颤振严重制约铣削效率与质量。作为铣削稳定性主要分析方法的时域分析方法可归纳为两大类:一是通过建立铣削动力学模型,求解铣削动力学方程,利用时域稳定性判据确定铣削过程的稳定性;二是直接采用传感器及其辅助装置拾取切削力、振动等时域信号,通过对时域信号使用某种稳定性判据,以确定铣削过程的稳定性。首先介绍了铣削过程动力学建模的相关技术;其次,分析了铣削过程稳定性时域分析的几种方法;再次,从信号拾取、颤振识别与抑制等方面对颤振在线监测与控制技术进行了阐述;最后总结全文,得出了一些对实际工程应用有指导性的结论。 Chatter seriously restricts milling efficiency and quality. As one of the main analysis methods of milling stability, time domain analysis method can be divided into two categories: one is to estab-lish the milling dynamic model, solve the milling dynamic equation, and determine the stability of the milling process by using the stability criteria in time domain; the other is to directly use sensors and auxiliary devices to pick up the time-domain signals such as cutting force and vibration, and then use some stability to the time-domain signals to determine the stability of milling process. Firstly, the related technology of dynamic modeling of milling process is introduced; secondly, several methods of time domain analysis of milling process stability are analyzed; thirdly, chatter on-line monitoring and control technology is elaborated from the aspects of signal picking, chatter identification and suppression; finally, the whole paper is summarized and some guiding conclusions for practical engineering application are obtained.
铣削过程,颤振稳定性,时域分析,颤振在线监测, Milling Process
Chatter Stability
Time Domain Analysis
Online Chatter Monitoring
Chatter seriously restricts milling efficiency and quality. As one of the main analysis methods of milling stability, time domain analysis method can be divided into two categories: one is to establish the milling dynamic model, solve the milling dynamic equation, and determine the stability of the milling process by using the stability criteria in time domain; the other is to directly use sensors and auxiliary devices to pick up the time-domain signals such as cutting force and vibration, and then use some stability to the time-domain signals to determine the stability of milling process. Firstly, the related technology of dynamic modeling of milling process is introduced; secondly, several methods of time domain analysis of milling process stability are analyzed; thirdly, chatter on-line monitoring and control technology is elaborated from the aspects of signal picking, chatter identification and suppression; finally, the whole paper is summarized and some guiding conclusions for practical engineering application are obtained.
Keywords:Milling Process, Chatter Stability, Time Domain Analysis, Online Chatter Monitoring
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