61岁女性,右眼视物不清伴眼胀、眼痛、畏光、流泪及头痛、头晕、恶心等不适3月余就诊。患者先后被误诊为青光眼、视网膜脱离及眼内炎,术中行玻璃体切割后观察到眼底情况最终确诊为急性视网膜坏死综合征,后给予抗病毒等治疗,症状好转。 A 61-year-old female presented to the doctor with blurred vision in her right eye accompanied by atense globe, eye pain, photophobia, lacrimation, headache, dizziness, nausea for more than 3 months. The patient was misdiagnosed as glaucoma, retinal detachment and endophthalmitis successively. After vitrectomy, the fundus condition was observed and the patient finally was diagnosed as acute retinal necrosis syndrome. After treatment with antiviral therapy, the symptoms improved.
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