面孔生命性知觉是指区分真实面孔和人工面孔的适应性能力。近年来,研究者利用行为学实验、事件相关电位技术和脑成像等方法考察面孔生命性知觉的影响因素和加工机制。眼睛及面部整体特征、面孔性别、面孔情绪和社交联结是主要影响因素。在加工机制上,真实面孔与人工面孔既有共同激活的区域,又有各自特异性的脑区。目前尚存的争议主要集中在面孔生命性知觉的产生阶段。未来研究可以结合时代背景对面孔生命性知觉的脑机制进行更多探索。 The animacy perception of face refers to the adaptive ability to distinguish real faces from artifi-cial faces. In recent years, researchers have used behavioral experiments, event-related potential technology and brain imaging technology to investigate the influential factors and processing mechanism of animacy perception of face. Eye features and the whole features of face, face gender, face emotion and social connection were the main influential factors. In terms of processing mechanism, real face and artificial face have both commonly activated regions and specific brain regions. At present, the controversy mainly focused on the stage of animacy perception of face. Future research can explore the neural mechanism of animacy perception of face with the background of the times.
面孔加工,生命性知觉,真实面孔,人工面孔, Face Processing
Animacy Perception
Real faces
Artificial Faces
The animacy perception of face refers to the adaptive ability to distinguish real faces from artificial faces. In recent years, researchers have used behavioral experiments, event-related potential technology and brain imaging technology to investigate the influential factors and processing mechanism of animacy perception of face. Eye features and the whole features of face, face gender, face emotion and social connection were the main influential factors. In terms of processing mechanism, real face and artificial face have both commonly activated regions and specific brain regions. At present, the controversy mainly focused on the stage of animacy perception of face. Future research can explore the neural mechanism of animacy perception of face with the background of the times.
Keywords:Face Processing, Animacy Perception, Real faces, Artificial Faces
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