目的:了解材料类型和数量对发展性计算障碍儿童数序判断的影响,为改善儿童的数序认知及数学学习状况提供参考。方法:采用数序前后比较任务,以阿拉伯数字、汉语小写数字、点阵数字及实物个数为材料,对26名计算障碍儿童和25名正常儿童进行测试。结果:在完成正确数上,不论是符号刺激(阿拉伯数字:F = 11.568,p = 0.001,η2= 0.147;汉语数字:F = 7.498,p = 0.008,η2= 0.101)还是非符号刺激(点阵数字:F = 6.985,p = 0.010,η2= 0.094;实物材料:F = 7.781,p = 0.007,η2= 0.104),计算障碍儿童均明显不及正常儿童。在完成时间上,与正常儿童相比,计算障碍儿童在符号刺激中(阿拉伯数字:F = 4.972,p = 0.029,η2= 0.069;汉语数字:F = 7.155,p = 0.009,η2= 0.096)差异明显,但在非符号刺激上,二者差异不显著。计算障碍儿童小数量符号刺激的完成时间好于大数量,而大数量非符号刺激则快于小数量;正常儿童不论是符号刺激还是非符号刺激,其小数量的完成时间均好于大数量。结论:刺激材料的类型和数量不仅影响计算障碍儿童的数序判断,而且对数字距离效应产生消极作用。 Objective: To investigate the influence of material type and quantity on number order judgment in children with developmental, and improve the number order cognition and mathematics learning of children. Methods: Using Arabic numerals, Chinese numerals, lattice numerals and material objects, 26 children with dyscalculia and 25 normal children were tested with the task of comparing number order. Results: In the correct number, whether it is a symbolic stimulus (Arabic numerals: F = 11.568, p = 0.001, η2= 0.147; Chinese numerals: F = 7.498, p = 0.008, η2= 0.101) or non-symbolic stimulus (dot matrix: F = 6.985, p = 0.010, η2= 0.094; material object: F = 7.781, p = 0.007, η2= 0.104), children with dyscalculia were significantly lower than normal children. In terms of completion time, compared with normal children, children with dyscalculia is obvious difference in symbolic stimulation (Arabic numerals: F = 4.972, p = 0.029, η2= 0.069; Chinese numeral: F = 7.155, p = 0.009, η2= 0.096), but there is no significant difference in non-symbolic stimuli. In dyscalculia children, the completion time of the small number of symbolic stimuli was better than that of the large number, while the large number of non-symbolic stimuli was faster than that of the small number. For both symbolic and non-symbolic stimuli in normal children, the completion time of a small amount of stimulus is better than that of a large amount of stimulus. Conclusion: The type and quantity of stimulus materials not only affect the number order judgment of children with dyscalculia, but also have a negative effect on the number distance effect.
目的:了解材料类型和数量对发展性计算障碍儿童数序判断的影响,为改善儿童的数序认知及数学学习状况提供参考。方法:采用数序前后比较任务,以阿拉伯数字、汉语小写数字、点阵数字及实物个数为材料,对26名计算障碍儿童和25名正常儿童进行测试。结果:在完成正确数上,不论是符号刺激(阿拉伯数字:F = 11.568,p = 0.001,η2= 0.147;汉语数字:F = 7.498,p = 0.008,η2= 0.101)还是非符号刺激(点阵数字:F = 6.985,p = 0.010,η2= 0.094;实物材料:F = 7.781,p = 0.007,η2= 0.104),计算障碍儿童均明显不及正常儿童。在完成时间上,与正常儿童相比,计算障碍儿童在符号刺激中(阿拉伯数字:F = 4.972,p = 0.029,η2= 0.069;汉语数字:F = 7.155,p = 0.009,η2= 0.096)差异明显,但在非符号刺激上,二者差异不显著。计算障碍儿童小数量符号刺激的完成时间好于大数量,而大数量非符号刺激则快于小数量;正常儿童不论是符号刺激还是非符号刺激,其小数量的完成时间均好于大数量。结论:刺激材料的类型和数量不仅影响计算障碍儿童的数序判断,而且对数字距离效应产生消极作用。
Luping Zhou
College of Education Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha Hunan
Received: Jul. 2nd, 2022; accepted: Aug. 2nd, 2022; published: Aug. 10th, 2022
Objective: To investigate the influence of material type and quantity on number order judgment in children with developmental, and improve the number order cognition and mathematics learning of children. Methods: Using Arabic numerals, Chinese numerals, lattice numerals and material objects, 26 children with dyscalculia and 25 normal children were tested with the task of comparing number order. Results: In the correct number, whether it is a symbolic stimulus (Arabic numerals: F = 11.568, p = 0.001, η2= 0.147; Chinese numerals: F = 7.498, p = 0.008, η2= 0.101) or non-symbolic stimulus (dot matrix: F = 6.985, p = 0.010, η2= 0.094; material object: F = 7.781, p = 0.007, η2= 0.104), children with dyscalculia were significantly lower than normal children. In terms of completion time, compared with normal children, children with dyscalculia is obvious difference in symbolic stimulation (Arabic numerals: F = 4.972, p = 0.029, η2= 0.069; Chinese numeral: F = 7.155, p = 0.009, η2= 0.096), but there is no significant difference in non-symbolic stimuli. In dyscalculia children, the completion time of the small number of symbolic stimuli was better than that of the large number, while the large number of non-symbolic stimuli was faster than that of the small number. For both symbolic and non-symbolic stimuli in normal children, the completion time of a small amount of stimulus is better than that of a large amount of stimulus. Conclusion: The type and quantity of stimulus materials not only affect the number order judgment of children with dyscalculia, but also have a negative effect on the number distance effect.
