当接触到具有误导倾向的信息时,人们的记忆有可能产生扭曲甚至发生错误产生错误记忆。许多研究者致力于寻找提高记忆准确性或降低其暗示性的方法。测试或提取练习可能是一种可行的方法。测试效应指的是,在同等的时间内多次重复测试或提取练习比多次重复学习更能促进记忆的长期保持。已有研究表明测试效应在教学实践和学生学习中的有效性。本文总结了关于提取练习对错误记忆影响的研究。主要关注RES效应的产生与其理论机制,总结和分析了错误记忆产生的可能原因与解释,最后概述了进一步的研究方向。 When exposed to information that has a tendency to mislead, people’s memories may become distorted or even erroneous producing false memories. Many researchers have worked to find ways to improve the accuracy of memory or reduce its suggestibility. Testing or retrieval may be one possible method. Testing effect refers to the fact that multiple repetitions of a test or retrieval practice over the same amount of time promote better long-term retention of memory than multiple repetitions of learning. Studies have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the testing effect in teaching practice and student learning. This paper summarizes the research on the effects of extraction practice on false memory. It focuses on the generation of the RES effect and its theoretical mechanisms, summarizes and analyzes the possible causes and explanations for false memory generation, and concludes by outlining further research directions.
提取练习,错误记忆,RES效应, Retrieval Practice
False Memory
RES Effect
When exposed to information that has a tendency to mislead, people’s memories may become distorted or even erroneous producing false memories. Many researchers have worked to find ways to improve the accuracy of memory or reduce its suggestibility. Testing or retrieval may be one possible method. Testing effect refers to the fact that multiple repetitions of a test or retrieval practice over the same amount of time promote better long-term retention of memory than multiple repetitions of learning. Studies have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the testing effect in teaching practice and student learning. This paper summarizes the research on the effects of extraction practice on false memory. It focuses on the generation of the RES effect and its theoretical mechanisms, summarizes and analyzes the possible causes and explanations for false memory generation, and concludes by outlining further research directions.
Keywords:Retrieval Practice, False Memory, RES Effect
王浩钰. 提取练习对错误记忆影响的研究综述A Review of the Retrieval Practice Effect on False Memory[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2022, 11(06): 2339-2343. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2022.116321
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