为了解中国主要沙漠地表沉积物之间的关系,分别在毛乌素沙地、库布其沙漠、乌兰布和沙漠、腾格里沙漠、巴丹吉林沙漠、塔克拉玛干沙漠和柴达木沙漠取样,分析了7种常量元素(Na、K、Ca、Mg、Al、Fe、Si)含量。分析结果表明:七大沙漠(沙地)地表沉积物的Mg和Ca含量有较大差异;其地表物质都处于风化初级的脱Ca、Na阶段。按风化程度可划分为三个区域:1) 毛乌素沙地。2) 柴达木沙漠和塔克拉玛干沙漠。3) 库布其沙漠、乌兰布和沙漠、腾格里沙漠和巴丹吉林沙漠;洛川黄土的常量元素组成与塔克拉玛干沙漠和柴达木沙漠十分接近,证明黄土高原降尘来自塔克拉玛干沙漠和柴达木沙漠。 To understand the relation among China’s major deserts, sampling in the Chinese major desert rejoins including Mu Us sand landy, Hobq desert, Ulan Buh desert, Tengger desert, Badain Jaran desert, Taklimakan desert and Qaidam desert, a total of 49 samples were obtained and the constant elements (including Na, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, Si) were analyzed. The result shows that the maximum coefficients of variation of total elements are Mg and Ca. The weathering characteristics analysis showed that the above regions are in the primary stage of weathering that losing Ca, Na. According to the degree of weathering the above regions can be divided into three regions: 1) Mu Us sand landy. 2) Qaidam desert and Taklimakan desert. 3) Hobq desert, Ulan Buh desert, Tengger desert, Badain Jaran desert. Major element characteristics of Luochuan loess are very close to Taklimakan desert and Qaidam desert, and different from other regions. The result proved that dust from the Loess Plateau comes from the Taklimakan desert and Qaidam desert.
沙尘暴源区,常量元素,风化,关系, Duststorm Source Regions
Constant Element
准确称取沙样(过100目) 0.5 g于50 ml聚四氟乙烯烧杯中,加入10.0 ml HClO4和10.0 ml HF,轻轻摇动,混合均匀过夜。第二天在通风柜内用可条电热板控温加热消化,以不沸腾为准,直至冒白烟为止。冷却后,再加入5.0 ml HF,继续消化,直至冒白烟并蒸发近干。冷却后,加入4 ml 2 mol/L HCl溶液,加热溶解残渣,用超纯水定容于50 ml容量瓶中,摇均后用干滤纸过滤在10 ml塑料管中,然后用美国Thermo公司的IRIS Intrepid II XSP等离子发射光谱仪进行试验。测量的元素有Al、Fe、Ca、Na、K和Mg。
图1. 采样地点分布图
Sample informatio
表1. 采样点信息
2.2.2. Si元素的实验方法
Si元素的测量则是根据GB7873-87使用容量法测量。过程为:称取2 g NaOH于坩埚高温使NaOH熔融,冷却加过100目筛子的样品,高温加热10 min,冷却将样品转入塑料杯并加入15 ml浓硝酸,加入3 g氯化钾并加入10 ml 15%氟化钾溶液形成氟硅酸钾沉淀,沉淀5 min,快速过滤,将沉淀物到入原塑料杯中,加入酚酞和氢氧化钠中和未沉淀的酸,最后将烧杯加入沸水至200 ml,加入酚酞,并加入氢氧化钠使溶液至微红色,记下消耗的氢氧化钠体积,换算成二氧化硅含量。
郭翠萍,郭 浩,辛智鸣. 基于常量元素的沙漠(沙地)地表沉积物的关系初步研究 Preliminary Research on the Relation among Surface Deposits of the Main Desert in China Based on Constant Elements[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2017, 07(06): 825-836. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AG.2017.76085
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