当前“体能”一词虽然在体育界中被广泛应用,但是其定义及对应的英语翻译仍然是众说纷纭。着眼于苟波等学者对“体能”概念以及英语翻译“physical fitness”辨析的代表性工作,延伸性阐述了术语“physical fitness”在国外的起源发展、定义演化和模型结构,以期基于“体能”和“physical fitness”的汉英互译这一新视角论述并简洁直观的示例解释“体能”,推动权威的“体能”定义和英语表述在国内早日统一明确。
Although the term “physical fitness” is widely used in sportsdom nowadays, the definition is still confused and inconsistent. Based on the representative work of Gou Bo et al. on clarification of the concept and the English translation of “physical fitness”, expounding on the origin, definition evolution and model structure of the term “physical fitness” in foreign countries, then further discussions from the point of view of the Chinese-English translation and a intuitive example are given to help the authoritative concept of “physical fitness” and its English expression be unified as soon as possible.
Although the term “physical fitness” is widely used in sportsdom nowadays, the definition is still confused and inconsistent. Based on the representative work of Gou Bo et al. on clarification of the concept and the English translation of “physical fitness”, expounding on the origin, definition evolution and model structure of the term “physical fitness” in foreign countries, then further discussions from the point of view of the Chinese-English translation and a intuitive example are given to help the authoritative concept of “physical fitness” and its English expression be unified as soon as possible.
需要承认的是,由于中西方语言与文化的差异,找出与“体能”相对应的外文词汇难度不小。而事实上英语“physical fitness”作为一专有名词,也自有其特定的定义和属性特征。“physical fitness”一词早期由美国学者Steinhaus A. H. (1936) [27] [28] 和McCloy C. H. (1938) [28] [29] 等提出,由Clarke H. (1971) [30] 在首刊发行的“Physical Fitness Research Digest”上解释为“the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies”(能够精力充沛、机敏地完成日常工作,不会过度疲劳,有足够的精力享受休闲活动和应付突发事件)。此定义在1996年美国卫生与公共服务部(USDHHS)报告的《Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General》 [28],以及2008和2018年发行的《Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans》 [31] [32] 都曾被继续沿用(略有修改,用“respond to emergencies”代替了“to meet unforeseen emergencies”)。尽管这个被普遍接受的定义概念上可能合情合理,但诸如活力(vigor)、机敏(alertness)、疲劳(fatigue)和享受(enjoyment)等却不容易衡量 [33]。因此Caspersen C. J.等学者(1985)又提出了新的解释:“a set of attributes that people have or achieve relating to their ability to perform physical activity” [33] (个体拥有或获得与完成体力活动能力相关的一组要素或特征 [34])。此定义在USDHHS (1996)的报告 [28] 以及美国总统体适能与体育委员会(President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports) (2000)的研究摘要“President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Research Digest”中被进一步明确,成为了目前最常用的“physical fitness”定义 [35]。继而,Corbin C. B.等(2000)采用多维层次模型(multidimensional hierarchical model)又进一步清晰了“physical fitness”的多维度、阶层式的属性特征:共包括“Physiological fitness”(生理相关),“health-related physical fitness”(健康相关)以及“skill-related physical fitness”(技能相关) 3部分(表1) [35] [36]。基于国外(主要美国)的“physical fitness”定义以及其多维分层结构的研究 [35],我们看到其与前文提及的国内“体能”相关表述并不完全一致——这提醒我们唯有兼顾“体能”和“physical fitness”二者的概念内涵和外延才能更好的互译互通、释义吻合。
除“physical fitness”外,“Strength and Conditioning”也常译为“体能”——尤其基于美国国家体能协会(National Strength and Conditioning Association, NSCA)和美国运动医学学会(American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM)等组织平台和相关工作在国内的推动 [41] [42],目前国内竞技体育领域基于“Strength and Conditioning”阐述的“体能”以及“体能训练”等相关知识越来越多,也逐渐成为了另一惯用的表述。尽管也译作“体能”,不过“Strength and Conditioning”的内涵和应用与“physical fitness”应有所不同:虽然未能查阅到短语“Strength and Conditioning”的严谨释义,不过从韦氏词典对“Strength”和“Conditioning”的解释(“strength: ① the quality or state of being strong capacity for exertion or endurance; conditioning: ① the process of training to become physically fit by a regimen of exercise, diet, and rest; ② the resulting state of physical fitness”)、港台地区对NSCA的翻译(译为“美国国家肌力与体能协会”)以及《ACSM’s foundation of strength training and conditioning》(2011)书中对于“Strength training and Conditioning”的解释(a term that has been adapted to include several modalities of exercise. strength training via resistance training serves as the core, and other modalities of exercises are included depending on the needs of the athlete) [42] 中能看出一些端倪。
刘 刚. 再议“体能”:基于汉英互译的视角Further Discussion on “Physical Fitness” from the Point of View of the Chinese-English Translation[J]. 体育科学进展, 2022, 10(02): 261-266. https://doi.org/10.12677/APS.2022.102038
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