丹江口水库既是汉江中下游地区的控制性防洪工程,又是南水北调中线工程的水源地,承担着防洪、供水、发电、航运等重要功能。本文把资料系列延长至2014年并进行设计洪水复核,开展汛期分期、运行水位动态控制和提前蓄水研究。结果表明:在不降低防洪标准的前提下,利用1~5 d预见期信息,夏汛期(6月21日至8月20日)和秋汛期(9月1日到10月10日)的运行水位分别在160.0~162.9 m和163.5~ 165.7 m区间浮动,年均可增加蓄水量31.6~49.98亿m³,或增加发电量9.96~100.21 M kW•h;汛末提前蓄水时间为9月15日,蓄水水位上限值为166 m,与原设计方案相比,水库蓄满年份从4年增加到12年,年均多蓄水8.98亿m³。 The Danjiangkou Reservoir is both a key flood control project for the middle and lower reaches of the Han River and water source of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China. It is a multi-purpose reservoir, including flood control, water supply, hydropower generation, navigation, etc. The hydrological data series were extended to 2014 and the design flood values were rechecked. The flood seasonal identification, dynamic control of water levels during flood season and early refill of reservoir were studied. Results show that with 1 - 5 d forecasting information, dynamic control bounds of water level during summer flood season (Jun. 21 - Aug. 20) and autumn flood season (Sep. 1 - Oct. 10) are 160.0 - 162.9 m and 163.5 - 165.7 m respectively without decreasing flood protection standards, which can increase 3.16 - 4.998 billion m³ storage water or 9.96 - 100.21 MkW•h hydropower generation annually. It is also shown that reservoir’s early refill starts on Sep. 15 with the maximum water level limited to 166 m during September; the full storage rate can increase from 4 years to 12 years, and the storage water increases 0.898 billion m³ annually.
洪水资源化,汛期分期,汛期水位,动态控制,提前蓄水,丹江口水库, Flood Water Utilization
Flood Seasonality
Water Level
Dynamic Control
Early Refill
The Danjiangkou Reservoir
郭生练,汪 芸,周研来,尹家波
武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉
Email: slguo@ whu.edu.cn
摘 要
丹江口水库既是汉江中下游地区的控制性防洪工程,又是南水北调中线工程的水源地,承担着防洪、供水、发电、航运等重要功能。本文把资料系列延长至2014年并进行设计洪水复核,开展汛期分期、运行水位动态控制和提前蓄水研究。结果表明:在不降低防洪标准的前提下,利用1~5 d预见期信息,夏汛期(6月21日至8月20日)和秋汛期(9月1日到10月10日)的运行水位分别在160.0~162.9 m和163.5~ 165.7 m区间浮动,年均可增加蓄水量31.6~49.98亿m³,或增加发电量9.96~100.21 M kW·h;汛末提前蓄水时间为9月15日,蓄水水位上限值为166 m,与原设计方案相比,水库蓄满年份从4年增加到12年,年均多蓄水8.98亿m³。
Comparison of flood seasonality results for the Danjiangkou ReservoiReferences
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