民营企业产业升级与“3060碳达峰、碳中和”目标的融合,成为实现共同富裕过程中日益凸显的矛盾。共同富裕在供给端,要求生产企业加快进行生产方式转换,提高科技创新能力。民营企业是供给端占比较大的业态,但在寻租能力方面处于劣势,囿于产品质量低端化和核心竞争力缺失化,民营企业的产业升级既迫切又捉襟见肘。作为产业升级主要推动力的双碳目标,受制于民营企业资金、技术等资源配置的缺位和错位,极易与产业升级形成资金分割和技术冲突。因此,对不同类型、不同规模、不同发展水平的民营企业确定科学合理的产业升级与双碳目标的协调和演变规律是把握和解决这个矛盾的关键,本文主要通过对“民营企业产业升级”,“产业升级与双碳目标协调”等方面国内外研究现状及发展动态进行综述和分析,梳理共同富裕视域下民营企业产业升级与双碳目标的协调制度安排的文献脉络,为相关或类似领域的规范和实证研究提供借鉴和参考。 The integration of industrial upgrading of private enterprises and the goal of “3060 carbon peak and carbon neutralization” has become an increasingly prominent contradiction in the process of realizing common prosperity. On the supply side of common prosperity, production enterprises are required to accelerate the transformation of production mode and improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation. Private enterprises account for a large proportion of the supply side, but they are at a disadvantage in terms of rent-seeking ability. Due to the low-end product quality and the lack of core competitiveness, the industrial upgrading of private enterprises is urgent and stretched. As the main driving force of industrial upgrading, the dual carbon goal is subject to the vacancy and dislocation of private enterprise capital, technology and other resource allocation, which is very easy to form capital division and technology conflict with industrial upgrading. There-fore, the key to grasping and solving this contradiction is to determine the scientific and reasonable coordination and evolution law of industrial upgrading and double carbon goal for private enter-prises of different types, sizes and development levels. This paper mainly summarizes and analyzes the research status and development trends at home and abroad in the aspects of “industrial up-grading of private enterprises” and “coordination of industrial upgrading and resources and envi-ronment”, sort out the literature context of the coordinated institutional arrangement between the industrial upgrading of private enterprises and the dual carbon goal from the perspective of com-mon prosperity, so as to provide reference and reference for the normative and empirical research in relevant or similar fields.
共同富裕,民营企业产业升级,双碳目标,协调机制,文献述评, Common Prosperity
Industrial Upgrading of Private Enterprises
Double Carbon Target
Coordination Mechanism
Literature Review
Literature Review on the Coordination Mechanism between Industrial Upgrading and Double Carbon Goal of Private Enterprises from the Perspective of Common Prosperity
Lina Wang*, Jian Cui, Qiuyue Zhang, Guoqin Cai, Qian Li
School of Economics and Management, Hainan Normal University, Haikou Hainan
The integration of industrial upgrading of private enterprises and the goal of “3060 carbon peak and carbon neutralization” has become an increasingly prominent contradiction in the process of realizing common prosperity. On the supply side of common prosperity, production enterprises are required to accelerate the transformation of production mode and improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation. Private enterprises account for a large proportion of the supply side, but they are at a disadvantage in terms of rent-seeking ability. Due to the low-end product quality and the lack of core competitiveness, the industrial upgrading of private enterprises is urgent and stretched. As the main driving force of industrial upgrading, the dual carbon goal is subject to the vacancy and dislocation of private enterprise capital, technology and other resource allocation, which is very easy to form capital division and technology conflict with industrial upgrading. Therefore, the key to grasping and solving this contradiction is to determine the scientific and reasonable coordination and evolution law of industrial upgrading and double carbon goal for private enterprises of different types, sizes and development levels. This paper mainly summarizes and analyzes the research status and development trends at home and abroad in the aspects of “industrial upgrading of private enterprises” and “coordination of industrial upgrading and resources and environment”, sort out the literature context of the coordinated institutional arrangement between the industrial upgrading of private enterprises and the dual carbon goal from the perspective of common prosperity, so as to provide reference and reference for the normative and empirical research in relevant or similar fields.
Keywords:Common Prosperity, Industrial Upgrading of Private Enterprises, Double Carbon Target, Coordination Mechanism, Literature Review
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