Keywords:Developmental Dyscalculia, Children, Number Order Judgment, Material Type, Quantity
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and beplay安卓登录
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
发展性计算障碍(Developmental dyscalculia, DD)是指排除了智力落后和教育无能等因素的影响,数字加工和计算能力的心理年龄与实际年龄间存在着明显的差异 [
参照Cañizares等 [
经过对所有数据进行离线处理,排除实验过程中因被试原因终止或累积正确完成次数为0或单次完成时间小于100 ms等异常数据后,最终纳入统计分析的每组有效人数分别为:计算障碍组26人(男14女12人,平均9.94 ± 0.85),正常对照组25人(男13女12人,平均9.89 ± 0.63);X2检验结果表明,两组男女人数之间的差异不显著(X2= 0.017, p = 0.895)。
采用符号和非符号两种形式为刺激材料,其中,符号刺激分为阿拉伯数字(1~9,不含5)和汉语小写数字(一~九,不含五)两类;非符号刺激分为点阵数字(点阵1~9,不含5)和实物(香蕉;个数1~9,不含5)两类(均按规则排列)。每类刺激8个,共32个刺激。所有刺激均采用Photoshop10.0软件加工完成,符号刺激的字体为宋体,字的大小为2.5 cm × 2.5 cm (图片尺寸与非符号刺激一致),非符号刺激的图片尺寸为3.1 cm × 3.1 cm。所有刺激的颜色均为黑色,分辨率100像素,计算机屏幕的背景采用灰色。
实验程序采用E-prime 2.0编制,通过一台Dell电脑(21吋彩色显示屏)呈现刺激,屏幕分辨率为1280 × 1024,60 Hz刷新频率。实验中被试端坐屏幕前,眼睛与屏幕保持视距约为50 cm。每次实验前有练习活动,儿童需完全掌握实验内容后才能进入正式实验。正式实验由4个block组成,每类刺激一个block,每个block有48个试验(trail)。被试每完成一个block,可以自主休息至少1分钟以上,整个过程大约需要15分钟。
正式实验开始后,首先在屏幕中央出现一个黑色注视点“+”400 ms,提醒被试做好按键准备,空屏1000 ms后在屏幕中央会呈现一个400 ms的比较刺激(先呈现);其后,空屏100 ms再出现目标刺激(后呈现),等待被试按键反应。被试的任务是对两个刺激之间的数序关系进行判断,若后呈现刺激的顺序在先呈现的刺激之前,就用左手或右手的食指按“Z”键;反之,就用右手或左手的食指按“M”键。当被试反应完成或反应时间超过2000 ms,本次的试验都将结束,计算机对被试的数序判断情况(完成时间、正确性等)进行记录。实验中为了减少顺序效应和利手等因素的干扰,其刺激呈现与按键过程采用拉丁方和被试间相结合的方式进行平衡。整个实验在2021年3~6月间进行,采用数序前后比较任务方式,在儿童相对熟悉的环境下选择独立、安静的房间,由研究者对所有实验对象进行逐个施测。实验设计采用被试间(计算障碍/正常儿童)和被试内(材料类型/数量)混合模式,数据统计工具为SPSS for windows 20中文版,主要方法为t检验、方差分析及X2检验等。
根据以往文献并结合本研究的目的,将被试完成正确数和完成时间的结果按组别(计算障碍组/正常对照组)和刺激材料类型(阿拉伯数字/汉语数字/点阵数字/实物材料)分别进行统计。在完成正确数(个)/完成时间(ms)的结果上,DD组分别为:阿拉伯数字3.46 ± 1.10/789.59 ± 216.37、汉语数字4.05 ± 0.98/802.30 ± 246.13、点阵数字4.02 ± 1.00/868.71 ± 277.15、实物个数4.02 ± 1.09/799.32 ± 233.48;正常对照组分别为:阿拉伯数字4.29 ± 1.09/662.09 ± 254.91、汉语数字4.64 ± 0.86/650.36 ± 218.90、点阵数字4.60 ± 0.84/733.20 ± 296.18、实物个数4.69 ± 0.88/714.81 ± 309.39。