随着医疗行业和服务范围的高速发展,医疗过程中所存在的风险与意外不可避免性的呈现而出,致使医疗纠纷频有发生,医院为了应对纠纷带来的伤医风险设置了医务社会工作者岗位,发端于西方国家的医务社工在我国面临着发展和实践阻碍,其中纠纷协调实践中如何运用共情成为了亟待解决的关键问题。笔者通过文献阅读和实务经历对当前本土医务社工实际状况进行了描述,对医疗纠纷协调中医务社工实操共情困境的成因和心理机制进行了阐述,共情困境是医务社会工作本土化实践困难、伦理困境的一个缩影,笔者试图发掘基层问题从而扩展至上层建筑,并提出对本土医务社会工作发展的三项建议,为我国医务社会工作的推进提供若干思路。 With the rapid development of medical technology and service scope, the risks and accidents in the medical process are inevitably presented, resulting in frequent occurrence of medical disputes. The hospital has set up medical social work to deal with the risks of injury and medical care caused by disputes. Medical social workers who originated in Western countries are facing actual development difficulties and practical application difficulties in my country. Among them, how to use empathy in the practice of dispute coordination has become a key issue to be resolved. The author described the current actual situation of local medical social workers through reading the literature and his own practical experience, and explained the causes and psychological mechanisms of the difficulties that are likely to occur in the practice of empathy among medical social workers in the coordination of medical disputes. Empathy dilemmas are medical social work. A microcosm of the difficulties in localized practice and ethical dilemmas, the author tries to explore the problems at the grassroots level and expand the superstructure, and put forward three suggestions for the development of local medical social work, and provides several ideas for the advancement of medical social work in my country.
医务社会工作,共情,困境, Medical Social Work
With the rapid development of medical technology and service scope, the risks and accidents in the medical process are inevitably presented, resulting in frequent occurrence of medical disputes. The hospital has set up medical social work to deal with the risks of injury and medical care caused by disputes. Medical social workers who originated in Western countries are facing actual development difficulties and practical application difficulties in my country. Among them, how to use empathy in the practice of dispute coordination has become a key issue to be resolved. The author described the current actual situation of local medical social workers through reading the literature and his own practical experience, and explained the causes and psychological mechanisms of the difficulties that are likely to occur in the practice of empathy among medical social workers in the coordination of medical disputes. Empathy dilemmas are medical social work. A microcosm of the difficulties in localized practice and ethical dilemmas, the author tries to explore the problems at the grassroots level and expand the superstructure, and put forward three suggestions for the development of local medical social work, and provides several ideas for the advancement of medical social work in my country.
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