近几十年来,关于语言学习策略和词汇量测试的研究有很多,文章重点研究了使用Oxford (1990)语言学习策略量表(即SILL量表)的学习策略研究,以及使用VST词汇测试量表对词汇的研究。从研究方法、研究对象、研究内容和结果等方面梳理了研究现状,分析表明,即使基于相同的尺度,在不同的条件下,也会得出不同甚至相反的结论。因此,有必要对不同背景的学习者进行更细致、更准确地调查和研究,以便提出更有针对性、更有效的学习建议。 In recent decades, there have been many studies on language learning strategies and vocabulary tests. The article focuses on the study of learning strategies using Oxford’s (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and the vocabulary research using the VST. The research status is sorted out from the aspects of research methods, research objects, research content and results. The analysis shows that even based on the same scale, under different conditions, different or even opposite conclusions will be drawn. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct more detailed and accurate surveys and researches on learners of different backgrounds in order to make more targeted and effective learning recommendations.
英语学习策略,SILL,词汇量测试,VST,接受性词汇量, English Learning Strategies
Vocabulary Test
Receptive Vocabulary
In recent decades, there have been many studies on language learning strategies and vocabulary tests. The article focuses on the study of learning strategies using Oxford’s (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and the vocabulary research using the VST. The research status is sorted out from the aspects of research methods, research objects, research content and results. The analysis shows that even based on the same scale, under different conditions, different or even opposite conclusions will be drawn. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct more detailed and accurate surveys and researches on learners of different backgrounds in order to make more targeted and effective learning recommendations.
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