信息化背景下,我国大学英语教学面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。同样,作为大学英语不可或缺的部分,听说课程的教学发展道路不容忽视。本文尝试对大学英语的听说教学进行现状分析,并对课程教学改革提出几点意见,希望能对大学英语的整体建设能有所裨益。 Under the background of information technology, college English in China is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Similarly, as an indispensable part of college English, the teaching of listening and speaking course cannot be ignored. This paper attempts to analyze the status quo of college listening and speaking course, and puts forward some suggestions on the teaching reform, in the hope that it will be helpful to the overall construction of college English.
信息化,听说课程,现状与思考, Informatization
Listening and Speaking Course
The Status Quo and Discussion
The Status Quo and Discussion of College English Listening and Speaking Course under the Background of Informatization
Gelan Zhang
School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou Hunan
Received: Apr. 25th, 2021; accepted: May 20th, 2021; published: May 27th, 2021
Under the background of information technology, college English in China is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Similarly, as an indispensable part of college English, the teaching of listening and speaking course cannot be ignored. This paper attempts to analyze the status quo of college listening and speaking course, and puts forward some suggestions on the teaching reform, in the hope that it will be helpful to the overall construction of college English.
Keywords:Informatization, Listening and Speaking Course, The Status Quo and Discussion
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