本文研究了一类非局部p-Laplace方程在一个有界域(N>2)解的熄灭条件。 In this article, the authors establish conditions for the extinction of nonlocal solutions, in finite time, of a class of evolution p-Laplace equationin a bounded domainwith N > 2 .
快速扩散系统,有限时间熄灭,非局部源, Fast Diffusion System
Extinction in Finite Time
Nonlinear Sources
张海星,郝瑞亚,沈娟娟,甘双龙,陈 浪, (2014) 带非局部源的p-Laplace发展方程解的熄灭Extinction for a Class of p-Laplace Evolution Equation with Nonlocal Sources. 应用数学进展,02,119-126. doi: 10.12677/AAM.2014.32018
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