以组别为自变量、性别及年级为协变量分别进行多因素方差分析,结果表明:在完成正确数上,组别主效应显著,不论是符号刺激(阿拉伯数字:F = 11.568,p = 0.001,η2= 0.147;汉语数字:F = 7.498,p = 0.008,η2= 0.101)还是非符号刺激(点阵数字:F = 6.985,p = 0.010,η2= 0.094;实物材料:F = 7.781,p = 0.007,η2= 0.104),DD组均明显不及正常对照组。在完成时间上,两组之间的差异主要表现在符号材料中(阿拉伯数字:F = 4.972,p = 0.029,η2= 0.069;汉语数字:F = 7.155,p = 0.009,η2= 0.096),而非符号材料(点阵数字:F = 3.791,p = 0.056,η2= 0.054;实物材料:F = 1.528,p = 0.221,η2= 0.022)中的差异则并不明显。其余主效应及交互效应均不显著。
以材料类型(4水平:阿拉伯数字/汉语数字/点阵数字/实物个数) × 数量大小(2水平:小1~4、大6~9)为自变量、性别及年级为协变量,分别对DD组和正常组的数据进行重复测量方差分析,结果表明,在完成时间上,DD组中,材料类型的主效应显著(F = 4.898, p = 0.006, η2= 0.123),进一步的t检验发现,汉语数字材料的反应时明显不及阿拉伯数字(Md = 119.45, p = 0.004)与实物材料(Md = 109.72, p = 0.005);数量大小的主效应不显著(F = 0.018, p = 0.895, η2= 0.001);材料类型 × 数量大小的交互效应显著(F = 2.712, p = 0.050, η2= 0.072),符号材料中的小数量结果均好于大数量(阿拉伯数字:Md = −42.08,p = 0.020;汉语数字:Md = −34.32,p = 0.023),但非符号材料中则正好相反(点阵:Md = 24.00,p = 0.044;实物:Md = 41.73,p = 0.015)。正常对照组中,材料类型主效应不显著(F = 1.869,p = 0.165,η2= 0.052),数量大小主效应边缘显著(F = 3.475,p = 0.071,η2= 0.093),小数量的结果好于大数量(Md = −25.488,p = 0.071);材料类型 × 数量大小的交互效应不显著(F = 0.653, p = 0.569, η2= 0.019)。
另外,在完成正确数上,DD组中,材料类型的主效应显著(F = 6.264, p = 0.005, η2= 0.152),阿拉伯数字材料的结果均显著低于汉语数字(Md = −0.594, p = 0.009)、点阵(Md = −0.566, p = 0.008)和实物材料(Md = −0.566, p = 0.009),而其它材料之间的差异则不显著;同时,其它主效应和交互效应均不显著。正常对照组中,不论是主效应还是交互效应都不显著。
在数学学习中,数的次序(数序)和量值(数量)习得既是个体认识和理解大小、先后等数字关系的基础,也是掌握和使用加减、乘除等数学规则的前提。作为数认知中的两个基本概念,数量用来衡量数目的多少或大小,而数序则代表数的先后次序。Wynn指出,儿童在学习背诵数字序列时,先理解数的顺序概念,而后才发展出对数字数量意义理解的能力,表明儿童的数序和数量理解能力的发展并不同步,二者可能处于不同的时期或阶段,属于两种不同的表征系统 [
周路平. 材料类型和数量对发展性计算障碍儿童数序判断的影响The Influence of Material Type and Quantity on Number Order Judgment in Children with Developmental Dyscalculia[J]. 国际神经精神科学杂志, 2022, 11(03): 41-46. https://doi.org/10.12677/IJPN.2022.113007