80 | 112.6 | 145.7 |
90 | 125.3 | 162.5 |
100 | 138.2 | 179.6 |
表2. 不同车速条件下门架式情报板设置距离
注:极限值按动态称重时间1 s,视认时间3 s计算;一般值按动态称重时间1.5 s,视认时间4 s计算。
图4. 路侧悬臂式情报板设置间距示意图
车速(km/h) | 二车道一般值(m) | 二车道极限值(m) | 三车道一般值(m) | 三车道极限值(m) |
60 | 114.7 | 89.9 | 128.8 | 103.9 |
70 | 131.9 | 102.9 | 147.1 | 118.2 |
80 | 149.4 | 116.3 | 166.0 | 132.9 |
90 | 166.9 | 129.7 | 185.0 | 147.7 |
100 | 184.9 | 143.5 | 204.5 | 163.2 |
表3. 不同车速条件下路侧悬臂式情报板设置距离
注:极限值按动态称重时间1 s,视认时间3 s计算;一般值按动态称重时间1.5 s,视认时间4 s计算。
L c = h v + h w − 1.875 arctan α (1)
L = L a + L b + L c (2)
式中:hv——情报板右边缘与车行道边线间距离,本文取值0.5 m;
hw——行车道车道宽度,本文按每车道宽3.75 m取值 [
经计算,不同车速和车道条件下路侧悬臂式情报板设置距离,见表3。以图2为例,在设计速度60 km/h,三车道道路条件时,LED情报板与动态汽车衡间距极限值为103.9 m,结合现场条件能提供的最大间距为105 m,故将其间距设置为105 m。
1) 车辆行驶速度和情报板型式对设置距离影响较大,建议根据设计速度、车道数等道路条件从驾驶人视认角度出发在节约成本的前提下选用合适的可变情报板型式;
2) 当受到道路线形条件限制,情报板与动态汽车衡之间的距离不满足驾驶人视认要求时,建议限制货车的行驶速度或调整情报板LED颗粒角度,以提高驾驶人视认时间;
3) 当多辆超载货车同时到达时,应增大屏幕尺寸实现同时显示与车道数相匹配的车辆信息。
王立明,崔优凯,俞 洁. LED可变情报板在公路治超非现场执法系统中设置距离研究Research on Setting Distance of LED Variable Message Sign in Off-Site Law Enforcement System of Highway Overload Management[J]. 交通技术, 2022, 11(05): 399-405. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2022.115040